Chapter Six: Part Two; Maddix & Tsu V.s Midnight

The next match started with Maddix and Tsu. They made their way out to their battle ground. They found a good position near water but also near an alleyway maze. " So Asui, I think the best defense offense plan that I have to offer is that you stick to the side of the wall above the water. I'll take them through the back part of the maze and lead them here to you and that's when you grab them with your tongue and sling them into the water below." explained Maddix. "That's an amazing plan.*kero*" says Tsu. "Do you want to know a better plan?" asked Maddix. "Hm? What could be better than this one?" asked Tsu. "Well how about after we win I take you out somewhere?" asked Maddix. Tsu looks at Maddix blushing while fiddling with her fingers. "U-um s-sure! I'd love to!" exclaimed Tsu. "Great! It's a date! I'd better get to my position now, I'll see you in a bit!" exclaimed Maddix as he left. Tsu waved and crawled over the wall and clung to it just above the water. Maddix quickly ran with his acceleration through the maze, using all his senses to find his target. He saw pink smoke around the maze. "So it is Midnight, i can use pinpoint cause i don't know her signature so i just have to hold my breath" Maddix says as he runs through the smoke, what he forgot was that it blinded his vision as well. He needed to get air so he ran out of the smoke, he felt very dizzy. Thanks to him shocking his brain, he can ignore the effects as long as he doesn't get in contact with it again. "Thankfully Tsu is above water so she can get rid of the effects of midnight shortly after she gets in the water, it would also make it so she can't use her quirk" Maddix said to himself thinking of a plan. For a moment he was tempted to use some of Reaper's abilities to get this over with but did not want to risk it. Maddix went ahead and blocked all other pathways with his tesla knives that made it so the only way Midnight could go was a path that led to Tsu. As he ran Midnight was following close behind. As Maddix reached the end he prepared himself for something risky. Just as Maddix exited the maze he made a grapple hook with loose rope and slung it up towards the roof of a building next the alley way. He tugged it for a split second to make sure it was secure and used his full strength to launch himself up onto the roof and sealed off any entrances. He then took the grapple and rope and wrapped it around a metal beam that led to the building across from him. Midnight then showed up and looked around confused. Maddix gripped the rope tightly and jumped from the backside of the beam swinging towards Midnight and kicking her towards the position where Tsu then grabbed Midnight and slung her far out into the water. Midnight screamed as she went flying both times. Tsu went in the water and grabbed Midnight. The match was a victory for them. They made their way back to the Viewing room and Maddix was approached by Nezu. "Hello! I would like to congratulate you on your victory! Also Take this, it means you've been selected for the final match!" said Nezu. "Thanks!" replied Maddix. "Follow me over here to the refreshment area.! Here you can prepare more for the final match!" said Nezu. "Wow thanks!" said Maddix as he walked away towards Kirishima.