Fighters Of The Storm

"See love, it wasn't that bad." Lena said as she walked me out of the room with two sore arms.

'Wasn't that bad she says...'

Choosing to not respond I just let Lena walk me out of the room. Checking my scroll for the time I remembered I need to talk to Winston. "Oh yeah Lena, can you guide me to Winston. I have something I need him to tune up."

Lena nodded and said "Sure love, last time I saw him he was back in his lab fine tunin the watch."

"Well what are we waiting for?" I said as I pocketed my scroll.

Lena nodded towards me and we both made our way to Winston's lab. Making our way down the hall we passed by fewer people as it seemed everyone was either working or doing something else.

Approaching Winston's lab, we entered and saw him eating a mountain load of peanut butter.

'How?' Was the only thought I had when I saw 4 empty peanut butter jars, Winston must've heard us because he turned around as he was eating a banana covered in peanut butter. Turning around slowly a guilty look appeared on his face as he quickly tried to hide the peanut butter.

Coughing slightly Winston said "Ah Ruby and Lena, I didn't expect to see you right now. Is there something you needed?"

'I'm just going to ignore the peanut butter...' I thought as I nodded towards Winston.

"Well, if you keep it between you and me, I need something fixed up so it can connect to a phone network. I also need you to make a cord for it so I can get the photos off of it if possible?" I asked as I pulled out my collapsed scroll.

Winston put on his glasses as Lena also looked at my scroll. I un-collapsed the scroll and handed it to Winston, as he began to inspect it. Lena said "Wow, I have seen you using this before but I thought it was just a new brand of phone." as she looked at it.

"Hmm Ruby, this is a very interesting phone, where did you get it? From what I can tell it has no way to charge its own battery. In all honesty this is a very revolutionized piece of technology." Winston announced as he was inspecting it.

"Yeah it works just fine, the only issue is that I can't really connect to any satellite or anything because it was made for the CCT, or just a giant phone tower. I am wondering if you could fix it up so I can call people or connect to the internet?" I asked hopefully as Winston finally de-collapsed the scroll.

Winston handed the scroll back to me and said "It might be a little difficult. From what I have seen there is technology that I have never seen before in this phone, second of all I might damage it if I mess around too much with it. It can be done but I can't guarantee that your phone will make it through the process."

'Oh well...' I thought as I sadly put the scroll back into my pocket. Winston saw my down trodden face and tried cheering me up.

"Well, for the photo transfer I could possibly make a transceiver of some sort so you could transfer them. The transceiver would pick up on the signal of your phone and then you could transfer videos and photos to a computer." Winston commented.

'That sounds good, I could just print out the photos then.' I thought as I smiled and nodded towards Winston.

"I know you are busy, but that would help a lot. I don't want to accidentally lose or damage my scroll and lose everything on it... There are some things on there that mean a lot to me."

Lena patted my shoulder and happily said "Don't worry love, Winston is a pure genius he is! He built my Chronal Accelerator so obviously he could build something that could take the photos off your phone."

Smiling I handed my scroll towards Winston as he said "Well, I will need to keep your scroll, is that what you called it? Anyways, I will be needing to keep this for tonight. It shouldn't take too long to build a receiver so I will give it to you in the morning."

"Thank you so much! You don't understand how much this means to me." I crashed into Winston and gave him a hug.

Winston began to laugh and Lena pouted slightly. "Hey no fair if you get to hug him I do too!" And with that Lena also crashed into Winston. We all hugged for a short while and stopped. I got off of Winston and smiled once more.

"Well, I think I have had a long day. I am already pooped and its only 5pm..." I scratched my head and began to think of what I could do.

Lena gave me an idea as she said "Well I too have the week off, how about you and I go play some video games in my room?"

"Oh my gosh you have video games?" I exclaimed as I jumped slightly. 'It has been sooo long since I have played one. I think I haven't played one since I left for Mistral...'

"Sure do love! Newest fighting game and I needed a second player. Seeing as you are going to be stayin with me for awhile this will be the perfect opportunity!" Lena said as we waved goodbye to Winston.

"Thank you again Winston! I will see you later tonight or tomorrow!" I half shouted as we left his private lab. Winston laughed and waved us off as Lena and I made our way to her room.

Passing by guards, scientists, and great people alike, we soon made our way to Lena's room. The commons room once more empty. Entering Lena's room, she quickly began to take off her work outfit.

'What the!' Seeing as for some reason Lena was taking off her clothes I turned around and faced the wall. "Uhh why are you changing your clothes?" I asked as I was slightly nervous.

Unable to see Lena's smirk, I heard her responded with "Well I have clothes under this uniform, just got pretty uncomfortable."

I nodded and slowly turned around to see Lena no longer changing and was instead pulling out a futuristic looking game console. Lena, now in casual clothes which was a lose fitting shirt and tights began hooking the console into the power supply. A projection appeared from the console. A hologame similar to the ones I would play with Yang.

