Princess Ievna stiffly withdrew her hand and used it to clench her green dress. Indeed, she would have almost injured the beautiful white horse if Connad had not shouted in time.

'It's been fourteen years, but sometimes, I forget about my condition,' she thought sadly.

Her heart pounded, and she turned to the blue-haired guard. "Why?" She asked, but her voice cracked slightly, making her clear her throat before continuing, "Why did you ask me to stop?"

Inwardly, Princess Ievna was afraid that the guards would find out her secret now. It wasn't that she planned to hide it forever, but she just wasn't ready to tell anyone about it yet.

"Cirrus is a special horse, and he only recognizes His Highness the prince as his master. That's why he doesn't like it when anyone else touches him other than His Highness," replied Connad.