

After going downstairs I find my parents and aunt gathered in the living room.

"Come Hiroki, sit here" My mother says with a smiling face.

I simply obey and sit where she tells me to.

Then my mother with her face still smiling speaks to me.

"Well I want to tell you from now on you will go to your aunt's house every day"

She says very quickly and precisely.

Hearing her words I felt instantly confused and then a little excited but before I could say anything my father intervenes.

"Hey, weren't you very direct?"

My father says with some reproach.

"Oh right, right, I always forget to tell things from the beginning"

Then my mother without wasting time continues speaking.

"Well, I'll start from the beginning..." Then my mother starts to tell me the situation.

She gave a short explanation that I possibly ignore many details but the conclusion is like this:

In our family, each generation of the family from my father's side has a tradition of passing a kind of blessing from descendant to descendant.

And in this generation, it was my turn to have it but before I could receive it I have to go through some training.

An explanation that you would give to a child even though he or she may not understand much.

And indeed, only understood most of the words but not what they implied.

Anyway, in my mind, I only paid attention to the words 'blessing', 'training', and 'being away from home'.

"Great, when are we going?" I say excitedly.

Somehow my adventurous heart wanted to go out to see a place other than home.

"From tomorrow, you will go two hours a day...for now"

"Great" I say in an excited tone while the aunt looks at me with a smile and my father has a slightly resilient expression that seems to be trying to say something but in the end, he doesn't say anything.

So that's how the 'small talk' ended.


So the next day after finishing classes for the day I am again in the park walking towards a certain girl that I recognized.

So with a smile on my face, I quietly approached her from behind while she is concentrating on something.

Then a little quickly I bump my hand on her shoulder.

Her strength is insufficient to harm her but enough to wake her from her concentration with a jolt.


Then I feel how her body suddenly jerks.

"Oh!" She is suddenly surprised, she hadn't expected someone to do that.

Seeing that frightened expression makes me want to laugh but somehow I hold back a bit.

"Hello" I greet casually.

Then she turns and looks at me with a somewhat surprised expression.


"What's wrong? Did you forget that she was going to come" We've only known each other for a day but now I'm talking to her as if we've known each other for a long time?

"No, I just thought she wouldn't come" she says in a low tone

"Mn? How did you come up with such a thing? Maybe it's because he's a little late that you thought he wouldn't come anymore?" I say this because certainly for the children who come here, I was late, this is inevitable because to escape from my father takes me some time.

"Well, a little bit..."

"Well, then let's put that aside, what interesting thing do you have for me today?"

I say quickly changing the subject.

"Interesting thing?" She looks at me surprised.

"Yes, something fun too of course"

The girl right now wants to say: 'when did I say I would have those things?' but she is unable to say so she can only look around with a nervous look to help herself.

Then she suddenly remembers something.

"Oh, I know, but it's a bit far"

"Okay, I'll walk you" I say quickly and simply.

"O-Okay, follow me"

Then the two children start to leave the park and cross a couple of streets to reach a large river that was crossing a street.

"Yes, it's a bit far, anyway, what are you going to show me?"

"This" She picks up a small flat stone and throws it into the water.

The stone then hit the surface of the water but did not sink until it bounced twice off the surface water.

"Wow, how did you do that?" I am surprised to see that the stone had not sunk at first.

"It's something my mother taught me," he says as he timidly touches his head.

"Ohh, will you show me?"

"Sure, look, that's how it holds up"

The girl-'I'm glad mom taught me this'

Then time passes as Hiroki learns how to throw a stone.


After a while, I look at the sky to see that it has gotten late.

'Looks like it's time to go'

He then looked at Akiko who seems to have a bit of weariness on her face.

"Today was fun but I have to go home"

"Okay" She answers me with a smile.

"Then I'm leaving, otherwise I'll be late"

"In agreement"

So after saying goodbye to her I turn to see a familiar silhouette in the distance.

So after looking more closely I can partially recognize who she is.


After recognizing who it was, I quickly approached her.

"Hello, aunt what are you doing here?!" I say with a bit of enthusiasm.

"I was passing through"

"Mn? How long have you been here?"

"I have just arrived"

"So did you see my new friend?" I point to my back but when I turn around I don't see anyone she's already gone.

"Yes, an interesting girl..."

"Oh, did you notice it too?"

"Something like that; come on"

"Oh okay" I say as I hurriedly follow him.


After riding in her car for a while we come to a large gate that opens the moment we arrive.

