Grimm Reaper

'It has been a few day's since I have saved Rienne from the attacker, and a few days since I have seen Tracer. Surprisingly even though I told her where I would be for dinner every night...' I thought as I was roaming the alleyways of London.

Getting bored while roaming the alleyways of London for criminals, I remember the nickname that I gained.

'The Grimm Reaper.' I thought as I remember how the thugs just started to call me this when they saw me, even going so far to hand their money over without me even saying anything.

'Maybe I'm over doing it?' Patting my trusty old combat uniforms back pocket where my bulging wallet was I shook my head. Knowing that robbing money from thugs wasn't a stable job I sighed out.

Starting my march out of the alleyways I did a slow walk towards the pub. Looking up at the sky which was barely visible due to all the light pollution and signs, I saw that it was sunset. 'Must have been out there longer than I thought...'

Checking my scroll the time was around 8pm. Smiling slightly at the photo of team RWBY that served as my phone background I soon remembered my plight. It might not be my issues of not having a lot of money, or not having an ID, but it was a little more emotional.

Pulling my cloak around myself tightly I remembered that I was depressed. I sorted the memories of Mason and Ruby finally, and I have noticed that I more Ruby than Mason. But the real issue was that because I'm more Ruby than Mason, is that I miss team RWBY, and I miss how I don't really have anyone in the world of Overwatch, and how I also killed someone for the 2nd time ever.

Shuffling my feet a little I kicked the ground and ignored the people who occasionally glanced at me due to my cloak. Some might think that killing the Omnic thug would be the first person I killed but I always considered the Grimm/Human hybrid that Salem made as a person. They might be a grimm but they were turned grimm against their will and were forced to work for Salem.

Walking up to the outside of the pub and listening to the loud atmosphere I decided that I just wasn't hungry with my mood.

'Heh, I can always just eat the cookies I have stocked up in my renewed hotel room.' I thought as I began to walk away. Putting on my headphones I played some music loudly while beginning a search for a place to mope.


Walking away while loudly listening to my music I conveniently did not hear the sound that sounded eerily similar to a zwip.

Unconsciously I began to look for an area that had a high overlooking view. Activating my semblance I would occasionally use it to fly on top of buildings. Using each building as a stepping stone until I reached the top of a medium sized building that was above all of the floating advertisements, and all of the people of the city.

Sitting down while hugging my cloak, I stared out over the city and was left with my thoughts.

'It's just overwhelming. With Mason's memories I know that I - We failed. Team RWBY that is.' I thought.

Atlas, was completely destroyed to the point where even Mantle was gone. Vale was barely recovering with the help of Glynda, and Mistral was also ruined considering the scare of Haven being attacked by the Whitefang thus bringing in large amounts of grimm.

Shaking my head I had one thought 'I don't know if I want to even return to it. Remnant was almost completely destroyed by Salem, and so many were dead because we failed...'

Tearing up slightly I wiped them away. Taking my headphones off I sat content as I watched the people of London go about their nightly activities.

'Maybe I need a break. I don't need to try and get to Remnant right now, what I need right now is to grow strong enough so I can really make a difference.' Smiling slightly I added on in the back of my head that it could also serve as a break.

Listening to the wind blowing I started to get happier and I forgot about most of the troubles that were afflicting me. Looking towards the sky I could make out the moon and its full glory.

Staring in awe, no longer sad I thought about how beautiful the moon was as the wind blew around me.

'Guess this is what the moon would look like if the Brother Gods never destroyed it. But I think I prefer my moon more, it is after all mine.' I thought as I smiled lightly before I was pulled from my thoughts.


Hearing a strange noise I immediately stood up and unfurled Crescent Rose.

Clunk Thunk!

The sound of Crescent Rose transforming to her full length was deafening as it seemed everything went quiet. Looking around I noticed a blue light teleporting up the building to get to where I was.

'Tracer?' I thought as I still stood at the ready with Crescent Rose behind my back. Unconsciously I fueled my Semblance and rose petals start to slowly drift off of me.


The blue light was now on the other side of the roof and reformed into Tracer sprinting towards me, dressed in her cadet uniform. Landing lightly Tracer jumped over a skylight on the roof and stood in front of me. Stopping in her trek she stood still as she stared at me but quickly said something.

"Whatcha doin up here luv?" Tracer asked as she slowly readied her arms to release the blaster pistols from her gun holsters.

