Chapter Twenty: New Life

While the group left the hospital room Eri came and gave Maddix his phone. "Thanks Max, Tsu called and talked to me. Also someone named Maxine called just now and asked for you" Eri said. Maddix had  a slight panic in his eyes and put it to his ear. "Maddix! Good to hear from you" Maxine said loudly. "Why and how are you calling me, my dimension is isolated thanks to being kicked off the council. Now I lost my energy quirk" Maddix said. "Well it's not so isolated as it is now a one way world. And that shouldn't have made you lose your quirk. Anyway I called so that you can tell Jeffrey congratulations on activating his quirk!" She said, "What tier did you give him?" Maddix said with a defeated face. "Well I made a bet with number one and she made me give him the tier 5 blessing" She said to Maddix. "How many do you owe her?" Maddix asked. "I owe her 25 years! I lost thanks to bad timing with the battle. Anyway it looks like I got a cute niece. I will come to visit when I can" Maxine said as she hung up. Maddix took Eri and met up with the rest of them. "I have a bad feeling about something cause you never come back with that kind of face with good news" Jeff said as Maddix held Eri. "Well your quirk that you got from Maxine was a tier 5. Meaning that it is compatible to fuse with other things that can grant you more power. The bad news is Eri talked to Tsu before I could tell her about Eri" Maddix said. Jeff sighed as he chuckled as Eri stuck her arms out at him "Big bro!" Eri said as Jeff carried her "Woah there Eri" Jeff said as she went into Jeff's arms "Why'd you call me big bro?" Jeff said as Eri put a finger on her chin pretending to think hard, "Well you're tall,strong and you and Max and Izu saved me from Chisaki so you're all like my brothers" Eri said as she smiled. "Okay Eri" Jeff said as he laughed. "Aye yo, what's going on here?" asked Roger as he walked past. "Build. It's really you," said Eri as she hugs Roger. "Oh. Haha, nice to meet you too, Eri," said Roger. "Wow, I really get to see Build in real life," said Eri. "Yes you do. I'll be right back," said Roger. "Where is he going?" asked Eri. "No Idea," said Jeff. "Boom. I have returned," said Roger after he transformed. "Oh. My. Goodness," said Eri squealing. "Haha. I like you already, Eri," said Roger. "Can you sing my poster, please?" asked Eri. "Wait a minute. Roger, you're popular?' asked Jeff. "Yeah. Remember? I'm a rapper," said Roger as he signed Eri's poster. "Oh. But why did she call you Build?" asked Jeff. "Kamen Rider Build, Jeff. Kamen Rider Build," said Roger. "Oh," said Jeff. "Since everything that happened was all battles, how about a party at my Penthouse? Everyone can just party and relax. And little Eri can meet everyone from class 1-A and have more friends" Maddix proposed. "A penthouse? YOU GOT A LITERAL FUCKING PENTHOUSE????" asked Roger. "Hey! Language. And yes because it was my reward for fighting Xero. It finally got done today. Me, Tsu, and now little Eri are moving there today. I have "Some" extra money so I can pay for food and drinks for everyone" Maddix said. "Why not? It will be fun and we all need some fun with everything that has been happening. Also Maddix needs to explain the cracks in the sky" Jeffery said as he held Eri's hand. "Yeah. Let's go," said Roger as he de-transforms. They all headed to Maddix's new address and saw a big building right next to campus. The building had 32 floors and looked magnificent. They went and entered the penthouse and there were some boxes there but the shocking room that was there was simply ginormous. It was filled with furniture and necessities like dishes and stuff like that. Eri started running around and was jumping everywhere in her new home. It seemed that Tsu was not there yet so Maddix unpacked his stuff and put it in his room. "There. All finished. Do you like it?" asked Maddix. "I love it. Thank you," said Eri. "Your welcome," said Maddix. Maddix went ahead and ordered all kinds of pizzas and drinks and they should arrive in time for the party. "Can anyone here go and invite everyone from class 1-A? I already asked Xero to contact the heroes who helped us." Maddix asked. A few minutes later all the heroes that helped in the Chisaki Overhaul raid were at the house as all the drinks were on the table along with the Pizza and other foods. Maddix went ahead and stood on the table and cleared his throat so everyone would quit talking. "Thank you to everyone here. We saved Eri and  stopped the production of the bullets. We also took down a massive villain group. Sadly not everyone could be here today thanks to the raid. To Nighteye and all others who have fallen I give a toast" Maddix said as he raised his glass. Everyone else did the same and they were silent for a few seconds. "Now all we can do is live on and enjoy the lives we have and keep the memory of those who died close to our hearts. Now everyone continues having fun and let's party!" Maddix said as everyone went on and continued. "Hey Izuku. Here. I finished the Seiken SwordDriver and the Wonder Ride Books for you," said Roger as he gave the Seiken SwordDriver to Izuku. "Thanks," said Izuku. "I'll show you how to work it later," said Roger. "Roger! Come on! It's your song," Hagakure said as "Godzilla" by Eminem and Juice WRLD starts playing. "AHHHH YEAH," said Roger as he's dancing his ass off.  