
The Orca's door shut and made a sealing noise. Strapped in I looked over to see everyone else quiet. Trying to lighten the atmosphere I made some small talk to the rest of the team.

"Sooo, anyone else ready to kick some robo butt?" I cheerfully questioned the rest of the team.

Mercy smiled slightly while Torbjorn chose to completely ignore me. Lena smiled but Reinhardt had the biggest reaction.

A giant grin formed on Reinhardts face as he began to laugh. "Hahaha! Kick robo butt? With me there you won't even be able to get close enough to touch them!"

Giving a grin back I nodded and told them a little bit about previous fights I have been in. "Ohh this probably won't be that bad. I mean it might, but I think we will be fine, especially with Mercy here."

Mercy hearing her name turned around and showed off her new outfit. Instead of a lab coat she was now wearing a light blue outfit with a white hat. "Hm of course you will be fine with me here, just be careful to not get hurt in the first place."

Lena's demeanor lightened up some more as her nervousness disappeared slightly. Elbowing her I joked.

"See no need to worry Lena, we have two reliable team players, me, and of course Torbjorn who... Uhh what will you do Torbjorn?" I asked.

Torbjorn finally stopped ignoring the team, and with some difficulty pulled up an image of his bomb on the holoprojector. "I will be fixing that, and I also have knowledge on how to shut these bots down as well. After all I did design most of them."

Nodding towards Torbjorn I looked back over at Lena.

Lena, after hearing everyone reassure her that she will be fine, finally let her nervousness drift away. "Heh, sorry if I am a little nervous, this is just my first mission ya know."

Everyone nodded in understanding until Reinhardt began to reminisce about his first mission. 'I love you Reinhardt, but sometimes your stories are too much...' I thought as I pulled out my headphones and turned on some music.

Lena sent me a pleading glance that I simply chose to ignore. The rest of the trip went well with Reinhardt and the others making small talk as I sometimes joined in with something of my own.

Looking at the clock, I saw that we had about 30 minutes left until we entered Kingsrow. Deciding to study the map some more I began to get lost in thought.

"So, let's come up with some more plans just incase something fails. I can fight close and long range especially now with my new weapon. As we are going in hot I think the best thing would be for me to drop first and secure the landing zone to make it easier to land." I said aloud as I studied the holoprojector in front of me.

Reinhardt had a questioning glance on his face while Mercy had a worrying look. Mercy taking action asked "Are you sure that is smart? I know with your abilities that you might be able to handle it, but you will still land alone if you do that."

Mercy then remembered something and added "Also how would you even get down? I don't think we have parachutes."

Chuckling slightly I decided to hold some information and just say "Well I was trained in landing strategies, and besides I will be fineee I have done worse."

Torbjorn frowned slightly while Reinhardt gave a simple shrug. Lena and Mercy still had a worrying look until they finally relented under my gaze.

"Hmm very well, you will drop first and make sure the landing zone is clear. Once you give the go away we will land as you keep watch. Afterwards I will immediately stand guard as Torbjorn prepares the transport." Reinhardt said as a look of someone deep in thought showed itself on his face.

Torbjorn nodded and I agreed with his plan as well. "I will just do whatever is left over as this is my first mission." Lena told everyone.

Before anyone could agree I said "I actually have an idea, I know it is your first mission but how about you take care of our flanks? I feel like they will all run at us and Rein might get overwhelmed from the sides."

Lena put her thumb on her chin and thought for a second before nodding determinedly towards me. "Sure can do love!"

Torbjorn then made himself known again by pointing to a box next to the transport. "Once the area is secured I will set up an automated turret on the payload. It will help keep us from being overwhelmed."

Everyone nodded and agreed with the plan. We didn't need to tell Mercy what to do as she was the medic, it was kind of obvious. After all of us agreed and adjusted the plan a tad bit, I unbuckled my seat and told Anna that I would drop first.

"I will drop first to clear the landing zone. Okay?"

Anna just shrugged her shoulders and kept flying but said "Alright, your life on the line. I will wait 5 minutes until the rest of us drop but due to the artillery I won't be able to land long."

"Don't worry I can drop from the Orca, just fly over the zone and come back in 5 minutes." I cheerfully said as I imagined myself dropped from the Orca.

Anna shook her head and agreed but not before waving me back to sit down. After sitting down I talked a little bit amongst the team until Anna shouted something to us.

