Chapter Twenty: War Casualties and Broken Truces

"Hey, hey, HEY" yelled Kirishima as he snapped Roger out of his flashback. "You were spacing out so I thought I would snap you back to reality," as he gestured for Roger to follow him as he began to move in closer to where they were supposed to be. "Oh gosh sorry I was lost in thought. I'm Roger. By the way, it's nice to meet you. What's your name?" asks Roger as he catches up with Kirishima.  "I'm Kirishima. Very nice to meet you too. We can talk later but right now we're in battle so let's focus on that for now," says Kirishima as one of the guards from the building spots them. "Hey you!" He exclaims as he charges up his quirk Kirishima activates his quirk as it hardens his skin to that of a rock making it jagged and sharp as he runs in. "Back me up" he yells as he goes in for a punch but is met by a large blast of water pushing him back a bit keeping him at a distance "on it'' Roger yells back as he transforms into his ninjacomic form as he rushes from the side of him and uppercuts him in the chin knocking him out. In the sky Xero and jeffrey are met with opposition from a familiar face "didja miss me" says the dragon flame villain nevin. "Heh,i had almost forgotten about you, Xero go on ahead i'll handle this guy" jeff says with an almost villainous grin on his face "oh if you weren't i was" Xero says as he flies past nevin at high speeds, "i've been waiting for the day i get to beat your head in,I still have to pay you back for what You did TO MY PARENTS" jeff yells angrily as he uses body flicker to kick nevin directly in the face sending him back a great distance as he then follows up by using body flicker again in combination with gravity rush kicking him in the stomach hurdling him toward the ground "I've gotten a helluva lot stronger since the last time we met" as nevin gets back up he charges up his flames until he cries "Fire Dragon's Secret Art: Exploding Flame Lotus" as a spiral of scorching hot flames with mini explosions going off inside of it is fired directly at jeffery. As it makes direct impact with jeffery nevin smiles as he thinks that it killed him "heh heh HA HA, Such big talk for a weakling and here i thought you were actually stronger" but to his horror he find that not only did it have no effect on jeffery but it only managed to burn up some of his hero gear "Wow you Really suck,what was that about me being a weakling,heh i'm going to enjoy breaking you to pieces" as all nevin could see was a shadowy silhouette with glowing purple eyes moving toward him as he then began to fly away at top speed out of fear of his life ending "Aw what's wrong,you scared,you should be,but no matter where you run my gravity will always catch you,you dirty killer" said jeffery as he stretched his hand out as he then said "Universal Pull" drawing nevin back into his hand as he then used body flicker to choke slam him at high speeds to the ground he then says "Hey i'm actually having fun here so don't die yet okay" as he then flung him into the air as he combined two of his move to make a new move "Gravity style: Gravity Blitz" jeff says as he begins to move around high speeds as if he's bouncing off of the air hitting nevin from all sides. "I could kill you right now. You don't know how bad i want to right now, seeing how you murdered my parents. I don't see why I shouldn't but I'm better than that. So I'll let you go, but if I ever see or even hear that you killed another person, I will hunt you to the ends of the earth and kill you. got it?" asked Jeffrey in a more serious tone. "Ok, Ok," said Nevin. "Get out of my face you insolent being…" said Jeffrey. Nevin then flew away rethinking everything he ever did. He decided to do some research on U.A and found out that there is a villain rehab program. He decided that he would atone for his sins by going into the rehab program and becoming a hero. Back to the fight. Roger used his SmartphoWolf form to help Kirishima knock out a villain. Roger then switched to his Hazard RabbitTank form to help Izuku knock out another villain. Jeffrey used his Universal Push to slam a group of villains into a wall till they stopped resisting. Bakugo then used his explosions to go up the middle of the stairwell and explode villains into the walls to keep them from trying to attack again. Roger used his