If it was anyone else they probably would have pissed themselves due to the scene that stood before them. The Grimm Reaper with the moon lighting the background for her like a stage light. Coldly glinting off the edge of her Scythe as her silver eyes shone in an eerie light. Rose petals dancing off of the Reaper, this scene would make any person take a look back at how beautiful and nerve-racking the scene was.

'What is Tracer doing here? I don't really want to mess around with her right now...' I thought as I still held Crescent Rose at the ready.

"Well I see you aren't that talkative today love, so I want to ask you a few questions if that is okay? I mean no harm." Tracer said as she tried to calm her body although inwardly she was having thoughts similar to 'I thought that the Grimm Reaper was a nickname, not that she was actually the reaper!'

Watching as Tracer relaxed I decided to put away Crescent Rose to help ease the tension.

Clunk Thunk!

Crescent Rose transformed back into a carrying state and I strapped it back on my belt. Looking at Tracer I decided to start the conversation.

"So what did you want? I doubt it was normal talk considering how you climbed all the way up here." I said as I plopped down on the edge of the building.

Tracer seeing that I put away Crescent Rose sighed in relief and started to chuckle.

"Heheh. You know I heard your new nickname was the Grimm Reaper, but I never expected that you were actually the Grimm Reaper." Tracer laughed out as she started to walk down to sit next to me.

Sitting slightly further away from me she was unable to see my smirk as she called me the Grimm Reaper as she asked me the question she was here for.

"So the reason why I came up here was to recruit you. We need people like you who can help make the world a better place as this world is quickly going down the drain. I haven't seen you at the pub recently because I was busy back at headquarters trying to figure out who you are and how you do what you do." Tracer said as she looked off into the distance with me.

Looking at Tracer I nodded my head and decided to mess around with her slightly.

"I have no clue about what you are talking about?" I asked in the most clueless and innocent manner that I could.

Tracer hearing my response turned towards me and looked flabbergasted. Shaking her hands crazily she said excitedly "What do you mean you don't know! You are the bloody Grimm Reaper love! I have been gathering intel on you because of you cleaning up the streets, but the issue is that you have these powers that no one can explain!"

"Most of the thugs that plague London can't be found, and the thugs that can be found all warn of the Grimm Reaper wandering around cleaning up the streets! And this all happened under a weeks time!" Tracer was about to say more until she heard me laugh.

'Hold it in, just a little longer!' I thought as I tried my best to hold in my laughing fit until I no longer could.

"Hahaha!" Bursting out laughing I leaned back and fell over, landing on the top of the building I started to laugh even harder.

"You should have seen your face when you heard me say I didn't know what you were talking about! Hahaha!" I said while slowly calming down my fit of laughter.

Tracer hearing me laugh was lost in her own world until she slowly started to chuckle too.

"Guess you are right I did get a little too into it, it's just that you are practically a Grimm Reaper look alike while you have these mysterious powers that can't be explained by the top scientists back at headquarters."

Smiling towards Tracer I thought 'This certainly lightened up my mood, and even though a couple days ago I thought of not going to work for Overwatch, it would certainly help with my current problems...'

We both quieted down and started staring out at the moon and city again. I started to get lost in my thoughts about team RWBY and made my decision. 'I will eventually come back to you guys, I promise. But right now I think I am going to spend some time here and try to make this place better.' I thought as I made my decision.

"Well... About your preposition for joining Overwatch, I would like to make the world a better place. So yes I think I might join, but I would like to set some ground rules before I join."

Smirking slightly I said "After all you are asking me to join, not the other way around."

Tracer hearing what I said jumped up and did a little fist pump. Shouting a yes! Tracer quickly calmed down and sat next to me.

"So... What are your rules before joining? Because I'm a cadet right now I don't think I can guarantee anything but if you come with me back to the Headquarters we can probably ask?" Tracer said unsurely as she calmed down.

Hearing Tracer agree I decided to only ask her a couple things, and then iron out the rest later.

"Well, I will go with you to your headquarters to figure the rest out, only if you promise me three things." I said in a serious tone.

Tracer hearing this nodded her head and gained a serious look on her face after hearing my tone.

"One, I won't be detained or anything when I'm over there as long as I do nothing wrong. Secondly I can leave whenever I want. And third I want to grab some cookies before we go." With the last request I gained a very serious look on my face.

Tracer hearing my third request started to laugh like crazy. "Hahaha! I can promise the first two love, and if you really want lets both go to a bakery I like on the way?" Tracer said the last part slightly nervously.

