Chapter Six: Students V.s Heroes Exam Pair Ups

The next day everyone gets to their classes and sits before the teacher arrives. With 1-A Aizawa walks in unexpectedly early catching everyone by surprise but to his surprise everyone was already sitting. He walks up to the podium at the front of the class. "Alright everyone, today is your final exams," said Aizawa. Everyone remains quiet because most are tired and most had already expected this. Xero walks in leaning against the wall behind Aizawa. "Today the exam will not be on paper. I'll let Xero explain why." said Aizawa. 1-A looks at him curiously. Aizawa goes back to his desk and lays down behind it going into caterpillar mode like usual. Xero walks up to the podium. "Alright, so your exam is coming in a physical and mental form today. The way this works is that you will be paired with someone your quirk does not match with. For example, Let's say that it's Aoyama and Kirishima. Everyone will be dispersed around the area making it impossible for you to run into someone of another team. You may be asking why. Well it's because you will be fighting us teachers. And 1 person from each team will be selected to go up against me based on teamwork, compliance, agility, speed, effectiveness and last but not least your combat experience of getting the upper hand." explained Xero. Everyone looked at each other wondering who they'd be paired with. Maddix raises his hand with a face showing concern and a questioned expression. "Yes Maddix?" asked Xero. "Ok, so if we're going up against teachers isn't that a bit extreme for an exam considering you guys have a lot more experience?" asked Maddix. "Oh well that's simple." said Xero. "How so…" asked Maddix. "Well because it goes based off of your skill set, so you'll be matched with a teacher with a skill set that is a little bit higher than that of your own. If you don't understand, I have some papers already placed inside of your desk explaining what that means exactly." explained Xero. "Thank you," said Maddix as he then pulled the paper out of his desk and read through it. "Alright everyone, whenever you are finished reading or preparing your things I want you to come up to the front because I want to show you all something. And Aizawa I mean you too but I guess you wanna stay down there until the last student is finished?" said Xero. Aizawa replied with a grunt. "I take that as a yes," said Xero. 20 minutes later everyone had finished reading their paper and they all walked to the front where Xero was at. "Alright Aizawa get your zombie lookin ass up and get over here." said Xero. Aizawa makes his way over and stops next to him. "I'm not a zombie and get on with this I'm tired." said Aizawa sleepily. "Ok so does everyone see this seemingly flat wall with numbers on it?" asked Xero. Everyone nods. "Ok, well if I could have someone come up and place their hand on the number that matches their desk number?" asked Xero. Maddix goes up to the wall and places his hand on the wall where his number is and suddenly the wall in that spot opens like a door and there is a small dressing room with all of his equipment and his hero suit. Everyone looks at this in amazement as they have never seen something like this before. Suddenly everyone rushed to their own number seeing the same thing Maddix has but with their own accommodations. "Ah, but that's not all. See the metal wall on your left?" asked Xero. Everyone looks to their left wall. "If you see a green button outlined by a blue light I would like you to push it after you get your suits and gear on." said Xero. Everyone closes the door to their room and changes and opens their rooms back up one by one. After everyone has finished. "Alright, I would like you to push the button now. And when you do there will be a seat inside that room. I want you to sit on that seat and buckle up. Once you do there will be buttons on the ceiling showing different destinations. There is a screen in front of you that shows your destination, I want you to push the button that matches your destination. The door that you entered through will automatically shut." explained Xero. Everyone did as said and suddenly the rooms they were in started to move downward. Suddenly they stopped and started moving forwards. After a minute they stopped again. Their doors opened and they were all in different fake cities with their respected partners. 

Exam Pair Ups and Matches

Spoiler:The first person of each pair is chosen to fight Xero

Pair 1:Kirishima & Aoyama V.s Ectoplasm.    Pair 2:Maddix & Tsu. V.s Midnight

Pair 3:Momo & Ojiro V.s Cementos    Pair 4:Mineta & Kaminari V.s Kamui Woods

Pair 5:Roger & Koda V.s Miruko        Pair 6:Katsuki & Shoji V.s Best Jeanist.  

Pair 7:Tokoyami & Hagakure V.s Present Mic     Pair 8:Shoto & Iida V.s Aizawa.

Pair 9:Jeff & Ochaco V.s Hawks    Pair 10:Izuku & Jirou V.s Endeavor

Pair 11:Shinsou & Sato V.s Vlad King        Pair 12:Mina & Sero V.s Mt.Lady