OctopusLight form as a flashbang after he walked into a room. Roger then stopped shining his light so that Izuku could see and take everyone out inside. They left that room after tying all of the villains inside up. Over to Xero. Xero is still flying up looking down on the world from the upper atmosphere. He scans the area with his eyes looking around at the surface to find the target. He then starts to use an x-ray vision that can see through solid objects as if they weren't there. He eventually spots something and sees Jeff is there already. Xero then appears next to Jeff with a massive gust of wind following close behind. Xero and Jeff look at a collapsed building seeing Bakugou carry out an injured/unconscious Izuku, while Kirishima is being carried by a weakened Roger. "What happened?" asked Jeff and Xero. "An explosion went off on the bottom floor making the building collapse. Kirishima hardened his body and took all of the damage but eventually the weight and the amount of debris still falling made him lose consciousness," said Roger. "Yeah, and Izuku destroyed flying debris that for sure would have hit me but I was too slow to keep the ceiling above from crashing onto him," said Bakugou. "I see," said Jeff and Xero. Xero started to get angry because he felt like he could have done something instead of just looking around. Wind pressure then starts to erupt from the rubble and the debris starts flying at the group. Xero makes a barrier just as Jeff makes the gravity pressure in the location of the winds pressure max out immobilizing whatever it was that was causing the wind pressure. But something was negating Jeff's ability. Xero keeps the barrier over the group and teleports it away with them inside. Xero then faces the one who appeared out of the rubble. It was the No.2 Villain standing with All for One kneeling down to him. All for one then stands up next to Joker the No.2 Villain. Joker then looks at Xero and starts to laugh. "Why is there a child on the battlefield!? HAHAHAHA!!" exclaimed Joker. All for One is also laughing with Joker. Xero looks at them and smiles. "You like jokes? Well I have to ask…" said Xero. "What is it child!" said Joker. "Are you cultured?" asked Xero as he suddenly appeared behind Joker with a menacing smile that made All for One rethink what he was doing. Then out of nowhere there's the sound of a rubber chicken. Joker then looks down at Xero's hand to see a rubber chicken. "HAHAHAHA!! What are you going to do with that weak thing you insolent brat?!" yelled Joker in a condescending tone. "I've done things with this that you would never expect…" said Xero. "Huh?" said Joker with a weirded out face. "That came out wrong.." said Xero. "Whatever, I think it's time I put you in your place," said Joker. "Oh is that so? Well I'm already where I belong. It's you that's out of place here…" said Xero coldly. "HAHAHA!! ANYWHERE IS MY PLACE IF I MAKE IT MINE YOU INSOLENT BRAT!" yelled Joker. "Does hell count? Cause that's the next stop and I think it's time you get off," said Xero. "WHY YOU LITTLE!" said Joker as he attacked Xero. But to Joker's surprise Xero was actually just an after image. All for One then went and attacked the original from behind. Xero took the opportunity to apprehend All for One and teleported him to a quirk canceling cell in tartarus prison along with the L.O.V. to get them out of the way. Afterwards Xero teleported back to his original position. Suddenly Jeff flies out of nowhere and tries to attack Joker from behind. Xero watches for a moment to see how Jeff holds his own. But Jeff made a mistake by leaving the smallest opening and got sent flying unconscious into a wall. Blood leaks from his head as Xero runs over to him checking if he's alive "H-hey! Jeff! Talk to me buddy!" said Xero with tears forming. Xero then teleports anyone within a 10 mile radius to the coastline and returns to Jeff and teleports him there as well. "Rest well my friend," said Xero before teleporting back to the fight. "HAHAHA!! HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVED!" yelled Joker excitedly. Xero was silent for a few minutes. "WHAT'S WRONG BOY?! TOO WEAK TO SAVE YOUR FRI-!!" said Joker before he got cut off by Xero. "I think it's time for your judgment…" said Xero. "HUH!? YOU DARE INTERRUPT ME!?" yelled Joker, annoyed. Xero went silent