Chapter 13 – Lithi City

Zayats had turned into a completely different person than earlier. We had rested for a while after our fight and we talked about a lot of things.

Right now, we were walking towards the second city as the sun had yet to be turned off. I wore my earring again and Zayats was wearing the clothes that she wore before transforming earlier. I realized something different about this Zayats who walked on my side with Zayats on the game.

This Zayats… she was too clingy! Right now we were walking while Zayats holding my right arm.

"Umm, Zayats. Could you maybe let go of my hand?"

Zayats who was taller than me by five centimeters looked at me and asked, "Sure, Master!"

After I got control of my personality again, hearing Zayats call me Master was just strange. The way she closed her distance to me made me a bit uncomfortable, just a bit.

Zayats released my arm and walked on my side. Now, the problem was how to get Zayats to enter the town? As a Magical Girl from the Evil side, Zayats surely did some crime in the past. But I don't really know about that, because some Magical Girls from the Evil side never did any crime.

Most of the Magical Girls from the Evil side had turned side because they were bullied, ostracized, some of them were even tortured and harassed by their families. That was why they strived to get revenge against those that hurt them.

I had the item to allow the player to wash their criminal record, but I don't know if it will work on Zayats. Especially when this was real-world instead of a game.

I extended my left hand to the left while we walked and my mirror appeared. I plunged my left hand inside the mirror and I took out a certain item that was used to keep the criminal record clean. The mirror disappeared as soon as I took my hand out.

"Got it." I looked at the item in my left hand. It was a simple black beret, often called Commander Beret by the players as a joke.

I stopped my walk, handed the beret to Zayats, and said, "Wear this. This thing is used to fool the scan in the entrance of the city and allow you to enter even with a criminal record."

Zayats stopped her walk too and looked at me with a smile, "Really, Master?! I thought that I'm gonna have to wait outside of the city while you are inside!"

She happily took the beret from my hand and wore it on top of her head. Because her hair was tied sideways to the right, she wore the beret on the left side of her head and it was a bit tilting to the left.

But that was cute. Even I was momentarily captivated by her cuteness and looked at her for a while.

"Master?" Zayats called out to me while tilting her head. She was cute when she didn't transform into her Magical Girl form.

I knew that the Magical Girl from Evil side was a little bit influenced by their transformation and their desire became more apparent. But, the difference between the Zayats that I fought earlier and this Zayats was like heaven and Earth.

I pulled my hoodie up and hid my eyes as I began to walk again.

"Let's go, keep it like that. It looks good on you."

I sounded like a tsundere girl who wanted to look cool in front of her crush. What am I doing?! She was Zayats, the Magical Girl that I conquered on my whim as Zmeya!

I do like her character, but did I like her as a person too? I could feel she was gazing at me with that eyes of her that had beautiful blue eyes like a sapphire.

"Yes, I'm coming, Master!" Zayats said from behind and ran a little to catch up to me.

When she walked on my side again, I looked at her face and said, "You can do whatever you want. This me right now is a bit different, so don't worry about it."

Zayats looked at me with a surprised face, "Ah, you don't want me as your subordinate?! I-I thought that you give your hand because you wanted me to join you… I-If that's so, t-then I will go."

What, why did she think that I wanted her to go? I can't, Yumei can't convince people. That's why I let Zmeya's personality surface a little. I quickly grabbed her left hand with my right hand and said.

"Who said that? You are mine, I won't let you go anywhere, Zayats."

I leaned my face closer to her and gazed at her eyes at a close distance. Our noses touched against each other and I touched her chin with my right hand.

"Understood?" I said with a clear tone and Zayats's face reddened.

"Y-yes!" She stuttered a little, but a smile formed on her face.

I let Zmeya's personality sink within me again. I had trained this and tried it my first time while waiting for Aria yesterday and I found out that I could somehow control my own personality while wearing the earring.

I had more to find out about this mixed personality of mine, but as I said, I don't really care. As long as I have fun, that was enough for me.

We have been walking for 10 minutes, so far no Beasts was approaching us because they fear Zayats. She alone was able to make the Beast stay away from us. The Beasts must've known her because Zayats had lived in the mountain for a few years according to her backstory.

I pulled my face away from her and we began to walk again. She walked shyly beside me while swinging her arms around.

I was also put in a good mood and began humming a happy tone. Zayats was surprised when I began humming, but she then closed her eyes and smiled while listening to me. Because I had a lot of time on Earth, I often made my own music using my computer.

I did it because it was my hobby other than playing Magical Giants, and I enjoyed it. That was why I often hummed by myself when I was in a good mood.

After we were walking for an hour, the second city, Lithi City, was finally in sight.

"We've arrived!" I said as I pulled my hoodie down.

Zayats looked at Lithi City with an amazed face and muttered, "So this is a city? This is the first time I've looked at the city this close."

What? Zayats had never been in the city? I looked at her with a curious gaze and she looked back at me.

"I've been raised in the mountain. That was the reason why my skin was tanned and I have great stamina, Master. This is my first time going into the city."

So that was the reason. Then I need to show her the exciting thing in the city. The edges of my lips curled up and formed a big smile as I took Zayats hand and pulled her to begin to walk.

"I will show you how to enjoy yourself in the city. I'll make sure to teach you a lot. First, let's enter the city and find a place to spend the night."

"Yes, Master!"

Now, my adventure with my subordinate? Or my friend? Has begun.


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