"Alright love, this here is the new game. Came out last month, but I have been busy following you, so I couldn't play it." Lena said as she pulled out a small cartridge that said Fighters Of The Storm 8.

(AN: Actual game from an Overwatch Arcade Machine, I just put 8 after it.)

Lena handed me a game controller, after that we selected some fighters and began playing. It was an aggressive, Earth shattering match, Me VS Lena. Yeah no it wasn't, it was mostly just me kicking Lena's butt in the game.

After my 5th win we made it a betting game. "Alright love, you just got lucky, but how about we start making bets." Lena asked me after I killed her fighter.

Looking suspiciously at Lena I asked "What kind of bets..."

Lena smiled devilishly and said "How about this, whoever wins must do one thing that the winner says."

'Hah, that's not too bad. I am so going to make her make me breakfast!' I innocently thought as I ignored the mirth in Lena's eyes.

"Deal! No take backs, you are going to be making me breakfast tomorrow!" I said happily as we shook hands on it. Little did I know was that this was going to be my downfall.

As we were playing the new high-stake game, Lena somehow started to beat me. 'Wait what! How!?' I thought as my character was quickly getting destroyed. Trying everything I could to avoid my defeat, I soon lost.

Hearing an echoing evil laugh, I turned to Lena who was laughing happily. "Hahaha! You owe me one now love!"

"Wh-what! Not fair you cheated somehow! I demand a rematch!" I shouted out trying to once more change my fate.

"I donttt knowwww. That sounds a wee bit risky for me love, how about this. Two or nothing, but you will also make breakfast for me tomorrow if you lose again." Lena said as she was secretly scheming to get me to make her breakfast.

"Deal!" I quickly said as I shook her hand and we went back to playing the game. This time I held nothing back, throwing every move I had at her, but it changed nothing as I lost once again.

Jaw dropped open, I stared helplessly as I watched my character die. "Haha! Now you owe me two and breakfast." Lena cheekily said. I turned towards Lena with an aggrieved look on my face as I saw her happily do a small dance.

"But how?! I was winning easily earlier, what happened?" I shouted as I was trying to think of a reason on why Lena began to destroy me in the game.

"Well love, that is a secret. But now you owe me two things and breakfast tomorrow." Lena happily said as she stood up and put the game console away.

'Thi-this isn't fair...' I helplessly thought as I watched Lena put her hand on her chin, striking a thinking pose.

"Hmmm... Ah! I know what I want you to do, I want you do give me a massage." Lena happily said as she snapped her fingers and laid down on her bed.

"You suck..." I said as I took off my shoes and sat on top of her back. 'Oh well... This isn't too bad, Yang made me do this a lot too...' I helplessly thought as I began to massage Lena's shoulders.

Beginning with what I always did for Yang which was the shoulders, I soon made my way down her back as I did some lite chopping motions. Lena's muffled voice could be heard as she said "Ohhh wow love, you are really good at this!"

Ignoring her I scooted off her back and onto her legs as I began to massage the lumbar part of her back. Lena would occasionally sigh out in bliss as I was massaging her. Doing the whole routine of what I did for Yang, I started to massage her arms. Rotating them and doing some light massages I soon finished and found that Lena was happily laying there.

(AN: Haha, you thought this was going to turn lewd.)

Not even trying to get up, Lena happily said "Wow love, I never knew you would be so good at this..." She continued to lay there as I made my way to my bed as I began to reach for my scroll only to remember that I didn't have it.

'Wonder if I should get dinner and bring it back here... Know what I'm in a good mood I will do it." I thought as I put back on my boots and told Lena that I was going to get food for us. She mumbled something that I couldn't make out so I just decided to leave.

Leaving the room I ran into Anna, who was heading straight towards me with a fat stack of papers, a bag, and a book. Saying nothing she handed the items to me and simply left. Before she left I said a quick "Thank you!" and quickly checked the bag.

Opening the bag I saw all of the clothes, and items, that was left in the hotel room back in London. Happily I took out one of the outfits that Rienne made for me and held it up. Nodding I put the outfit back into the bag and thought 'Luckily I have night clothes finally...'

Next I looked at the papers and saw that it was a mass of documents that proved I was an official Overwatch member, with a stick note saying that she would have my ID in 3 days. Putting the papers in my bag, I looked at the final thing which was a booklet with the Overwatch logo on it.

Opening it up I sighed and saw that it was just a mass booklet of rules, do's and don'ts. Sighing out I put away the book too into the bag only to see a specially designed black piece of paper in the bottom of the bag.

Taking the paper that was no bigger than the size of a greetings card, I read it.



Rank: Overwatch Cadet

Role: Vanguard/Sniper


Squealing out after reading it I jumped slightly and headed back to Lena's room. Bursting through the door I saw Lena was still laying down. "Lena! Guess what! Look!"

Lena mumbled something but never got up. Seeing as she wouldn't get up I started to shake her. She finally got up after a minute of me shaking her, and said "Ughh what love?"

