Chapter Eight: The Team Has Formed

The next day. "Today is a special day, guys," Aizawa said. "You guys get to pick your hero name". "I'm so excited," said Izuku. "Same here," Roger said. "Same", Jefferey said. "Midnight will help you pick your names," said Aizawa.  "Go ahead and start making names. Come to the front and share it when you're done", said Aizawa. Roger went first. "This is my name. Kamen Rider Build." "That is a nice name," said Midnight. Jeffrey went next. "This is my name. Xorn." "That is also nice," Midnight said. Izuku was the last one to show what his name was going to be. Izuku thought about a name that would fit him best. He said that he'd like to go last as he's a bit stumped on what to choose for his hero name. "Times are almost up," Midnight said. So, Izuku went to the front and showed everyone his name. Everyone was surprised when Izuku used his nickname for his hero name. "Are you sure?" Jefferey said. "I'm sure. I think that this fits me perfectly," Izuku said. "Then Deku it is," Midnight said. Izuku was even surprised when he used his nickname as his hero name. "Why are you using your nickname as your hero name?'' Roger asked. "I don't really know. I still feel comfortable with my hero name," Izuku said. After school, Roger asked,"Yall want to go somewhere tonight?" "Does it involve drugs and alcohol?" Jefferey asked. "Nope. All we are doing is going to the movies. I want to go watch that new Venom Movie," Roger said. "We are dying to go see it," Jefferey said. "I got 3 tickets. Y'all wanna go?" Roger asked. "I'll go," Izuku said. "I'll go too," Jefferey said. So Izuku, Jefferey and Roger went to go see the new Venom movie. As the three boys left for the movies, jeffery posed a challenge, "the last one there has to buy the others lunch tomorrow" as he proceeded to move at his top speed. The two soon after chased him, catching up to him. Izuku was at the top, with Jefferey following and Roger at last. "Good luck Roger," Izuku said. "It's alright. I need to get used to running since I'm becoming a hero," Roger Said. "Yeah Izuku you're pretty slow" Jefferey said. "Now let's get to this movie," said Izuku.  As they get to the reception, they buy the usual stuff for movies. But the person they see at the movies surprises them. The three boys see the rank 4 hero Best Jeanist sitting in the front row of the movie theater. "What are you doing here?'' Izuku asked.  "I'm just enjoying the movie just as you three are," said the hero.  As he invited the boys to sit next to him, Deku excitedly obliged as the rest of the boys followed. Roger and Jefferey were also excited when the hero said that they could sit next to him. In jefferey's mind he thought to himself, "Best Jeanist is one of the only heroes in this world that genuinely deserve their position and title of hero, along with Eraserhead ''.  Roger thought to himself, "This has got to be the greatest night of my life. Not only did I make friends, me and my friends got to sit with Best Jeanist, The best of the best.".  Izuku thought to himself, "Wow. I can't believe it. We ran into Best Jeanist. A hero. Wow." After the movie the boys and Best Jeanist met up outside as Best Jeanist gave them all autographs as he got into his car and drove home. As the boys were left in silent awe. As the silence was broken by a loud yawn from jeffrey ``I'm tired,do you guys want to come back to my place since it's close by'', "Sure, i'm down how about you roger"  asked izuku, "Yeah im game" said roger. As the two boys agreed to sleep at jefferey's place, They walked to his house but what they saw when they got there shook the three boys to the core. When the boys arrived at the house all they saw was a burning building and two bodies being carried out of it. In panic Jeffrey  runs to the two bodies but what he sees changes his life forever his parent's bodies lay dead on the stretcher with burns all over them. He falls to his knees, as tears fill his eyes as he cries out in anguish.