Chapter 5 Saintess and the Royals (2)

NYTI Chapter 05: Saintess and the Royals (2)

The saintess glanced in the direction of the door as a gentle knock shook the room and brought her back to earth.

"Yes?" she replied in a refined manner.

"We've come to guide you to the reading room." A priestess entered the room along with a bunch of other clergy.

The delicate murmurs of the priests floated through the air like old mantras as they wandered along the corridor's shadowed expanse, producing an ethereal melody that remained in the wake of their passage.

The prophecy reading room had been dormant for half a century and was shrouded in mystery. Dust particles danced in the soft sunlight filtering through the small stained glass windows, creating ethereal patterns on the cold stone floor. The room was filled with bookshelves lined with crumbling tomes, their contents bearing the weight of prophecies yet to be revealed. The center piece is a floating altar made of the finest grade of jade.

The saintess, adorned in ceremonial garb, stood at the threshold of the prophecy chamber, a vision in white. Her ceremonial robes flowed like liquid moonlight, kissed with delicate gold borders that seemed to shimmer with the echoes of ages past. The fabric clung to her form like a celestial embrace, each stitch telling a tale of devotion and reverence. Her eyes, pools of ancient wisdom, sparkled with a distant knowledge that transcended the mortal realm.

A hushed reverence fell over the room as the saintess entered the prophecy chamber. The anticipation of centuries hummed in the air as her steps echoed like a heartbeat. The ceremonial candle, which had been waiting patiently on the altar, was beckoned to life with the flick of a match. Its flame danced, casting shadows that seemed to whisper long-forgotten truths.

The saintess approached the altar with the grace of years of sacred practice. Her hands were steady and sure as she cradled the candle's flame and began reciting prayers that had echoed through the ages. The ancient and mystical words echoed through the chamber like a sacred mantra, a symphony that connected the mortal and the divine.

"O, keeper of the celestial threads, guide my soul through the tapestry of fate," she intoned, the resonance of her voice weaving through the air.

The chamber responded to her invocation. Unseen forces stirred, awakening from their slumber as if recognizing the return of a sacred rite. The air shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence, and a descending light bathed the saintess in an ethereal glow. It enveloped her form, casting a radiant aura that mirrored the celestial bodies.

In the heart of this sacred convergence, the saintess, the earthly vessel of prophecy, opened a weathered tome. Its pages, yellowed with the passage of time, crinkled like autumn leaves as she delicately turned them. The words, written in a script long forgotten by the common tongue, seemed to stir with an ancient energy, as if eager to be voiced once more.

With her eyes now ablaze with the illumination of unseen truths, the saintess began to recite the prophecy. Her voice, a conduit between realms, echoed through the chamber, carrying the weight of destinies yet to unfold. In the silence that followed, the sacred chamber held the echoes of prophecy.

"In the ethereal tapestry spun by the cosmic loom, a revelation unfurled—a resonance of rare threads intertwining in the dance of serendipity. Within the enigmatic whispers of heartfelt aspirations, a subtle alchemy stirred, as if the stars conspired to weave the desire of the soul into the fabric of fate, casting an ephemeral spell upon the course of events."

The angelic voice of the saintess enveloped the place with divinity as she spoke the prophecy. As she concluded the prophecy, the luminescence gradually withdrew, leaving the chamber with a subdued glow. The saintess, though wearied by the communion with the divine, stood with quiet strength.

The prophecy, now spoken into the air, lingered like a whispered promise, waiting to be unraveled by the hands of time. The ceremony was concluded as the light from the lighted candle vanished and smoke traveled in the air.

In the resplendent halls of the imperial palace, where the opulence of the monarchy mirrored the grandeur of an ageless dynasty, an evening unfolded, heralded by the chiming of gilded goblets and the melodious laughter of noble ladies. The grandeur of the occasion was that it was a tea party that was being held by the Empress herself.

Noble ladies, draped in silks of the richest hues, mingled in a tapestry of jeweled gowns and whispered confidence. The air was thick with the fragrance of exotic perfumes, and the laughter of the assembled women reverberated like the delicate notes of a royal anthem.