"Wow, it's big" I say as I admire the size of the gate.

Then we entered a complex of houses.

'This place is bigger than where I live'

But this time the car goes directly to a small gate that was at the end of the road.

So we go through the gate and then I see a house ahead that seems to have an ancient architectural style.

It seems that this was built over 100 years ago but it is well preserved for such an age, so it seems that it was remodeled several times.

So we parked in the small parking lot next to the entrance.

When she stops she immediately gets out of the car to see that my aunt is doing it too.

"Come" She calls me.

Then she starts to walk into the house.

I follow behind him, quite curious about everything.

For my part, I do not understand the true value of this place or why it is so big, only that it shocks me to see such a unique place compared to the rest of the houses that I always see.

So after walking down the hall, and turning corners a couple of times, we come to what appears to be an empty room.


She points me to a part of the room where there were some strange instruments.

Looks like they're training.

Then they walk towards a firm-looking trunk.

"Your first objective will be to break this log"

"That?" I ask surprised not knowing if she was joking or if she was serious.

"Of course, I don't expect you to do it now, this will be the first target you will have"

She further tells me.



"How do you expect me to break this?" I say because even though it's small even I know that it's not possible in any way possible to break a throne (even if it's thin like the one in front of it) without using some tool.

"It is possible, the human body is capable of doing things that you could not imagine"

He says quietly.

I look at her strangely without really believing it.

"I'll show you" Then she stands to one side of the log.

"There are several ways to break a trunk, among them are the lower and upper limbs"

"The lower limbs are much stronger than the upper limbs by nature but truthfully even with the upper limbs being weak it's also possible." Then she raises her arm.

"In the human body, the forearm is considered one of the hardest and strongest parts but the wrist is weak, so you shouldn't use it if it's bent, you should keep it as straight as possible." She puts her fist like a boxer.

"The elbow is very hard and lethal if you know how to use it, but it's short-distance, so you can't always use it, you should get used to using the fist, which if you know how to use it, you can cause more damage than any other part of the body would. the body next to the legs"

Then something incredible happens before my eyes.

Azumi gets into a striking position and something amazing happens when she strikes.


Her fist not only broke the trunk, but she sent it flying a couple of meters.

Seeing this, my mouth almost dropped.

"You see," she says quietly as if what she just did was an everyday thing.

I'm still shocked by what I just saw.

'H-H-How is it possible?' Turning my attention to the aunt I feel that she has grown in some way, I feel that she is taller and has an aura that gives pressure.

"You will do this but with your feet first since your feet are the strongest part of your body"

"I-I, do that?" She pointed to the trunk.

"Yes, don't worry, I will teach you, you will learn with time"

Somehow I feel excited knowing that I will do something as cool as that but I still can't shake the surreal feeling.

Then she suddenly smiles.

"If you do what I tell you then you earn this." In her hand was what appeared to be a pudding.

I don't know when I get it but it looks delicious.

"Then Let's Begin"

She told me to get up, extend her hands forward and hold him steady.

As the seconds ticked by I realized that by the time the second minute had passed, my arms were beginning to ache.

For the first time in my life, I realized that my arms were very weak.

"Now make yourself like you're sitting me on air"

"So-?" Already in the first second, I felt that it would last less in that.

Then it wasn't long before she hit me on the floor.


I don't think even 5 minutes passed.

"I can't anymore hah ah hah-" I say in agony.

"...well then go around 5 times," she says pointing to the room.

"5 laps?"


I want to say that I'm already tired but I still get up.

So I start running.

Somehow managed to finish all five laps but I feel tired.

"Hah ah hah ah aha-" I breathe quickly through my mouth.

"Well at least your cardio isn't too bad"

Hearing her words I feel like answering her but my throat hurts.

"Then let's go" She starts to leave the room.

I am still tired I follow behind her.

Then she walks through the halls and leads me to a place that appears to be a library.

She takes a book from the shelf.

"Well I'll start teaching you the basics"


"You must know yourself first, to know your strengths and weaknesses" She continued speaking without expecting her to understand everything she says.

I, who had recovered from the previous exercise, was subjected to intense teaching on the formation of the human body (the very basic of course, such as: what the human body is made of, what happens if I do not eat healthily, how long can I last without eating or drinking ) things of which I did not understand most but some yes.


We were going in my aunt's car and I fell asleep in the back.

After I got into the matter I started to feel sleepy and suddenly I fell asleep.