The Tale Of The First Magical Vampire {4}


Young Nicklaus stood before the border of the Realm, the center of it all, before him was a long thin line reaching the heavens with heavy dark clouds, the thin line glowed like strings in a straight line showing an opening, the rest of the environment was nothing but a dark forest, quiet as the ocean but the dark clouds brought in clamorous thunder that shock the earth.

Nicklaus took a long look at it before sauntering towards the border, the thunder became louder and louder but he didn't faze. He wasn't so sure if he gets to the border he would be able to locate the library, the border of the Realms was like a center gate created way before time itself, a representation of the Realms in the universe, going in he would just go to any Realm of his choosing, but he wasn't so sure he would be able to locate the Holy library.