8...His another face

Me and Junpiyo was having icecream I love butterscotch flavor and he likes choco moco fudge.... we were sitting at the ice cream parlour... I was enjoying my ice cream but suddenly Junpiyo spoke" Yueyue I need to talk with you on something ".. I looked at him. with a confusing face and said" what? " he usually use to solve my problems and make me smile everytime but never tells me about his problems... but today he was saying it to me so I have to listen it...He said" Yueyue I think I like Alice".... I stupidly answered " of course everyone like her, she is a nice girl." he does like this emoji 🤦‍♂🤦‍♂and I was fully confused then he again said "idiot I mean I love her " I got chocked and said " what? How? when?..... ❓❓WHY❓... He answered " what do you mean by why? I am a boy and I can also fell in love with a girl " I smiled Akwardly and said " yes you.... ca... n, I mean yes you can."😅😶Then he said " should I propose her or not? " I answered "Offcourss you can buy only when you are sure with your feelings, I don't wanna girl get hurt only by your site of attractions" he give me a glare and said " I am not like your fanboys... who are just obsessed with you because of your beauty " I chuckled and we finished our ice cream Junpiyo went to pay the bill I suddenly watch out of window I saw the same boy( who saved me today) from the group if our senior who bullied me...

I saw he was helping homeless childrens... My heart again started beating fast just like it was doing in afternoon..... I asked myself " what happened to you yueyue why is your heart beating fast? what the hell is happening with me"...

Junpiyo dropped me at my place and went to his home back I done my night routine and went to my bed but I was not able to sleep whenever I just try to sleep that boy's face came in front of my eyes what is happening to me?

+++++++++TO BE CONTINUE++++++++