Smiling I nodded and decided to do something for old memories sake.

"Alright! Lena and Ruby are on their first mission of grabbing confectionary goods! Banzai!"

Shouting out I jumped up and threw a fist towards the sky as Tracer looked questioningly towards me. Deciding to join in Tracer threw in a Banzai as well while smiling.

"Banzai!" Tracer shouted after me as she stood up and wiped off some dirt from her pants.

Seeing as I was ready to go as soon as she agreed to get the cookies, Tracer said "Alright, lets make this a game. I will run to the bakery as fast as I can and you try to catch up. Starting now!"

And with that Tracer and I began our race towards the nearest random bakery. My cloak fluttering in the wind as I followed Tracer at a high running speed.

'Wow she fast, I think it's about time to step this up a bit.' I thought as I started to funnel aura into my semblance. Slowly rose petals started to form off of me and fly away in the wind.

Speeding up even more I turned into a cloud of rose petals and flew past Tracer. Looking around I could see Tracers eyes open widely as I passed her.

"Wow love! You are pretty quick but I say I am just a tad bit quicker." Tracer said as she started to blink to momentarily get ahead of me.

After a short while of us both running and dodging pedestrians we soon came across the bakery I ate at every night.

Stopping my semblance use I landed on the ground and skidded slightly as Tracer stopped right behind me.

"Guess I beat you!" I said cheerfully with a smile on my face while inwardly I was surprised she ate at this bakery as well.

Tracer hearing me frowned slightly and said "Well love, next time I won't lose."

And with that we entered the bakery and ordered a bunch of confectionary good.

The one thing rather than speed that Tracer and I have in common is our love for sweets. I almost felt bad for the bakery as Tracer and I ordered almost all of the goods. Both paying a large sum of money, were handed two large bags full of sweets.

Upon exiting I was thinking something on the line of 'Wow, I feel slightly bad for them but its not my fault their cookies are so good!'

Opening my bag my eyes grew comically large as stars seemed to form in them. Quickly shoveling half the cookies from the bag into my mouth I ignored Tracer looking at me in an amazed fashion.

"Jeez love slow down! I like sweets as good as any other person but you are on another level." Tracer said as she watched the cookies to vanish magically from my bag.

Munching on the cookies I spoke with my mouth full and said "Sworyy, thy ar justh sho good!"

Noticing my mistake I quickly swallowed the cookies and laughed nervously. "Heheh, sorry I didn't eat dinner tonight."

Tracer grinned at me and started to eat a donut. As we were just enjoying our time together and eating, we began to walk around the streets of London at night. After some time we both seemed to finish our sweets at the same time and stop.

"Well love, I guess its about time to leave. Follow me and we can start our journey to the Overwatch Headquarters." Tracer said as she crumpled up her bag and threw it in a trash can.

Following suit and throwing away my bag I nodded towards Tracer. Suddenly I noticed that I was forgetting something but I decided to ignore it.

Tracer clicked something on her arm as a holographic screen popped out of her armor. Clicking randomly on her armor I watched as she began to call someone.

"Tracer? Tracer, do you hear me? How did it go did she agree to come to the base? Also is your Translocator working fine?" A worried voice asked on the other side of the phone.

"Yes she did Winston! I actually have her with me right now but she wants to set up some rules before applying for Overwatch. And yes my Translocator is working perfectly after you tuned it up yesterday." Tracer said enthusiastically to Winston.

'What the, Winston is in charge of this? I thought it would be some random officer?' I thought as I didn't expect the talking gorilla himself to be on the line.

Watching as Tracer held her arm towards me so I could speak to the phone I sheepishly scratched the back of my head and said "Well the main requirement for me joining is that I wont become some experiment, and also that I can freely leave whenever I want. The other thing can wait until later."

Winston hearing my requirements said "Well, you don't have to worry about the experiment part at all. When we first saw camera footage of you turning into a cloud of rose petals some scientists wanted to take you in and do what you feared, but they were demoted back to trainee because they wanted to break basic humanitarian laws."

Winston seemed to nod to himself and mumble something about they deserved it, but I couldn't make it out that well. He then said "About the leaving freely part, I promise that as long as you don't do anything to deserve being kept here then you can leave whenever you wish. What was the last thing you said could wait for later?"

'Okay how do I explain this...' I thought as I stared blankly at the holoscreen.

Tracer tapped my shoulder and whispered "You good love?" Being pulled from my thoughts I looked at Tracer and nodded.

