Chapter one: Big Dreams. authors: Gabe,Jeff,Roger, shadowolf 0323

"Alright students, today marks the final day of your middle school life before you go on to high school aren't you all excited?", the teacher said. As all the students but three shouted in excitement. "Alright,alright, settle down class. I also have big news to share with you all.", said the teacher. As the room went quiet the teacher announced that three students are applying for U.A High School, as the teacher read off all three of the names the class grew evermore interested. Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Oladejo Jeffery. When the class heard Izuku's name they erupted in laughter as they all knew he was quirkless and they bullied him relentlessly for it. Although it was something out of his own control they didn't care and they always made fun of him, especially Bakugou. Bakugou's quirk allowed him to sweat nitroglycerin from the palms of his hand and make sparks to cause explosions of great heat and magnitude. He was always praised for having such a cool quirk and usually led the hive of people bullying him. They called him names such as Deku and quirkless crybaby. But there would always be one person who stood up for him and that fought off Bakugou and the rest of them, His name is Jeffery. His quirk was called Gravity Manipulation and as the name suggests he manipulates gravity and the way it works. "Kn-knock it off Bakugou!", the boy said while standing in front of Izuku. "Or what!?", as Bakugou made tiny explosions in his hands. "Or this!". as the boy used his quirk to push back the young Bakugou and the rest of his group. Bakugou got up in a fearful anger as he stormed off. As the others left, the boy turned around and asked, "Are you ok?" said the boy to young Izuku. "Y-yeah", said Izuku. Immediately after he was excited about Jefferey's quirk. They talked and talked until they both were picked up from school that day. That day they started a friendship that ended up being the closest friendship either of them had. But as Izuku snaps back to reality from his flashback, Bakugou slams an explosion onto his desk with a sinister smile and says, " You think you're better than me!? You'll never make it into U.A without a quirk! You useless Deku!" As Izuku lowered his head in a combination of fear and sadness. Jefferey said out loud, "And neither will you with that attitude Bakugou…", As the class is silent Bakugou turns his head towards Jeffery with an annoyed look on his face. Bakugou turns towards Jeffery as he says, "You want to go then loser!?". as Jeffrey says, "I think we both know how that went last time Bakugou..". 

In reference to the past when he used his quirk on Bakugou. But before the two boys could end up fighting the teacher tells them to go back to their seats. As the boys walk their separate ways the bell rings just before they are about to sit down they grab their things and leave school. As Izuku and Jeff walk home and talk about the day their attention is shifted to a loud explosion . As their gaze shifts to see pro heroes surrounding a sludge villain but that's not what caught their attention, the villain has a hostage. And the hostage is no other than Bakugou.