3 Beacon Hills

(AN: so I'm pleased with the comments and reviews thus far and I'm happy ya'll are enjoying this so far! And for those who asked about my old DBZ fics, I haven't completely decided yet. For right now I'm going to leave The Raditz fic alone as I MIGHT come back to it later. As far as the other one goes I've decided that IF I want to do it it'll be a complete rewrite as I honestly didn't care for it. BUT as of right now this Vampire fic is getting my sole attention. Thank you all!)

When we arrived in Beacon Hills with our U-haul filled with Mary's furniture and carriers for her cats along with some new furniture for me, we found the house Mary had found and made an offer on online. It was few neighborhoods over from where Alison Argent was currently moving into.

When we pulled up into the long drive way the real estate agent, a blond busty woman, was waiting at the front door with a large smile on her face. We got out of the cramped truck and I cracked the back door so the poor critters could gets some fresh air even though the back was temperature controlled and ventilated properly I still didn't like them being stuck in there like that. I then joined Mary and walked up the steps to meet the agent.

"Welcome to Beacon Hills and to California! It's so good to meet the both of you!" The blonde said still smiling and shaking both of our hands. "My name is Jeanette, I was so glad that a new couple was interested in this house!" Jeanette said looking at us and we just cracked up with a small chuckle.

"Jeanette it's good to meet you as well. My name is Mary James and this is my adopted son Raymond James, but I'm flattered you think I'm young enough to be paired with my handsome boy." Mary said still chuckling a bit.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! And you do look well young enough Ms. James, certainly not old enough to have such a handsome son." Jeanette said while eyeing me a bit fighting with her instincts to want to be close to me. Vampire charm is nothing to scoff at.

"Why thank you Mrs. Jeanette for the compliments." I tell her with a smile. "I'm looking forward to living here and attending school." I told her making myself out to be minor so she could have a bit of help controlling herself.

"Its Ms. and I'm sure you'll love it here Raymond." Jeanette replied still not completely deterred.

Mary seeing the predicament had a bit of a smirk but decided to help me out regardless of her being amused. "Ms. Jeanette, we've had a long trip and would like to get settled if that's okay. Not to be rude of course." Mary said.

Jeanette seeing both of us looking tired came to her senses. "Of course! I'm so sorry how inconsiderate of me! Here are the keys to your new home and my card if anything is needed my numbers are on the back." She said handing Mary the keys and eyeing me a bit while mentioning her phone numbers. 'Poor woman cant even help her self' I mused with a smirk. 'Maybe I'll entertain her at a later date.' I thought eyeing the blonde's curvy figure.


Mary and I decided to just rest a bit till it got darker then we would unload the truck. The sun does make us feel tired though we're still stronger than even the strongest human. We did get the cats out and let them roam the empty 2 story house while we did unload some of the smaller boxes and the guitar I picked up on a whim. I decided to take the basement as my room as it was very spacious and would give me some privacy with the layers of concrete nullifying the noises to I wouldn't disturb Mary who took a room on the second floor. Technically it was a 3 bedroom 3 bathroom home with the basement being more of an additional entertainment room with it's own bathroom but she had no issues with me taking the whole basement as my own. It also had a storage room that we decided we'd order some extra fridges and start working on our own blood bank so we wouldn't have to go biting and feeding from people or animals all the time.

According to the calendar app on my phone I have a week before the full moon so I had time before I needed to interfere and make sure Scott gets bitten. I wasn't exactly comfortable with the role I had to play in all this but Mary did her best for comfort me, after I explained what the "seer" told me I needed to do. She wasn't exactly happy either but decided she would support me regardless.

So over the next few days after moving into our home, we got ourselves situated into our new lives. She had morning shifts at the hospital starting a few days after the full moon so we had time to just settle in. When our fridges arrived I installed them and Mary volunteered at a blood donation bus, so she could nab a few bags here and there to start our bank while persuading the other workers that nothing was amiss. That night she also purchased the supplies that we could start doing it ourselves then she taught me how to do it so I could do it so we wouldn't have to take from the blood bus or hospital, as Mary didn't like the idea of stealing at all.

She did give me some money at my request, not alot just $3,000 from her savings. She wasn't even wary about it and just trusted me. I took that and bought an all black 2000 Kawasaki ZX-9R Ninja, that was in great condition, for a few hundred dollars. An old man was selling it after his son who had bought it had died in Iraq, goddess rest his soul. With the rest of the money I had bought several bitcoin since it was at an all time low, and then I played around in the stock market with my future knowledge. In a few years I would be stupid rich and Mary could work part time if she wanted to continue working at all.

Mary wasn't exactly thrilled yet again with me, when I rode my new motorcycle into our drive way and parked it next to her old 2002 Yellow Jeep Wrangler. She decided to the be a worried mom and lecture me for the next few moments about how dangerous "those contraptions" are. I did end her lecture with a hug and a kiss on her forehead which stumped her. "Thanks for worrying about me so much Mom." I said jokingly but when I decided to call her "Mom" jokingly, I didn't realize how natural it would feel and how much I would mean it. I guess she could see the conflict on my face.

"Ray you don't have to call me that..." She said misunderstanding my dilemma completely.

"No. I kinda want to.... if that's okay.." I told her and her eyes widened with shock and a bit of happiness.

"If that's what you want Ray... I would be happy if you did." She said then she hugged me tight. "But you have to promise to be careful on that bike understood? As your Mom I get to be worried even if you are virtually indestructible." She said to me.

"I promise." I told her hugging her back.