and looked at Joker with dead eyes and killing intent. "Oh, so the brat wants revenge huh? Well let me tell you something kid. When I die, my body releases this gas that turns anyone who breathes it into me!" said Joker. Xero looks around to be sure no one else was around. Xero then made an air tight/Indestructible barrier around him and Joker. "Oh? What's this? Are you going to kill me knowing the consequences?" asked Joker. Xero looks at Joker and then appears behind him within an instant. Joker didn't have any time to react and started getting mopped badly. "I'm starting to like my new play toy…" said Xero while mopping the floor with Joker. Xero then sends Joker into the air and the axe kicks him back down. Joker looks up seeing Xero descend upon him. "ha…hahaha…HAHAHAHA!!" said Joker. Xero looked at joker in confusion as The Joker came down from laughing he got back up and started coughing heavily "you know kid it's been a long while since i genuinely enjoyed a fight,everybody i fight dies to quickly,so allow me to have some fun"says the Joker as he pulls out a crow bar and begins to cough up green smoke, "heh you and i aren't to different,that look in your eye,i've seen it somewhere before the eyes of a person who's killed before, the eyes that crave bloodshed and destruction, they eyes their just like mine" joker says as he begins to cough up blood this time Xero surprised he's still breathing begins to walk away "That boy,you care about him don't you, it'd be a real shame if he were to die wouldn't it" says the Joker as he laughs manically. "HAHAHA,wow you really underestimated me didn't you Xero  ,I'm the World's number two villain for a reason, in about thirty seconds the toxin should set in, Tik Tok Number one " Said Joker. Out of nowhere, someone shouted,"Henshin!". No one really knows where that voice came from. Then Xero saw a figure in white. The figure is Roger in his final form. "Roger? Is that you?" asked Xero. "Yes. It's me. My final form is complete and I'm ready to fight," said Roger. "HAHAHAHA. WHO ARE YOU?!" asked Joker. "The names Build. Kamen Rider Build," said Roger. "Doesn't matter. He'll die anyway and no matter how many times you beat me into the ground I'll just be reborn again and again until I feel like stopping. So choose wisely, hero. You have about fifteen seconds left to save him," said Joker. Xero looks at Joker and ponders on what he should do. Xero then looked at Roger, then Roger nodded. Roger ran to a portal Xero made and grabbed Jeffrey, while Xero used his Manipulation to make a shield between the heroes and the villains on the other side. Roger went back through the portal but saw he was on a mountain. Roger stuck his head through and told all of the heroes and civilians to come through so Xero could close it. They did so and afterwards Xero put an air tight barrier around Jeff. Air could go in but could not go out. "As Xero and the joker clash for the last time they all hear a loud rumbling from below "Finish this quickly Xero we got what we needed but the building is starting to collapse,get everyone out of there now" Aizawa said as he and the rest of the heroes try to evacuate the building Aizawa then says "she isn't in the building so hurry" Xero then hits the joker over the head with a massive toy hammer knocking him through the floor  as he then rushes out of the building "shit i might have took to long,hopefully jeff is okay" Xero thinks to himself as he moves at top speeds. After making it to where the group is they see jeffery still unconscious they try to rush back to the school to find recovery girl. They arrive at the school and rush to her office while holding Jeffery, "He got hit in the head full force with a crow bar and he hasn't woken up in over an hour can you do something to help him" asks Izuku looking at her with hopeful eyes "i'll see what i can do,but i can't guarantee that he'll wake up anytime soon" says recovery girl as she then lays the boy onto the bed "I'll let you know when i'm done but for right now i'll have to ask you all to leave so i can start" asks recovery girl as she motions them to leave  as she then begins her operation. Later in the day she calls Aizawa to let him know the bad news "I'm very sorry to tell you but he won't be waking up for a while,he has a cracked skull and damage to the frontal lobe