Having a giant smile on my face I handed the card to her. Doing a small pose, I tried mimicking a deeper voice and said "Rose, freshly recruited Overwatch Cadet at your service."

Lena read through the card and jumped out of bed onto me. "Haha! Congratulations love, you are an official member of the team now! All we have left to do is test ya skills."

Not being able to support Lena's sudden weight, I fell over.


Both of us fell over, Lena and I were both silent for a moment until we both began to laugh. After some time she got off of me and I got back up. Walking towards my bag I put it on my bed and happily said "Oh yeah, I will get our food now... So be right back!"

With that I darted off in a cloud of rose petals towards the dining hall. Passing by people I soon made it to the hall and grabbed two plates of whatever looked the best. Slowly walking out of the hall with a tray in my hands I approached our room.

Upon entering I sat the tray down on a very small two person table in the corner of the room. Ignoring Lena who was looking through my bag for whatever reason, she shouted at me.

"What the! Love how do you even have one of these? Each outfit from the Rienne herself costs a fortune!" Lena shouted as she held out my custom made outfit that looked shockingly similar to the outfit I wore during Beacon.

"Uhhh..." Blanking for a moment due to how sudden her question was, I soon came up with an answer.

"Well I uhh... Kinda became really good friends with Rienne and saved her from an omnic thug?" I quickly said as Lena was just blankly staring at me.

Lena stared at me and was about to say something until she sighed and shook her head. She walked towards the extremely small table and sat down. Ignoring how the small table made us both sit close to each other, I began to drink some water.

"Next time you see Rienne, you have to take me as well." Lena said as she began to munch on her dinner.

I nodded towards her and began eating my food as well. With that both Lena and I began to eat dinner happily. Eating our Indian cuisine I thought 'Huh this tastes like that one curry dish from Vacuo...'

Eating away, we had some light conversations in-between our dinner. Slowly but surely we finished our food and both sighed out. 'Oh my gosh the food here is so good...' was all I could think of as I was happily sitting down.

Lena stood up and went to her bed to lay down for a little while. Pulling out what seemed to be a Rock Magazine, I shrugged my shoulders and went over to my bed as well. Looking at the time I was surprised to see it was already time to get ready for bed, as I had a long day ahead of me.

Deciding to wear one of my new night dresses, I went to my bag and secretly pulled out something. "Hey Lena, I am going to get ready for bed I'll be right back."

Lena nodded without taking an eye off her magazine. Exiting the room I entered the bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. Next I took care of my hair and dried off as best I could. Finally I looked at my new night outfit.

Looking at the night dress, it was a black kimono/blouse combo which looked similar to what Blake used to wear. The kimono/blouse combo had a few red petal and rose designs decorating the outfit on the sleeves and waist. It was a masterfully done piece of clothing, which was adorned with silver thorn/vine designs that finished up the outfit. Finally a small Silver Rose insignia on the chest of the outfit shined proudly in the light of the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror I smirked as all in all I looked quite beautiful in the outfit. Making sure the outfit was put on correctly I exited the bathroom and entered the bedroom to see Lena no longer reading her magazine.

Instead of reading her magazine, Lena was grabbing her night outfit from her drawers until she heard that I was back. Holding her night outfit Lena turned around and tiredly said "Oh you finally done in the bathroom, lov..."

Stopping mid sentence she dropped the clothes that were in her hand to stare at me. Looking at me from head to toe, she blushed. 'Heh guess Rienne was right when she said this outfit was made for me.' I thought as I grinned at Lena's actions.

Not seeing my grin, Lena began to stammer until she finally grabbed her clothes from the floor but not before peaking at me again. This time she saw my grin, and quickly tried to look anywhere except me while trying to hide her blush.

Exiting the room without saying anything she went to the bathroom to get ready for sleep as well. Slowly but surely I began to chuckle, and then full blown laugh out at Lena's response towards my outfit. Dropping to the floor I began to laugh.

"Hahaha! I got my revenge! That's what you get for making me give you a massage!" I laughed loudly to no one. After some more laughing I stood from the floor and decided to get ready for sleep not knowing that Tracer could hear me the entire time.

Getting ready for bed I began to put away all my other clothes and got into bed. Leaving on a small light for Lena I sighed as I got comfortable in my bed. Getting bored I thought about how I would do in the test tomorrow.

'Huh, I think I should do fine.' Was all I could think until Lena opened the door. Not saying anything Lena made her way into her bed and turned off the light.

We both laid in silence until Lena broke it and menacingly said "This never happened... Understood?" as she was fiercely blushing.

I nodded even though she couldn't see it and said "Ok, whatever you say..."

And with that we began to go to sleep until she reminded me of one last thing that I had forgotten.

"Oh yeah, don't forget that you still owe me one more thing love..." Lena chuckled out as she turned towards the wall to finally go to sleep.

"Yeah... yeah..." Was all I could say as I was far too tired to actually think about what she said.

Finally I started to drift to sleep, ignoring the fact that Lena was planning her revenge on me, even in her dreams.