Chapter Six: Rekindled Rivalry and a Familiar Face

After All Might and Izuku caught the two boys, Present Mic would announce into the P.A system that the test is now over and that everyone is free to go home. Recovery girl would walk over to All Might and Izuku as they held the heavily injured boys and as they both presented the boys, Recovery Girl would walk over and kiss the two boys on the forehead. Almight looked relieved as he saw the boys go from being heavily injured to being fully healed. As the boys woke up they realized that all of their wounds and fatigue had faded as they looked over in the direction of where the robot used to be, they saw a massive crater filled with scorching hot rocks and debris. Taken aback by this they ask All Might if they caused that. He replies with a simple yes and asks the two boys to return home and get rest after what happened earlier. As the boys begin to walk home they give each other a look of recognition symbolizing their now rekindled rivalry. Later that evening the two boys get a letter in the mail from U.A High School as does Izuku as they all open their respective letters it all displays the same message. A letter stating that due to the points they amassed and the actions they chose to take they have been accepted into U.A High School of Heroes and Hero Training and that they wish to see them succeed in the ranks of heroism. The boys took this message but their reactions differed greatly. Izuku's reaction was one of overwhelming joy to the point where it brought him to tears, Bakugou's reaction was one of ego and pride as he felt as if it was only right that he would be admitted to the top school with his quirk, and Jefferey's reaction was one of shock as he never expected that his training would pay off but at the same time his resolve wavers a bit as the current hero society is plagued with people who don't deserve their position as pro's and are more villain like than anything and that these great injustices shouldn't be swept under the rug. But nevertheless he will do his absolute best to become the world's greatest in terms of heroism and true justice.