Chapter Fourteen: The Sports Festival is Tomorrow!?

The day after the two weeks of training everyone is back in class. The class is standing around socializing. Suddenly the door opens. Everyone practically teleports to their seats and shuts up so as to not make Aizawa mad. But to their surprise it wasn't Aizawa. "Hello class. I'll be your substitute for the next few days!" said Xero. "Huh?" said the class except Roger, Izuku and Jeff. "Who are you and what did you do with Mr.Aizawa!" said the class except Jeff, Roger and Izuku. Everyone readied their quirks and were ready to attack. "Woah woah! Calm down guys!" said Xero. "And why should we?" said the class except Jeff, Roger and Izuku. "Because not only am I your substitute teacher…" said Xero before he was cut off by Jeff, Roger and Izuku. "He's the world's No.1 hero," said the trio. "Oh ok… WAIT WHAT!?" yelled the class in shock except Jeff, Roger and Izuku. "Yeah, Exactly what we said and thought," said Roger. "Guys, why did you tell them that?" asked Xero. "You felt like a stranger to them," said Izuku. "I guess I understand," said Xero. "That's enough for all of you. If he's the teacher then I think you should give him the respect he deserves and if what he says about being the world number one hero is true then that's all the more reason" said jeffery annoyed at the class. He then stands up and talks to Xero directly, "And if it turns out that all you said is false and you lied to us I'll personally see your unemployment as a hero, PERMANENTLY". "I'll take you up on that… Jeffery…," said Xero. The announcements then came on after. "Good Morning everyone, here are today's announcements. The Sports Festival is tomorrow afternoon at 12:15. There will be food, games and activities." "Oh god, this is our first time going to this, Jeff," said Roger. "I know, right?" said Jeffrey. "Also, the Sports Festival will also hold a meet and greet for parents to meet your teachers and friends!" said the announcer. "Not Again!!," said Bakugo. "That is all for today," said the announcer. "Okay. So, the Competition is tomorrow, who do you think you're going to be facing?" asked Roger. "I really don't know," said Deku. "Ok everyone go and get your P.E uniforms on and take any support items that you may need. We are doing the ball throwing test again to see how far you have progressed," said Xero. As everyone left for the locker room Jeff stopped and stood next to Xero facing the opposite direction. "The first chance that I get, I'll kick your ass," said Jeff in a cold tone. "Looking forward to it… oh and I know you probably don't care but I attended your parent's funeral. Sorry I wasn't there to protect them…" said Xero sympathetically. Jeff lets out a soft scoff of acknowledgement and acceptance of Xero's apology. Jeff then leaves for the locker room. Everyone eventually then makes their way outside like they did at the beginning of the year. "Ok so I want you all to go in order based on your positions in this test last time," said Xero. Everyone gets in their placement order with Jeff first and Mineta being last. "Ok Jeff, you're up first!" said Xero. "I know asshole," said Jeff as he coldly walked past Xero to the throwing circle. The class looks at Jeff stunned by what he had just said except for Roger and Izuku. "Alright throw it whenever you're ready," says Xero. Jeffery then reels his arm back and takes a deep breath making the ball weightless as he throws it as hard as he can. It breaks the sound barrier 12 times before it even left his hand. Then Jeffrey threw the ball faster and stronger 12 times more than Roger had thrown. The ball then made a full revolution around the Earth and as it came back into view it was heading straight for Xero's head. Xero then catches it without looking. "Hm, well done Jeff. That's the closest anyone has gotten to hitting me within the last five years." said Xero. "Damn you Xero," said Jeff. "Ok, Who's next?" said Xero. Skip to after everyone is done. 1st place, Jeff. 2nd place, Izuku. 3rd place, Bakugou. 4th place, Roger, and so on. Mineta got last again. "Why do I keep getting last??" asked Mineta. "I have no idea, maybe it's because you look like a weak discolored football…" said Xero insultingly. "That's enough with the insults," said Aizawa. "Oh man, I really wanted to see what roasted grapes looked like…" complained Xero. Aizawa tried to hold in his laugh but failed miserably. "PFFT HAHAHA" laughed Aizawa. The students then look at Aizawa with terrified eyes as they see who they thought would never laugh starts to laugh in front of their very eyes. "Is Mr.Aizawa sick or something?" asked Todoroki. Aizawa then stares at Todoroki with a blank expression. Todoroki then pulls a bowl of cold soba out of thin air. Xero sees this and suddenly appears in front of Todoroki. "What is this magic? Teach it to me!" demanded Xero. "Why exactly?" asked Todoroki. "Because I'm asking politely. Oh and I'll do whatever you want as long as it has to do with messing with your dad hehehe," said Xero. " I accept! Your lesson starts now!" exclaimed Todoroki. "Well that didn't take much persuasion," said Xero. "Ok, that's enough," said Aizawa. "Well I guess it's time for everyone to go home," said Izuku. "You're right problem child," said Aizawa. "Well, Good luck to everyone tomorrow!" said Xero. "I don't need luck from the likes of you," said Jeff. "Oh? Well you're going to need it… " said Xero while grinning with malicious intent.