Selek Valaunter join

Who wouldn't be tempted by Voran's promise? Selek Valaunter was tempted by Voran's promise, but he couldn't accept it. He was deeply wounded by his defeat, and he was adamantly opposed to admitting defeat. However, he was well aware that his defeat was also the result of his carelessness.

It all went round and round in his head. Selek Valaunter tries to come to terms with his defeat. He didn't want any of that to become a source of weakness for him. He didn't want his opponent to cling to a vulnerability that could be exploited at any time. As a result, even though his family was a prisoner of the enemy, his attitude became tough and difficult to compromise.

After a while of pondering, his face changed from a fierce to a murderous expression, and he became weak and helpless. Selek Valaunter was going through a lot of internal turmoil. With each passing second, his aura shifted and became more sluggish. After a brief period of turmoil, determination appeared in his eyes and expression.

However, he saw no harm in accepting Voran's offer. The position of Territory Governor must be filled with great power, and power will be in his hands as well. Selek Valaunter came up with all of that in a matter of seconds. Even as his body deteriorated, his mind grew sharper and sharper. He knew that being on the same boat as Voran would provide numerous benefits, and he had made up his mind.

"Aren't you joking when you give your defeated and weak opponent a high position? You should be aware of the dangers and risks associated with this action, right? I have the ability to rule the entire Aran Province, but be prepared to be crushed! Are you sure I didn't do something like that?"

Selek Valaunter openly threatened Voran. He said it with certainty in his eyes. Selek Valaunter embodied the image of someone who was devoted to his kingdom. On the other hand, he gave off an unfavorable vibe. Anyone who witnessed his expression and demeanor would undoubtedly be irritated and threatened. Voran, on the other hand, didn't budge, and his eyes filled with admiration as he looked deeper into Selek Valaunter.

Voran had not anticipated hearing such a thing from Selek Valaunter. He could see hope in his eyes despite his threatening words. Voran wasn't sure if this was a Selek Valaunter test or just the man's attitude. Voran compared Selek Valaunter to the fearsome and resourceful Grim Larsson after meeting and talking with him several times.

"Betrayal? Valaunter, I'm not afraid of you. Everything is perfectly clear. If you betray, you betray my trust as well as the trust of my people, and you will make the people of Aran Province unhappy. You're not a moron, Valaunter, and you understand whether betrayal or loyalty is more profitable. I believe in you and anticipate that you will serve me and my kingdom. Your loyalty is required by kings, people, and kingdoms. Are you going to stay here and rot instead of bringing the kingdom prosperity?"

Voran's voice was reassuring and solemn as he said it. When he met Selek Valaunter, he didn't show any signs of weakness. He knew that weakness would only make Selek Valaunter's attitude tougher, which he couldn't stand. The longer he thaws the hard ice in Selek Valaunter's mind, the more difficult his kingdom's situation becomes. Voran glared angrily at Selek Valaunter after he finished speaking.

After some time, the look in Selek Valaunter's eyes loosened and a certain firmness began to appear. "Very well, I will follow you and swear allegiance to you and the Salauster Kingdom," he said quietly. "However, I hope you are aware of this. If you cause the common people to suffer, I will break my oath and cause your Kingdom to suffer even more! You must remember that, my lord!"

Even though he accepted it, there were some things that remained a sticking point for him. He would remain loyal as long as he did not go beyond his limits. Aside from that, Selek Valaunter considered the situation of the people who must be waiting for a confirmation, particularly the residents of the Aran Province.

"It's great that you got it, Valaunter. Don't worry, I'm not going to make people suffer. It's just that the kingdom is currently facing a critical problem. Do you know about the Edarecia Kingdom? Ah… I should not have asked; you should already be aware. They took an aggressive stance after learning that the war on this side was over. This means that another war will erupt in the not-too-distant future. I'm hoping you'll be able to appease the people of Aran Province!"

Voran did not keep this information from Selek Valaunter. He was curious to see how Selek Valaunter would react if he found out about this. Saying a royal matter to an opponent who had just surrendered may appear frivolous. It's just that Voran has a bias against the valaunter Selek. He respects and values people like Selek Valaunter, even when it is difficult to do so.

"Oho… I didn't expect your situation to be this dire. The Edarecia Kingdom's ability to conquer a kingdom is not insignificant. It's just that they can't move freely because there's a problem around them that's preventing them from doing so. I'm not sure if they finished it, but I know when they decided to attack. Huft… I'm sure they'll send their elite troops, which will include those guys!" Selek Valaunter exclaimed, his voice slightly cold but nostalgic.

Voran was taken aback when he heard Selek Valaunter's words. He had no idea what Selek Valaunter knew, which irritated him. He wanted to obtain information from Selek Valaunter about the Kingdom of Edarecia, including key figures in that kingdom. Even if it was only an estimate or information in the past, it is still with the data. He had the ability to predict bad things.

"It appears that you are knowledgeable about the Edarecia Kingdom. Could you please tell me what you know about them? I'll gather warriors from all over the kingdom, including the Aran Province, as well as people with special abilities that I'll summon. Of course, your son will accompany you, as will you. I won't make mistakes if you provide me with information, and I'll be able to cut my losses."

Voran was unaware of the Edarecia Kingdom's power. He required a wide range of kingdom-related information. He had an opportunity to get it right now, and he couldn't pass it up. Whatever it was, the information he would later obtain would be extremely useful in devising a strategy to deal with the Edarecia Kingdom's attack.

"Well, I've learned a few things. If you want to fight them, I recommend forming a coalition with the other two kingdoms and dispatching someone to inform the Lords and bandits in the Edarecia Kingdom of your plan of attack. I'll also tell you about their fortitude!"