"Alright! Ruby we are approaching the zone in 5 minutes! I want you fully ready to drop, and I will fly back over after 5 minutes to drop the rest off! Make sure the landing zone is clear of enemies!"

Hearing what Anna asked of me, my cheerful demeanor soon vanished as my gaze hardened. 'I got this, too bad I can't use Gleaming Rose yet. Oh well it will be my back up for this mission as Crescent Rose suits it better.' I thought as I prepared myself.

"Good luck love, stay safe down there." Lena cheered me on as Reinhardt began to laugh.

"Hahaha! You best be safe down there Little Red! We will be down in exactly 5 minutes so you won't be able to take all the glory for yourself!"

Mercy gave me a worried look as I just stared back, reluctantly she gave me nod. Torbjorn gave me a cold look and then mumbled "Be safe."

Smiling brightly at Torbjorns comment I nodded to everyone and stood up. Reaching behind my back I willed Crescent Rose to form. Imaging Crescent Rose as I pushed Aura into my hand, a cold metal soon formed in my hand.

Ignoring the looks that some of the people on the ship gave me, I pulled out Crescent Rose and stood next to the drop bay.

*Clunk Thunk!*

The sound of Crescent Rose unfolding echoed out around the Orca. Reinhardt laughed at my extravagant display while Lena lightly said "Man that looks so cool." to herself.

Tightening my cloak and checking Crescent Rose for ammo, I nodded to myself and cleared off my checklist. 'All ready let's do this.' I thought as I waited for Anna to give me the ready to go.

Waiting for a minute, red lights began to flash in the Orca. "Alright Rose! Get ready to drop! I hope you have a landing strategy because if you don't I swear to God!"

I laughed lightly and yelled to Anna. "All ready Anna! Give me the count down and I will drop!"

Anna sighed unbeknownst to me, and pressed a button. All the holoprojectors displayed a countdown of 20 seconds. "Alright you have 20 seconds starting now! Grab the drop bar and prepare to drop after hearing the alarm!"

Nodding to myself I grabbed the drop bar tightly. A breeze suddenly appeared as the drop bay door creaked open. The breeze got stronger and caused a deafening roar as wind passed by my ears.

My cloak fluttering in the wind, I watched as the countdown dropped to 5 seconds. Turning to Lena I gave a light smile and waited for the alarm.

*DingDingDingDing!* (Alarm Noises, idk how to type it.)

An alarm blared across the Orca as the red lights blinked on and off. Seeing as it was my time to drop I quickly jumped but not before yelling "See you all soon!".

Everyone gaped as they watched me fall, and could only hope that I really did have a landing strategy.

Free falling from the Orca I saw a small open square under me. Remembering from the map that this was the drop zone, I began to aim for it. Squinting my eyes due to the wind I made out some enemies.

Readying Crescent Rose, I moved my body in a way that I would land on the edge of the drop zone. Waiting a moment until I reached appropriate height, I then began to use the recoil of Crescent Rose to slow my fall.

*Bang! Bang!*

My bullets rung out in the air as the few robot guards became alert. Ignoring them for now I slowed my fall and rode Crescent Rose to the ground, and landed in a superhero fall.

Looking up I saw a small squad of basic Null Sector guards point their guns at me. 'Lets do this.' I thought as I flipped Crescent Rose around quickly and flew towards them.

Flying at speeds that caused me to blur, I appeared on the side of the Null Sector squadron. The guards quickly made some buzzing noise and tried opening firing on me only for all the bullets to miss.

Going tangible again I cut down the nearest Null Sector enemy. The sound of Crescent Rose cutting through metal echoed out as I cut the robot in half. Not even taking a breath I raised Crescent Rose and fired a bullet to boost it's speed towards the next enemy.

Slicing robots in front of me, I sped up even more. I was taking care of most of them as I occasionally got hit until a larger one appeared. This one had what appeared to be a rocket launcher on its shoulder.

The large one took aim and ignored all of the other Null Sector units in his way, and open fired. "That's not a rocket!" I screamed out as it turns out it was a fully automatic grenade launcher.

*Boom! Boom! Boom!* Grenades were launched out of the gun with great speed and headed straight towards me. The robot quickly activated a large shield that protected the front half of it.

Thinking of a way to dodge the grenades and to shoot the robot I jumped upwards. Using my semblance I appeared above them and transformed Crescent Rose into her sniper form and took aim.