Amidst this sea of courtly opulence, Empress Larissa, adorned in resplendent garments that shimmered like sunshine on silk, stood as the epitome of imperial elegance. Her every movement exuded a quiet authority, and her eyes, pools of restrained wisdom, surveyed the gathering with a dignified serenity.

"In the utmost delight, I express my profound gratitude that each of you graced us with your presence," Empress Larissa uttered as she took a seat.

Her voice, velvety and melodic, resonated through the grand hall, captivating the attention of all in attendance. The room fell into a hushed silence, eagerly awaiting her next words.

"Fear is not an excess of trepidation, and may the merriment of this gathering be savored by all in attendance," she continued, officially starting the party she is holding.

The Empress's words carried a sense of warmth and inclusivity, instantly putting everyone at ease. With a gentle smile, she raised her glass in a toast, signaling the beginning of a night filled with joy and celebration.

The atmosphere of the tea party gradually became more joyful as time went on, with the attending noble ladies engaging in frequent small chats. The Empress receives gifts from the noble ladies, which she gladly accepts.

The servants start to serve the refreshments that the Empress personally picked from the drinks and pastries that are all served on the rectangular marble table.

"Help yourself," the Empress said with a smile as the refreshments were served at the table.

The noble ladies eagerly reached for the delicate porcelain teacups and dainty pastries, savoring the exquisite flavors. The room filled with laughter and animated conversations as they enjoyed the delectable treats, creating an atmosphere of warmth and camaraderie.

"Your tea choices are awesome! They smell so good and show you have a great taste in fancy things."

The compliments from the present ladies started to fill the air.

"That's true, I have to say. The teas you put out are really, really good. It's like you're a pro at picking flavors, and it makes this tea party feel extra special. The types of teas you chose—they're like a mix of rare and super tasty. Each sip feels like a journey through fancy flavors, and it makes this party feel really fancy."

"The teas you picked are like a feast for the senses. It shows you have a taste that goes beyond the ordinary, making this tea party feel super classy."

The aromas of the teas you selected are absolutely delightful. They fill the atmosphere with a sense of tranquility and relaxation, enhancing the overall ambiance of this tea party. It's clear that you have a deep understanding and appreciation for the art of tea selection, creating an unforgettable experience for all of us.

Empress Larissa smiled at the compliments given to her.

"I'm thankful that it fits everyone's taste palette. It appears the stars have aligned in my favor," she said as she sipped some of her untouched cup of tea.

"Please, Your Highness is simply good at picking this selection of refreshments.The blend of flavors in each tea is carefully curated to ensure a harmonious balance that caters to a variety of preferences. It's evident that you have taken great care in selecting teas that not only taste exquisite but also provide a soothing and rejuvenating experience for everyone. Your attention to detail truly shines through in every sip, making this tea party a truly memorable occasion," says Dimitri, the daughter of Duke Evangeline.

The other ladies agreed with her words.

Just as the tea party is in full swing, an unexpected turn of events caused turmoil in the pavilion.

Just as the tea party is in full swing, an unexpected turn of events caused turmoil in the pavilion. The once elegant peach-colored dress is now painted a darker shade of red as the Empress coughs blood.

The first splatters of blood stained the front of the Empress's gown. Panic, an unseen visitor, started to spread through the gathering. The ladies, once graceful, recoiled in horror. The sound of a broken tea cup hitting the floor mixed with gasps of horror.

In the middle of this sudden chaos, the screams of the noble ladies caught the attention of nearby knights. The knights, in their shining armor, quickly approached the scene. Trained through years of discipline, they formed a protective barrier around the ailing Empress. The once-jovial gathering had turned into a scene of disorder, with the knights now standing guard against the approaching chaos.

As the knights took control of the situation, loud commands and the clatter of armor became the new sounds in the panicked atmosphere.

The ladies screams of agony have filled the air. As the knights took control of the situation, they barked orders, and the clattering of armor became the new rhythm that underscored the panic. Some of the noble ladies, in their distraught state, frantically sought assistance from nearby courtiers, while others fanned the still-reeling Empress with trembling hands.

Amidst the tumult, the imperial physician, summoned by the urgency of the crisis, arrived with an air of composed urgency. The knights, recognizing the gravity of the situation, cleared a path for the physician to approach the ailing Empress. The air, charged with the weight of imperial distress, crackled with a sense of impending tragedy.