11.....why I am blushing

Before you guys start reading I want to say something to you guys " Love can make you and Love can also destroy you "... now see what this love do with Yueyue..... let's begin

I was happy as everything was settled down Junpiyo and Alice are in relationship and I also said sorry to that seniors... I was thinking that everything is settled but that's not ending thats was a beginning.....

I was going through halfway toward my. classroom by coming back from restroom... I was thinking about that did those bullies eat my given pastries ir not?... I was thinking this stuff and suddenly I got bumped into someone when I look up it was that same boy from the team that bullies and he was looking at me and said " can't you walk properly "I bowed and said " I am sorry I Will be careful next time " he continued with a smirk on his face "so, you are saying that you will again bumped into me" I said"what"..... I rolled my eye and again stated going to my classroom but suddenly he stop me by saying "thanks for the pastries and I also accept your apologies" I was feeling ok inside but show that I don't know what he's saying... I again rolled my eyes he continue" Thanks Miss. Lunchbox🍱 " I give him a dead glare and he went back with a smirk on his face and I was blushing I smiled and wanted to my classroom and back to my seat then Jandi whispered in my ears "hey! when you went to restroom Kim Tan senior came and he was asking about you " I said " who Kim Tan?" she replied "that one of those bullies" I said "ohhh!!what❓ why ❓he was asking about me " she replied "I don't know" I said "let it be "... then Gauyel whisper" hey yueyue! why are you blushing? " I replied "no... no I why would I? there is no reason for blushing" she replied "yahh, you are right" Then we again started concentrating on our class but in my mind I was thinking " yahh!! she is right why I am blushing? what is this felling growing up in my heart, what going on.... " I took myself out of this thoughts in started concentrating on my classroom.......