Chapter six: Part Eleven; Shinsou & Sato V.s Vlad King

We then switch over to sato and shinsou as they are forming a plan on how to take down vlad, "We don't really know much except that he can weaponize his blood, and that he likes to fight up close and personal" Sato said as shinsou shrugged his shoulders. "Let's just try our best,as long as we can keep him down for a good amount of time we win right, so let's do just that'' shinsou says as he and sato begin to look for vlad "You have your sweets right?" shinsou asks as sato confirms he does "Then let's kick his ass" shinsou said in a monotone voice. Vlad overhearing their plan decides to play along "Guess it won't be too boring then" Vlad thinks to himself as he then runs out and then at the two boys "Come get me" vlad yells as he then begins to run away sato begins to chase him but shinsou puts his arm out to stop him "It's obviously a trap,he has some sort of plan in his head, but since we're on the clock i'm going to do this" shinsou says as he asks satro a question "How much sugar do you have on you right now?" shinsou sask sato as he tries to respond "Oh i ha-" sato says as he is then put under the effect of shinsou's quirk "What i need you to do is whenever you corner vlad eat all of you're sugar and tackle him and not let him go" shinsou says as sato begins looking for vlad. "Oh that's a smart play he's about to pull" jeff says as izuku asks him to specify "He is going to use sato as a temporary restrainment, and then probably use his quirk and fully restrain him there" jeff says as izuku then understands. Panning back to vlad he ran into a street alleyway where sato found him "I'm impressed you managed to keep with me for this long but this is where it ends" vlad says as he makes blood spikes on him knuckles "That actually might kill you" he says as he turns them into the shape of brass knuckles and hardens. Shinsou trailing a bit behind sato watches from a distance as sato eats all the candy and sugar he had on his person he then bulked up significantly as they both rushed at each other " Kid your about 20 years to early to duke it out with me" vlad said as he swung at sato. Sato under shinsou's  quirk effect doges and tackles vlad to the ground and holds onto him tight "Hey teach,do we pass" shinsou asks as vlad caught off guard by this question answers "what,no not ye-" vlad says as he is cut off by shinsou's quirk effect "Now walk yourself to RG" shinsou says as he releases sato from his quirk "We passed,thanks for the help sato" shinsou says as they both walk and talk to the refreshment area, when they get there nezu congratulates the two and hands shinsou a purple and black piece of paper and pointed him in xero's direction.