(A talk between the father and his daughter.)

Chapter twenty five:

Hera's eyes widened at the realization. She looked up to her mural. Corvus's eyes followed. He winced in a little embarrassment at how Hera viewed him, but there was nothing he could do about it, and wouldn't discourage it. Hera looked lost in thought for a moment, before looking down at her hand's.

"Apologies, father. It seemed that I couldn't see the proverbial forest for the trees. I was so focused on the balance between my siblings that I didn't think of creation at large. You are completely correct. Said Hera.

Corvus nodded. He wouldn't admit that he hadn't thought of the overall picture until just now either. However, there was something else to talk about.

"These two new entities. They won't be like you and the others." Replied Corvus Rigel. That got Hera's attention.

"What do you mean?" Said Hera. Corvus took a deep breath and answered.

"I don't want them to be a major part of the multiverse. Just a force for balance and to temper creation to become something more solid, more stable. They'll be more like a program, set to engage when creation reaches a point where testing the limits of it makes sense. Other than that, they'll be able to dismantle universe's when the balance is threatened. The main difference between you all and then is that you all have free will. They will not. Evil and destruction will be their sole drive, unlike Bailhu and Siwang. Both of them can be viewed as both forces for good and evil. Chaos brings destruction, but also inspires evolution, ways to overcome the chaos. Death is universally feared by mortal beings but is just another part of life and also enables the cycle of rebirth. These two... they will be nothing but pure hatred, evil, madness, and destruction. While I know that they're necessary for the balance that I created you to protect. I don't want them having the free will to do evil when it's not necessary. Mortals will be able to do that themselves perpetually throughout the millennia without divine inspiration or manipulation for them. The only time I want that to happen is when I decide that it needs to happen, not whenever they decide. So... I'm not going to let them decide." Replied Corvus Rigel.

For a brief moment, Hera could sense a deep hatred from Corvus. "It seems father is not completely impartial. However... I think I can understand his reasoning, evil without a leash will just destroy everything that he inspires to create. Still... I can't help but feel that this decision is going to hurt us in the future... When the time comes, I will have to keep an eye on how those two perform, closely. If there is something amiss, I'll bring it up and he'll be able to rectify it then. Hera said to herself.

"As you will, father." Said Hera.

Corvus nodded, and turned to the rest of the palace and the amphitheatre. " I love what you've done here. The Greej architecture fits you very well. If you want more Italian things, you could add a few olive trees, maybe a grape vineyard. Replied Corvus Rigel.

"I didn't believe that they were necessary. My domain follows my function." Hera stoically replies while looking out between her large columns to the golden clouds surrounding her palace.

"Hera. You have an eternity to spend here. If you need anything you can't create yourself. You can always ask me." Replied Corvus Rigel.

For a moment, Corvus could feel a desire welling up in Hera, but it just as quickly left her. "What is it?" Said Corvus Rigel.

"Nothing, father. I merely thought for a moment that horticulture might be nice. I was able to create look alike vines, but they don't truly grow. It'd be-" Before she could finish, Corvus snapped his fingers and a forest filled with all the types of trees she could think surrounded the palace for miles. He had a bonsai in his hands suddenly. And handed it to his daughter.

A rare smile played across her face as she thought of raising all of her trees for years to come. Hera looked to her father with gratitude in her eyes. When she was about to voice it Corvus stopped her.

"I don't need a thank you, you're my daughter. I would like to do anything I can for you to make sure you have everything you need. Let me know if you need anything else. I'll be visiting the rest of your siblings for a few days." Replied Corvus Rigel.

And then he faded into mist.

"He may not be impartial... but I'm sure he'll know what to do when the time comes. Turning her eyes back to the unfinished mural, she frowned. Hera tried to shake off the uneasy sense of foreboding she felt looking at the empty space's, but it kept eating away at her.

"Does... father have to be so sweet all of the time? Hera said to herself.