Chapter Seventeen: Unorthodox Team Up

The day after their two day break rolled around and everyone was in class as normal. But then, during their 4th period, the villain alarm sounded and everyone started to panic and run for the emergency exits, not caring about what happens to one another. Class 1-A stays in their class though because they expect that they are the targets again. But they weren't. This time it was Xero. Xero Teleported himself and the villain onto a deserted mountain and broadcasted the entire situation to the world. "I know who you are…" said Xero. "Oh really now?" said the mysterious villain. "Yes I do…All for One…" said Xero. "Seems you weren't bluffing!" said All for One. "Are you here to fight me?" asked Xero. "Heavens no," said All for One. "Good cause I don't feel like making an omelet right now.." said Xero. "Well after that comment I think I might just take you up on that," said All for One. "Oh?" said Xero. "But not right now, because I have to warn you about something…" said All for One. "What might that be?" asked Xero. "The world No.1 villain is after you and I don't know why.." said All for One. "And why are you telling me this?" Asked Xero. "Because she is a common enemy for us both…" said All for One. "I see…" said Xero. All for One then disappears and while doing so he says something. "I look forward to working with you," All for One said while laughing maniacally. All for One had now disappeared. Xero then teleported back into the classroom. Everyone had already come back inside and was talking amongst themselves. They notice Xero was now in the classroom and quiet down. "Where did you go, Xero?" asked Izuku. "I'll tell you and the other two after the day is over. Oh, and Bakugou, I want you to join us," said Xero. "Ok…" said Bakugou. The class then continues like normal and at the end of the day. "Bakugou, Izuku, Jeff and Roger. I need to have a private conversation with the four of you…" said Xero in a very serious tone. "Ok, then let's go to a private place so no one can spy on our conversation.." said Jeff. "Ok, just step in this portal," said Xero as a blackish blue portal appeared in front of all of them. "Let's go guys," said Bakugou as he walked in first. After everyone had gone through the portal, everyone was now on top of a mountain inside a cabin. "So, I asked you four to come with me because I need to tell you something very serious and dangerous…" said Xero. "What is it?" asked Bakugou. "The No.1 villain of the world is after me and All for One wants to help me because they are a common enemy.." said Xero. "oh was that all….wait a second…WHAT!?" yelled the four of them. "Yeah, and I wanted to ask you four for help…" said Xero. "I'm in," said Bakugou. "Well if Bakugou is in without hesitation I don't see why the rest of us shouldn't join.." said Izuku. Bakugou smiled a genuine smile at this. "Alright we're in." said Roger and Jeff. "Okay. Thanks for your help guys," said Xero. "It's no problem, really," said the four of them.