
I see everything dark.

I don't remember exactly what happened but I do know that I had an accident and died.

It was very fast, from one moment to another everything went dark.

Right now I feel like I'm floating in an empty sea.

Everything is dark, but instead of feeling fear, I feel tremendous peace.

I had never felt such a thing.

It seems as if my earthly life has been like a prison with my body like chains that only bring me sadness and so on.

But it seems that my death has freed me from such suffering known as death.

I can't remember anything about my life but I don't feel worried about such a thing.

In my current state, I am unable to feel any kind of pain, I don't feel any kind of concern for something that I have left pending, I just feel...peace.

Floating silently in the purest darkness and silence.

I feel like my mind is about to enter some kind of dream from which I may never wake up.

Even knowing this, I don't resist at all, what's more, I'm even waiting for this to happen so I can 'rest forever'.

I feel like my being is joining the same emptiness.

There is no pain.

Otherwise, it is as if I am in the arms of my mother, without worries, with a warm blanket that keeps me warm and without worrying about thinking about anything.

So after a long time, I have the false feeling that I am slowly closing my eyes while losing my sense of self.

The whole process happens without any interruption.

Then my mind disappears with my last thought being a memory, such the most precious of my memories.

A memory in which my parents (whose faces I see blurred) are carrying me while they smile just like me.













My mind became aware.

I remember it as if I was waking up from a long dream of which I don't remember much.

Right now I am unable to think of anything.

I just have to wait.

A wait could be very boring but I am unable to feel the passage of time so it is not boring.


I don't know how much time passed but one day I suddenly felt a light illuminate my face.


I don't know exactly what happened but I only see that I am crying in the arms of what appears to be a woman.

She looks at me with tenderness in her gaze.

I felt that look that somehow magically calmed me down and I didn't feel like crying anymore.

Right now I am ignorant of what is going on around me but within me, there is a sense of familiarity, a deja vu, as if this has all happened before.

I try to concentrate on such a sensation but it is useless.

That feeling seems to be fleeting and I am unable to think what it is.

I feel that in a dream it invades me.

So slowly my tabs close.


Years have passed since I first opened my eyes to this world.

I don't remember exactly how it happened but one day I started to recover memory fragments that were hidden in my subconscious.

Some are confusing and unintelligible to make any sense but there are others that over time I have been understanding.

So I have concluded that I am a transmigrated.

I don't understand much about this but I know I'm not from this world.

Because looking at my memories and those of this place, although I don't know much about this world, I have concluded that I am in a parallel world.

Maybe I'll understand the real reason for this later, so now I can only wait for time to tell.


One day I was walking quietly in the park looking for something interesting to entertain myself with.

I see a tree.

'Too high, I can't climb'

A stone with a lot of ants working.

I stay a while watching while he touched some of them with a twig disturbing them to see how they react.

I see that they only escape when they feel the touch of the twig.

Then I stab the twig back into the ground, cutting off the path.

This one just backs up a bit and tries to go the other way.

So I start playing with the ant, cutting him off, and then when he escapes me I start with another one.

It's not very funny but somehow it's entertaining.

But then my concentration is interrupted by some noises coming from some girls who came to play on this side.

"Come on catch me!"

"You will not escape!"

"Hahaha, *stick out tongue in provocation* you won't catch me"

Seeing this group of girls interrupting me makes me cranky.

'I came first'

So without much to do about it, I leave the place.

The first thing that is a bit strange that I am seeing would be this.

'Were girls so outgoing to play games like these so wildly?'

If I remember correctly, the girls in my memories were more reserved about it, preferring to play with dolls.

Worse, although this gives me something to think about, I ignore it without understanding much of the context of this.

So he walked elsewhere in search of a new source of entertainment.

Then something happened that caught my attention while I was walking aimlessly.

I saw a girl sitting on the park chair by herself as she looks up at what appeared to be a group of ants.

Seeing someone like this is unusual for me, most of the girls and boys are either playing something or entertaining themselves with something, talking, etc.

For my part, I don't get along with the rest of the children because I feel that somehow I don't fit in or I simply feel that what they do is boring.

So I always prefer to be on my own.

And then to see that someone shares the same interests as I catches my attention a bit.

Not because but suddenly I have thought about approaching this person.

And without much thought, I approach her.

She is a girl with black hair, she wears casual clothes.