Jeffery and Tsu found Maddix and grabbed and dragged him to his room. "Now you can finally explain what all the cracks in the sky were about." Jeffery said. 'And we have to talk about you adopting Eri" Tsu said as she sat on the bed. "Well ok, first the sky cracks were from the other me's isolating our dimension. Apparently it was necessary to eject me from the council because of time law. An isolated dimension does not need to follow the law but will not receive any help from the others. Basically I'm trapped here but other me's can come and go as they please. I saw you lose your quirk to All for One so I convinced number one to do something to give you a quirk or a blessing. Never thought she would use you for a bet. And about Eri, she is a child who went through something that she should never have. She needs someone to support her. I understand what she went through so I can help with any fears. I can also help her since for some reason her quirk doesn't work on me." Maddix explained. "Wait, you mean her quirk doesn't work anymore?"Jeffery asks. "No, I mean I'm immune to time-effecting quirks. I guess I have an immunization quirk because I'm drinking my 23rd glass of wine yet I feel nothing besides having to go to the restroom" Maddix said. "Oh, that means you can totally win drinking games," Jeffery said as he started to laugh. " Maddix, I want to be Eri's mother," Tsu said with a blush. Maddix and Jeffery looked at Tsu. Jeff began to snicker as Maddix began to blush hard "Is that from the alcohol or are you just embarrassed that you're going to be a father?" Jeff asked as he began crying laughing "S-shut up" Maddix said as he put his face in his hands. An hour later everyone began to leave as Xero teleported Jeff and every other student back to the dorms "That was fun" The students said as all of them went to their rooms "Hey Jirou, i've been meaning to ask you something" Jeff said as Jirou turned around as she was about to enter his room "Go ahead," Jirou said as jeff looked at Xero "How would you like to travel the world with me?, it's okay if you want to stay here in Japan but i want to explore other places and I know the person who can help me with that" Jeff said as he looked at Xero ``I'd love to,it's starting to feel a bit cramped in japan with all of the fights and people trying to kill us for being heroes" Jirou said as Jirou walked over to Xero  along with Jeff. "I already heard everything and i have a place in mind if you want to go there" Xero said as he patted the seats next to him,they sat next next to him as he began to tell them about the place he had in mind "Well i have a friend named Sinbad, back when i was just starting to get on the national level hero charts and yes that exists, there was this guy named Sinbad that i partnered with on one of my missions. He was the only person who was able to keep up with me at all, we eventually sparred and he actually managed to beat me 2 times out of five matches. We of course weren't going all out since he didn't have all seven of his "techniques" back then but nonetheless he was able to beat me,he gained my respect after that and we became best friends after that but we haven't talked since then but i hear he runs and entire country so i'll have to pay him a visit soon." Xero said as Jirou and Jeff were in awe of the story "Woah!, so you're telling me this guy who wasn't even at his max power was able to beat you in a fair fight twice?" Jeff said as Xero nodded "Yup back to back wins to,it's been ten or so years so he's even stronger now,i can't wait to fight him again" Xero said as he remembered something he wanted to do "Speaking of which i wanted to make these for you sooner but i never really had the time to but I made you some swords since Overhaul destroyed you old ones." Xero said as he went into his room "Babe? It's 12:00,why are you bursting into the room and rummaging through your shit?" Momo said as Xero apologized profusely "Sorry but I need to find something that I made for Jeff '' Xero said as Momo pointed to the two swords on the wall "Oh. Sorry, thank you,have a nice night" Xero said as he kissed her on the forehead "You better be." Momo said as she went back to bed. Xero then walks back to the common area as he shows off the two swords he made for Jeff "I call them Kanten Kyokotsu, their dual sabers, and they are even sharper then the Kitetsu that you used, and just so they wouldn't break in battle i infused them with a little piece of Armament Haki so they wouldn't break" Xero said as he handed the blades to Jeff "Thank you" Jeff said as Xero sheathed the blades "like seriously i cut myself fifty-sevn times on accident while making these so like be very careful" Xero said in a serious tone "Other than that you should pack your bags tomorrow cause were going to Sindria, i'll also see if Eri wants to come too,maybe Maddix as well" Xero said to himself as Jeff and Jirou head to their room and go to bed.