"Now, you'll forget I was ever here and go about your life, make sure you drink plenty of fluids and maybe eat a nice juicy steak tonight." I told my latest donor. I had persuaded a few random healthy smelling joggers in the park to donate some of their life blood towards Mary's and my blood bank. I then erased myself from their memories, sent them on their way, then stored the four new blood bags in my insulated backpack.

*Ring ring* my phone rang, only one person that could be, seeing as I only know one person personally in this life.

"Hey Mom, I'm bouta head home just got some fresh squeezed juice." I answered.

"Okay Ray! How about a movie tonight? I was thinking a comedy." Mary suggested.

"Sounds good to me. Be home in a few." I told her.

"Be careful." She says. That's pretty much what she says anytime we get off the phone or anytime I go anywhere on my bike.

*AAHHHHWOOOOOOOOOOOO* a long howl sounded in the distance.

"Okay, may be a few moments later than I thought. May have to meet a new friend, see you in a bit love you Mom." I tell her hanging up the phone and mounting my bike starting it up.


I toed in into gear then hit the throttle taking off towards the outskirts of town. 'Lets see which big bad wolf is running around this late at night.' I thought speeding up more.

A few moments later I pulled up to a parking area near a trail that leads into the woods. I dismounted locking up my bike then rushing into the woods on foot. Even though it's faint the smell of blood still makes its way to my nose. 'maybe that's tonight?' I thought deciding to jump into the trees and jump limb to limb to reach the location and avoid any unfriendlies.

When I came upon the scene I caught a glimpse of the retreating figure in a hospital gown. 'Peter' I thought then glanced down at the gruesome sight below. There among the leaves and blood was the bisected body of a young beautiful girl. "so it is tonight." I said aloud sadly.

My memories of the bloody battle fields should have prepared me for seeing such a sight but with my consciousness, this wasn't an easy sight to take in. On top of that I became conflicted. On one hand I wanted to chase down Peter and end his miserable existence for what he's done, but on the other hand I really need him to finish his part and bite Stiles and Scott. 'Then I'll kill him.' I decided. Now I want to bury the poor girl but unfortunately yet again I cannot do what I want to do. She needs to be out here to lead the boys out here so I can manipulate the situation to make sure things go like they should. 'Fuck! Goddess, why would you put me through this?!' I thought angrily. This poor girl didn't deserve this, and now I have to let her lay here and rot...

I turned from my spot in the tree then rushed back to my bike to get back home to Mary before I change my mind and go to the hospital and rip that little prick Peter to shreds.


When I got home, my mood must have shown on my face, because Mary's once cheery disposition crumbled with one look at my face. I didn't say anything and neither did she I just went to the basement storage room and unloaded my haul of blood from earlier into the new commercial grade fridge.

I then went to my bathroom and got in the shower trying to wash the sense of dirtiness and guilt off. Logically I know that I didn't know the girl and that I couldn't have gotten there any quicker to save her but emotionally I am blaming myself. Thoughts like "I should have known this was going to happen, I could have been there and saved her, I should have done something!" 'But no I was busy just trying to play house and doing things trying to be normalish because I feel so powerful and nothing can touch me, everyone else be damned.' I thought putting myself through the self deprecation.

I got out of the shower and got dressed in some basketball shorts. I then laid on my big king sized bed and just stared at the ceiling. As a vampire I don't need sleep and it's actually very difficult to sleep even though it is possible. The only real curse about being a vampire really. Even though I know if I could sleep right now I would be haunted by the poor girl's dead face.

*Knock knock* "Ray... Are you okay?" Mary asked cracking open the door and peaking in.

"Not really..." I answered honestly.

She came in and sat on the edge of the bed and patted her lap. The universal sign for lap pillow. I scooted over and laid my head on her lap and she started playing with my long hair. She got me to tell her what happened tonight, and I told her about the young girl who died in the woods tonight and how I had to leave her out there and why I had to. "My poor boy.... The weight of everything resting on your shoulders... I can't even imagine." She said as she braided a section of my hair. "I wont pretend to know how you feel Ray.. But I like to think I know you enough to know that you wont let this go unpunished. You plan to kill that beast yes?" She asked and I just nodded in reply. "Killing him, wont bring the girl back, but it'll stop him from doing something like this again?" She asked.

"I have to wait until he bites the boys and then he gets to die" I told her. "But even then I have to plan it to happen in a way that still helps... The girl was an alpha werewolf and now he is. I know she has a brother... I'm going to try and work it so that her brother can get his own revenge for what happened...ugh... so many things to do Mom...."

"I know... But you got me. And maybe when this is all done and things settle a bit and everything wont fall apart without you here, maybe we should go on vacation and just travel for a bit. How does that sound?" She suggested as she started running her fingers soothingly across a few of the scars on my chest. The bite changes our bodies to look the pinnacle of health but any scars from before the change will remain. In my case all the gaping wounds from the night of my attack just turned into deep scars.

"That does sound good... Always wanted to see what's across the ocean.. Maybe a cruise or something.." I suggested.

"I've never been on a cruise! That does sound lovely! Maybe we'll even have another family member or two huh?" She says pinching my cheek and looking at me knowingly.

"Haha, I don't know Mom, maybe..." I answered with a chuckle and a blush.

"Come on, lets watch a movie and eat some chocolate!" She says before slipping out from under my head and pulling at my hands to follow her back to the living room.

"Okay.." I told her giving in and deciding to put a rest to this issue for now... Tomorrow night will be a busy night after all.