'Gotcha!' I thought as I aimed directly at the head of the largest bot and fired. My shot hit true and caused the Null Sectors robot's head to explode into scrap metal. Still in air I took aim at as many other units I could and destroyed or maimed them.

Landing on the ground I noticed how the Null Sector squadron, or what's left of it was regrouping. Making weird buzzing noises, they all regrouped and opened fire. 'Heh that won't work.' I thought to myself as I used my semblance to appear at their sides.

Readying Crescent Rose I began to swing only to get hit with a red laser. Getting knocked back I looked over and saw something that looked eerily similar to a raptor. More and more of them appeared and began to run at me while shooting lasers.

Quickly rushing towards them, I pulled the trigger on Crescent Rose and sped up my attack. Charging up my semblance I began to spin as fast as I could as I slashed at the hoard of raptors shooting at me.

Cutting one, two, three, I lost count as their parts were flying in the air and landing on the ground. Finishing my attack I looked around me and saw only 4 Null Sector basic soldiers were left as they opened fire on me.

Speeding towards them Crescent Rose folded into a glaive as I picked up speed. Shooting some bullets occasionally to boost my self I soon appeared directly in front of the remaining units.

Slashing sideways I felt Crescent Rose slide through them like butter, cutting all 4 of them in half. Shifting Crescent Rose so it was behind my back I took a breath as I looked around for any other enemies.

Seeing as there were none, and all that was left was scrap, I transformed Crescent Rose into a sniper state. Charging my semblance I moved to the statue behind me and quickly climbed up to the middle of it. Taking some cover behind the statues legs I took aim and waited for the Orca to come back.

Inwardly I was thinking 'Ohmygosh that was so fun. I haven't been able to do that in awhile!'

Waiting for a minute or two I watched as the Orca flew back overhead, and quickly landed. Reinhardt ran off the ramp and activated his shield just incase.

Shielding the other occupants, they all exited the Orca as Torbjorn readied his payload. Watching as Reinhardt and the others looked vigilantly around I soon saw his surprise.

He looked around at the remains of the Null Sector squadron, and then looked for me. Lena and Mercy were also looking for me, so I double checked to see if there was any immediate threat. Looking through Crescent Roses scope, I saw no threat so I decided to make my way over.

Roses drifted in the air as I sped down towards them. Reinhardt turned around after catching sight of me and laughed lightly.

"Haha! You showed them Rose! Look at this, all that remains are scrap!" Reinhardt laughed out as he kept watch of any enemies.

Lena blinked over and had a relieved look on her face. "Jeez love you already took care of this many?"

Nodding to Lena I saw Mercy make her way over to me as well to see if I was hurt. "Did you get hurt anywhere?" she asked as she approached me.

"Nope, just got a bruise or two." I said while popping the P in Nope.

Mercy nodded seriously and went back to standing behind Reinhardt. Torbjorn seemed to finally get the payload off the Orca as I watched him drift it slowly towards us.

Anna seeing that we were all off, quickly shut the door and took off. Reinhardt and all of us took position around the payload as Torbjorn began to set up a turret on top of it.

"Alright people! We know the plan, we must get this payload to the factory without it getting damaged! It can't move fast as it will cause the bomb to go off, so remember to not get ahead of yourselves!" Torbjorn shouted in a Swedish accent.

Reinhardt took place in front of the payload with his massive shield active and began to walk forward. Everyone slowly fallowed as the payload slowly made its way down the road.

Passing through an arch of a building, we came across the open road but instead of being open it was full of Null Sector Squadrons.

"Enemies front and center!" Reinhardt shouted out as we all began to open fire on them.

Shooting through Reinhardts shield, my sniper rounds went through multiple enemies at a time. Some Null Sector tried to make it past the shield but luckily Lena would take care of any that made it past with some of my help.

Occasionally cutting down a straggler or two of Null Sector, I got in a rhythm of defending the payload. We would shout out callouts and help each other when we got overwhelmed.

"I need some help over here!" Torbjorn shouted as a small hoard of the Raptor droids appeared. Seeing as Lena and the others were busy I made my way over and quickly slashed through them with great efficiency.

Slicing through them like a lawnmower cutting grass, I soon cleared out the small hoard of Raptor droids. Wiping my head of sweat I used my semblance to get back to the payload.

Standing behind Reinhardt I looked down the road and saw that we made barely any progress in cleaning out the Null Sector units.

"Today's going to be a long one, huh?" I asked to myself as I saw hundreds of Null Sector soldiers all buzz and run towards us.