Laughing nervously I said "Heheh, well... I don't exactly, haveanID."

Speeding up the last part so it was difficult to hear I heard Winston said "Could you repeat that, the last part of was difficult to make out."

Saying in a quieter voice I said "I don't have any ID of any sorts..." Tracer hearing my response flicked her head towards me and opened her eyes.

"What do you mean you don't have any ID... Know what we will deal with that when you get here." Winston said as he sighed at my response.

"Tracer, I will be asking flight command to send an Orca to pick you both up. Please get to a the top of a building or a wide open area." Winston said as he called out to Tracer.

Tracer hearing Winston smiled and said "Alright Winston, I will be seeing you in a little while!"

With that Tracer hung up and looked back at me and a pointed stare. Looking up from the ground I saw Tracer staring at me. Looking in her eyes you could almost see the questions forming.

"So love, what do you mean that you don't have any form of ID?" Tracer asked as she looked towards me.

Scratching my head I hurriedly said "Well I have this, but I don't think it is valid for where we are!" Quickly I pulled out my Huntress License and showed her.

Tracer reading it asked "What is a Huntress? Also where is Atlas Academy?"

Hearing Tracers questions I shook my head quickly and said "Well Atlas Acad-Wait! We have more important things to do right now!"

Tracer seeing as I did not answer her question pouted ever so slightly. Smirking towards my quick thinking on getting out of answering we began walking towards a wide open parking lot with no cars.

After about 5 minutes of waiting in the parking lot I watched in awe as the Orca came from the sky.


The sound of the Orca flying past me to the center of the parking lot was deafening as wind flew up and caused my hair and cloak to blow wildly in the wind.

'Wow this looks a lot like the Manta's back at Atlas.' I thought as I watched the Orca slowly land. The Orca began its decent and

Tracer shouting at me due to how loud the Orca was said "Alright Ruby! Let's get in the Orca and get back to the headquarters!"

Tracer began to walk towards the Orca but turned around after noticing I didn't follow. Looking back she saw that I was still lost in thought and had stares in my eyes. Smiling slightly Tracer grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door of the Orca.

Ignoring her grabbing my hand I was lost in a multitude of thoughts such as 'Oh my gosh how does this fly? Does it use a lot of energy like the Manta and Bullhead.' Or thoughts such as 'I wondering how much it costs to run it.' where running through my mind.

Being pulled onto the Orca I was pulled from my thoughts as I noticed that my hair was no longer blowing wildly. Tracer still holding my hand dragged me to the seating area and said "Well love, you ready to join the best peace organization in the world?"

About to answer Tracers question I was interrupted as the pilot shouted "Oy ladies! Strap up we are going home!"

Sitting down in the chair I strapped myself in right next to Tracer and prepared for the Orca to take off. Watching as the doors shut, and the Orca began to hover upwards, I felt as my stomach started doing flips.

The Orca took off at an amazing speed, and quickly made me feel jittery. Remembering Tracers question I smiled and said cheerfully "Yeah I'm ready! It seems like it will be nice if all the people are similar to that Winston guy."

Tracer smiled as she listened to my answer and said "Yeah Winston is a really great guy! You know he made my Chronal Accelerator, really smart guy. Though he isn't exactly normal."

Hearing Tracer say the last part I decided to play dumb and ask "What do you mean by not normal?"

Tracer seeing my response smirked and said "Well love, that's a surprise for later." Unbeknownst to me Tracer was inwardly laughing.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask this but was I supposed to bring my clothes and stuff?" I asked as the feeling of me forgetting something hit me full force.

Tracers eyes widened and she slapped her head. "Oh shoot, I forgot about that! Oh well we can deal with that issue when we are at the headquarters!"

'Well, I guess that was what I was forgetting.' I thought as I blankly stared forward.

"Dont worry Ruby, they will definitely send people to pick up your things!" Tracer said as she saw my blank face.

Smiling slightly I nodded towards Tracer and put on my headphones to listen to music.

Tracer seeing I put on headphones tapped my shoulder while looking curious and asked "Whatcha listenin to?"

Smiling I took off my headphones and handed them to Tracer. Tracer seeing that I was offering my headphones put them on and started to listen to my favorite song, Red Like Roses. Midway through the song Tracer started to head bop as she started to sing along.

"Wow! This is some really good music! It reminds me of this song." And with that Tracer pulled out her phone and started to play some music as well.

With this began our musical exchange on our long boring flight to the Switzerland Overwatch Headquarters.