of his brain, in other words he's in a coma,". says Recovery Girl as she then hangs up the phone and thinks to herself "For all of our sakes I hope you wake up soon…" A month later, Izuku and Roger went to Jeffrey's hospital room to check on Jeffrey. To their surprise he was sitting up in his bed looking out of the window with a blank expression "H-hey Jeff, how are you doing?" asked Roger. "Doing better. Much better," said Jeffrey. Recovery girl then walks into the room as she just got off the phone with Aizawa and Xero "I was surprised too when i saw him awake this morning,he has a bit of memory loss and is a lot quieter but for the most part he's all good" said recovery girl with a smile on her face. Izuku then walks up to jeffrey with tears in his eyes "I-I-I thought you weren't gonna make it,Don't ever scare us like that again" said Izuku as he began to ball his eyes out hugging Jeffery tightly "Sure,but who are you again,and you too who are you" Jeffery says in a confused tone "You should probably tell him who you are,you might be able to jog his memory,maybe something like childhood memories" says recovery girl as she goes to comfort the two boys "I-im Izuku,your childhood friend since the first grade,we used to do everything together, the guy behind me is roger he's also one of your good friends. Please remember us,come on please" begs izuku as he begins crying even more " I'm sorry i really don't remember, please stop crying i'll try to remember,my head hurts really bad when I try but if it makes you stop crying I'll try" says Jeffery softly as he pats Izuku on head as this happens xero and aizawa make their way to jeffery's hospital room "How is he,is he awake,can i see him" they both say as the enter the room "He's awake but I don't think he remembers much yet, he said it hurts whenever he tries" Roger said as he filled them in "Mind if i give it a go?" asked xero as he walked towards the bed "it'll be alright izuku. I'll take it from here" said Xero as he sat next to jeffrey on the bed "Could you guys look away or step out? I don't really like showing my face to people who haven't seen it before.." asked Xero. "Sure," said Aizawa as he ushered everyone else out the door. After everyone else left. "Remember me ?, It's your best friend" Xero says as he takes down his mask revealing his face to the dazed jeffery. "I'm sorry,but I really don't remember you at all," Jeff says as he apologizes to Xero. Xero then taps on the door while putting his mask back on letting everyone else know they can come back inside. Everyone else comes back into the room. Xero then says, "Its fine but maybe I can help you with that ,my quirk might be able to stimulate something, and maybe that will start to bring back your memories" Xero then asks midoriya and everyone else in the room to step back a bit "I don't really know how well this will work but it's worth a shot,if it even gives him a chance of remembering then it's a chance i'm willing to take" he says as he puts one hand on jeff's forehead and one hand on his own. "Memory transference" Xero says as  bright purple light begins to fill the room, "Is it supposed to work like this Xero" asks Aizawa as he covers his eyes. The light subsides as Xero steps back and asks Jeff how he feels. "About the same,but it feels like I know some of you,maybe your faces but" as he's then cut off by a searing migraine. He clutches the sides of his head in pain. "Aghhh,what did you do to me" as he then hears an echoing laughter ringing in his ears. Roger also hears an echoing laughter in his ears. "Dude. I hear it too," said Roger. "What was it?" asked Xero. "It's like a… Ahahaha," said Roger. "Just, just don't say anything to me or Jeff. It makes it worse," said Roger. "Yeah," said Jeffrey. "Okay. What's going on, Izuku?" asked Xero. "I really don't know. Roger said that when you talk to either him or Jeffrey, both of them get a really bad sound at the same time. Roger said it's like an echoing laughter," said Izuku. "Oh," said Xero. "Yeah. Jeff and Roger said the only people they can talk to is Me, the Heros, except you, and Class 1-A. No one else," said Izuku. "Oh. Well, tell me when Jeff is better," said Xero. "I can't. He said he doesn't trust you any more," Izuku said. "And why is that?" asked Xero. "I'll tell you tomorrow…" said Izuku. "Okay," said Xero.