(Visiting Siwang.)

Chapter twenty seven:

Siwang was feeling a little overwhelmed. Her father's care and concern over the past half day has been a bit more than she bargained for. She was happy, definitely. But it was... a bit too much all at once. He didn't even seem to notice her mood, probably taking it as her being shy or... what did he term it under his breath the first time? Tsundere? But it was starting to get on her nerves.

However, surveying her domain now, compared to what it was, she couldn't help but admit that he knew what she enjoyed.

A moon permanently hung on the horizon and shone through a haze of rolling fog. Eerie dead trees that emitted hallucinogenic energies, murky rivers that could purify souls, poisonous plants that moved and sought prey, and hope crushingly tall mountains surrounding it all. At the center there was a modest purple and black brick house for her to dwell and meditate in. And to top it all off she had a plethora of undead animals all at her beck and call.

The mountains, the house, the undead servants and the River of Souls, as she'd coined it, were her doing. Everything else, including the amenities within the house, one of which being her new library of depressing poetry, horror stories, and accounts of bloody massacres were all her father's addition.

She sighed as she squeezed a patchwork gothic style bear to her bosom. Her bone chin rested on it as she sat on a black leather couch in her living room. Across from her on an armchair, separated by a low coffee table, was the man himself, her father, smiling as he drank a cup of nightshade tea. Poisonous to mortals, but nothing to her, her siblings, or her Creator. Hesitating, she brought up what was on her mind. Her voice whispering from all sides as she spoke, touching the eardrums with the cold, ironically comforting touch of death.

"Father... I appreciate... all you've helped me... with. But... shouldn't... you go... and see the... others? I'll be... fine." Said Siwang.

Corvus smile went a shade brighter. "I guess so. Are you sure there isn't anything else you want? Something to do to while away eternity?"

If she had veins, a tick mark would be visible on her temple at this statement. He had asked the question several times already. "For... the last... time... no... If I think... of something... I'll tell you... next time. Please father... go... I would like... some time to... meditate... and read... besides... after I read... the library... I think... I'll write... myself." Said Siwang.

She had just said it because she was grasping the straws for something to push him away so she can enjoy her solitude. But was surprised to find that she didn't find herself all that against the idea.

Her Lord's eyes twinkled at the thought of this. Beaming, he said his thoughts on the matter. His cheerful mood and pride leaking into the dim surroundings and affecting her own usually dismal mood. "That's a great idea. I can't wait to read it, that is, if you'll let me, when you're ready." Replied Corvus Rigel.

Siwang buried her face into the plush bear, and gave a slight nod.

"Alright, I'll head off then. I hope you enjoy your reading!" Said Corvus Rigel.

And, he vanished as space rippled around him. Siwang breathed a sigh of relief and took her own cup of tea. Thinking to herself the next time her father visits, she would have to prepare an activity for him to keep him somewhat occupied so that she could still have some semblance of sweet solitude.