Passing shadows danced on their faces
With journey so early in morning
With station to station, the train races
As some come and go in this yearning
She walked in, she sat, she pulled out the book
I secretly watched her reflection
She read Chuck Palahniuk with subtle smirk
I saw in her artful perfection
The glimmer of sun had bedazzled my view
I noticed a pair of fine earrings
Next stop was announced and with all the preview
She got up to be bit defensive
I felt the unease and before the doors closed
I slipped out to find what had caused it
She walked out quite fast as her hair in wind flew
I found such occurrence enticing
Just as we were out she had started to run
I was struck by surprise with such change
A man was behind and he hurried beside
That's when I came to face it
He caught her by hair and he pulled roughly her,
She struggled and pushed out the killer,
Yet struggle had lead her to be pushed by that hue
And she fell on the road that had faced her
The screeching of tires, the screams in the street
He finally sat on the pavement
Her body went limp after struggle a bit
And that's what had called for amendment
I'll never forget how she layed on the road
Her purse by her side and so bloody
Her hair on the sides and the wind blowing the strands
With those amethyst earrings that graced me