Chapter Eighteen: New Quirk,Saved life

Izuku used his 15% full cowling and grabbed Eri and began to run back to Nighteye "Hey,it's okay,you're okay now,just close your eyes and rest" Izuku said as he held her in his arms as she began to cry into his shoulders when he was shot at while he was turned around "Watch out!" Maddix yelled as he jumped in front of Izuku and took the bullet for him "MADDIX!" Izuku yelled as he caught Maddix as he fell. "Gah,it's fine,he shot when you were turned around,so i had to" Maddix said as he began to bleed out "No,no,no,no!" izuku yelled as Eri saw Maddix bleeding out and went over to him "I-i can try u-using my quirk on him." Eri said as a Horn began to grow on her forehead as a golden glow began to shine around Maddix as his injuries began to fade. "Wha?" Maddix said as he saw Eri healing him "What did you do?" Maddix asked as Eri explained her quirk "My quirk allows me to rewind time on things i think,i don't remember the last time i used it,the last time I used it was when i-i" Eri said as she started to cry even more as a painful memory comes to the forefront of her mind. "Daddy look what I can do" past Eri said as she activated her quirk on her father who was tired from work "Wow i feel energized. Great job Eri." Her father said as Eri couldn't deactivate her quirk "I-i can't stop it!" Past Eri said as she began to cry "H-hey calm down-" Her father said as he began to de-age until he disappeared her mother then walked in as she went to go hug Eri to try and calm her down as the same thing happened to her. Eri then curled in a ball and began to sob uncontrollably until she went to sleep and her quirk deactivated on its own. We cut back to Eri as she's clutching Izuku's shoulder as she begins to sob uncontrollably "h-hey,it's alright,you don't have to think about it, if it makes you sad don't think about it" Izuku said as as she looked up at him with tears in her eyes "See,be happy like me." Izuku said as he smiled widely at Eri "o-okay" Eri said as she stopped crying. "Izuku then let out a sigh of relief as he almost forgot her age  "I have to remember that she's six,she's actually a toddler,so i have to be very careful with what and say i do around her" Izuku thought to himself as Jeff looked back at Xero and Maddix "I'm not sure what happened but i'm blaming you two" Jeff said as his Haki infused arms crackled with electricity "So apparently Armament Haki is a really great conductor" Jeff thought to himself as Overhaul got back up "So you saw what losing your cool did,so tone down the ego and calm the hell down" Overhaul thought to himself as Jeff filled with confidence taunted him "You done getting your shit together over there?" Jeff said as Overhaul took a deep breath and put his hand to the ground creating ground spikes that move at blinding speeds "Woah there" Jeff said as he dodged the attack "Not aiming for you'' Overhaul said as one of the ground spikes go straight through Nighteye's stomach. "Could you see that coming?!" Overhaul yells as Nighteye is pinned to the wall "Gah!, This is the second worst thing that has happened to me." Nighteye said as he coughed up lots of blood, Izuku seeing everything that happened was enraged as he activated his full cowling at 35% as he tied Eri to his back by ripping a piece of his costume off and tying her to his back "Jeff cover me!" Izuku yelled as Jeff nodded as he charged up an electrical blast while Izuku ran towards Overhaul who slammed his hands into the ground creating a massive wall between them as he walks over to the subordinate who has the revolver "I always hated using this move" Overhaul says as he grabs the subordinates face as he uses his quirk to fuse them into one being including their quirks "Your quirk allows you to destroy and reassemble anything,be wise with this power Chisaki,you know the dangers that lurk about within the Yakuza" Overhaul thought to himself as he was having a flashback. Rumbling from the other side of room could be felt as Overhaul began to grow in size,arms began to grow from his back as the arms became massive pushing him out of the building,Izuku looked up as he saw Overhaul with black markings on his face as Four giant red arms coming from his back held him in the air "Mr.hero,p-please d-dont die" Eri said in fear as she saw what had happened to Overhaul "don't worry,i'll be just fine" Izuku said as he looked back with a smile "The truth is i'm terrified,i have no idea what i'm supposed to do against him,wait I can try to do what i did against Muscular" Izuku thought to himself as he pushed his full cowling to 50% "This is the max I can use without breaking any bones,any more than this and i might just collapse" Izuku thought to himself as Jeff walked right next to him "I got your back,let's take him down" Jeff said as electricity began to crackle all around him as a bright blue glow was around his entire body and his hair was standing up due to the electricity coursing through his veins "Yeah" Izuku said as they both charged at the disfigured Overhaul. "Be careful!Overhaul fused with a guy whose quirk is a mental type, Jeffery, for maximum power make all the electricity in your body focus to a single point, as small as possible" Maddix said limping to them. "Got it" Jeff said as he ran up to Overhaul first, He ran up one of his arms at the speed of lightning as he then got close to his face before he was swatted away into the ground "I'm not done yet" Jeff said as he had an idea. "Take this!" Jeff shouted as focused all of the excess electricity to his hand. "Lightning blade!" Jeff shouted as he ran up another one of Overhaul's arms as he shaped the electricity into a bladed figure and started to cut the arm as he ran across it, cutting the entire arm off. "All yours now Izuku, I can keep him busy while you hit him in the face,maybe if you hit his main body everything else will fall" Jeff shouted as he was then grabbed by Overhaul. "DIE!" Overhaul said in a distorted voice as he regrew the lost arm and used it and another arm to try and crush Jeff. "Jeff!" Izuku shouted as he tried running towards him. "Coming through," Roger said as he came running in his RabbitTank Sparkling form. He then forced Overhaul's hands open, freeing Jeff. "We can hold off some of the arms but you need to focus on getting to his face Izuku" Roger said as Jeff gave Izuku a thumbs up. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine, just go!" Jeff said as another arm came their way. "You're all just pests!" Overhaul shouted as he began throwing each arm out in a chaotic manner. "Full cowling 50%, Detroit Delaware Smash!" Izuku yelled as he ran up to punch one of the arms that was in his way but then was met with another grabbing his leg and flinging him away. "I can't get any closer to him,I'm just not fast enough!" Izuku yelled as Jeff blitzed over there cutting the hand off with his lightning blade move "I got your back-" Jeff said as he was punched full force with one of the arms. "Gah!" Jeff yelled as Roger ran to go catch him. "This is bad,at this rate Overhaul is going to kill them all" Maddix thought to himself as he had an idea "Eri,you have to use your quirk on Izuku. He needs to push his quirk beyond his limits and you're the only one who can help him!" Maddix shouted as she remembered what happened the last time she tried to activate her quirk. "B-but what if he ends up like mommy and daddy!" Eri yelled as tears began to form in her eyes. Izuku then looked back at Eri. "Hey,it will be alright,i won't end up like mommy and daddy okay. I need you to trust me, okay Eri?" Izuku said as he smiled at her. "o-okay Mr.Hero" Eri said as Izuku kept talking to her to calm her down. "Okay Eri do you want to be a hero for me!" Izuku said as she smiled brightly. "Really?!" Eri said as her quirk just barely activated "Yeah,here, take my mask  so you can be a hero" Izuku said as he ripped the mask from his costume  and places it over Eri "Now to help me right now i need you to activate your quirk" Izuku said as she nodded while smiling, a horn grew on her forehead as a golden energy formed around Izuku healing him "Time to put my plan into action" Izuku thought as he pushed his full cowling to even higher percentages. "Full cowling 100%" Izuku said as a bright green aura came from his body as green electricity came from him. "Just being in this form is immensely painful,but as long as Eri is healing me I'll be fine" Izuku thought to himself as he faced Overhaul.