Chapter One: Divided friendships

Three weeks passed as Jeff and Roger had completed their training. "You boys have immense potential. I'm glad to see you choosing to fight with us rather than against us. It's good to have young people like you interested in Haki" Whitebeard said as he patted the two boys' heads. "I'm proud of you boys," WhiteBeard said, smiling. "Now suit up. We're about to go to war. remember only kill if you need to, it's not your war to fight so i don't want any blood on your hands," WhiteBeards said to the two boys as they nodded. The boys went to their rooms to change into their updated hero suits. "Time to test you boys out," Jeff thought to himself as he looked at his two swords. "Okay. It's your time. Let's see what you can do," Roger said when he transformed into NinNinComic. "Okay guys. Come on," WhiteBeard said, hurrying the two boys.  On the island in front of them, the admirals all stand in attention as other ships from different parts of the sea arrive at the same time. "I'll give you one chance to turn around, unless you're choosing to die here" Akainu said as his hand turned to magma. All the ships began to dock as each of their crews and warlords spilled out onto the battlefield as WhiteBeard and Ace yelled out "Charge!" as their crews including Roger and Jeff rushed onto the battlefield. "My, my, Akinu. Time to lay waste to these fools,'' Kizaru said as he rushed out in the battle. "Found my opponent. See ya Roger" Jeff said as he activated his Haki. "Ok. Found mine too. Let's go," said Roger. Jeff then rushed towards Kizaru as he drew his swords. "Oh,you're my opponent," Kizaru said as he rushed behind Jeff and kicked him in his back, sending him flying. "Okay, he's fast and strong," Jeff thought to himself. "I'm Kizaru, the third admiral,as I'm guessing you can tell what my quirk is," Kizaru said as Jeff looked at him. "No not really," Jeff said as he got back in a fighting stance. Kizaru then lifted his leg up as his foot began to glow with a bright light as he jumped in front of him and kicked him in the chest as a beam of light sent Jeff flying. "Crap, I can't even see his attacks, I could try using observation haki but I might not even have time to do it" Jeff thinks to himself as Kizaru creates a sword of light. "This is boring,so I'll match your pace. Come at me with everything you got because I can tell you're holding back" Kizaru says as he rushes at Jeff with a sword of light as Jeff breathes in as his eyes gain a green outline around them as he clashes with Kizaru. "That's more like it" Kizaru says to Jeff as we then cut to Roger and Mihawk "I'll take you down in one go" Roger says to Mihawk as he tries to cut him in half. "Really,well I guess this will suffice" Mihawk thinks to himself as he pulls the pocket knife from his necklace and blocks Roger's sword. "You seriously thought facing the world's strongest swordsman as your opponent, unfortunately this is the smallest blade I have on me" Mihawk said as he launched Roger back with the small knife. "Oh this was a bad idea" Roger thinks to himself as he activates armament Haki to try and overpower Mihawk. Roger then rushes at Mihawk trying to Barrage him with a flurry of attacks. Mihawk then seeing through this attack dodges his attacks and stabs him in the chest with the pocket knife. "Gah,c-crap,he actually stabbed me" Roger says as he coughs up blood.  "This isn't enough to kill you" Mihawk said as he pulled the knife from Roger's chest. "Oh it's on," said Roger as he switched forms from NinNinComic form to Genius form to try and speed blitz Mihhawk. "Hah,this is honestly getting boring," Mihawk said as drew his large sword. "This is the black blade Yoru ,One of the strongest black blades in existence" Mihawk said as he dashed forward grabbing Roger by the neck. "You have potential young man,but potential is nowhere close to me and my strength" Mihawk said as he let Roger go. "Why aren't any of my forms working against him,he's reading my moves and he's not even using Haki yet,did he even use his quirk. Oh wait," said Roger as he transforms into Hazard RabbitTank. "No matter how many forms you take on, it won't change the fact that you aren't near my level" Mihawk says as he's about to run his sword through Roger's chest when WhiteBeard blocks the attack with his Bisento spear "Get out of here Roger,he's way out of your league," WhiteBeard says as he points him towards Marco to get healed. "Got it,ahh,my chest" Roger says as he runs over to Marco to get healed. "Roger ,Are you okay?!" Jeff yells as he barely dodges an attack from Kizaru. "Naw, I got stabbed in the chest. I'm going back," said Roger. Jeff activates his observation of Haki as he dodges an attack that would have taken his head off from Kizaru. "Oh,you dodged that one, good job,lets pick up the pace a bit" Kizaru says as he jumps back and shoots a laser of light at Jeff. "Fah,damn that hurts" Jeff says as he tries to predict the next laser. We then cut to WhiteBeard as he breaks away from the fight with Mihawks and goes to find his son BlackBeard. "Men ready the cannon" Akinu says as he directs it towards WhiteBeard. "Fire" Akinu says as they shoot the cannon ball straight at WhiteBeards stomach. "Gah" WhiteBeard Shouts as the cannonball goes straight through his stomach. "I can't afford to die here" WhiteBeard says to himself while blood comes out of his mouth.