Chapter 2: It was her decision.

Alyssa arrived back at her apartment where she stayed with her mother. She had wondered why Gladys had not made up to the party and was ready to scold her for that but to her surprise when she entered the apartment which was decorated with each and every beautiful picture of her but there was no sign of Gladys' presence.

" Where did she go ? " Alyssa asked herself and went to sit on a sofa as she removed her heels. After this she went to her room where she refreshed and wore her pajamas. It was almost 10pm but still Gladys was no where to be seen so Alyssa decided to go and sleep.

The next morning , Alyssa was awaken by hard knocks on her door. She wondered if it was Gladys' who just returned and rushed to open but to her surprise she found two men who were clad in black suits.

" Good morning Miss ? " One of them greeted.

" Good morning. You are...? " Alyssa asked giving them questioning eyes.

" Oh..We have been sent by Mr Wong with a warning warrant to Mrs Gladys for failing to pay off her debts in time. " The other man Said.

" Warning ? Debts ?....What are you talking about ? " Alyssa asked in a perplexed tone.

" Yes Ma'am . Am sure this is her address. Do you know her anyway ? " The man asked.

" Of course , Gladys is my mother. But how comes she is in a debt ? " Alyssa inquired.

" Oh..You know she owns a beauty shop and she's been purchasing cosmetics on credit but unfortunately she has failed to pay back. Her paying off date is soon reaching so we want to make sure ishe pays it. " The man explained as Alyssa nodded.

" Oh...I get that. How much is the money ? " Alyssa asked cheerfully thinking that it was some little but the answer shocked her.

" It's over fifty millions. " The man said bringing Alyssa to her shock.

" Fifty millions , All that money for just costemics ? " Alyssa couldn't believe it .

" Miss , I know it's hard for you to believe it but already signed a contract that she would pay back with 30% interest . That's why the amount is very high. " The man said.

" Okay , Give it to me. I promise I will settle this. ," Alyssa said getting the warning note and closed the door to walk back inside the house.

She read through it till she found the name of the company . ' Wong Cosmetics Limited. '

' But where did Mother put the money I have been giving her all along ? She would have at least paid half of the debt. " Alyssa cried innery and then decided to call her mother through the phone but Gladys wasn't picking.


The same morning David woke up and when he was in the loving room he realized that Calcel was still asleep. He decided to head to his room where he found Calcel still deep in slumber and sat at the bedside table.

" Son , I know you must still be angry with me for divorcing your mother but I just hope that you can understand that I really didn't want to divorce her. And you also know it has been my dream to become a politician and here's the chance . I really want to become a mayor but the only way through it is to get married so please let me do it. I promise you nothing will happen between me and the woman I will marry so you don't have to worry about your mother. " David said these looking at his son's handsome face and after he pressed a peck on his forehead before leaving the room.

As soon as David was out , Calcel opened his eyes and got up from the bed. He had heard everything David had just said.

David was having his breakfast when he saw Calcel coming to join him on the table.

" You are awake ? " David asked.

" Yes , I want to go with you to the company. " Calcel in his cold voice said making David grin.

" Are you serious about this ? " David asked.

" I thought that that's what you want. " He exclaimed.

" Of course , Let's go together and I will introduce you to everyone. " David said with a smile.

After the breakfast , Calcel went to change into a business suit and left off with David to the company.


" I need to confirm this first. " Alyssa said to herself and immediately went to her room where she changed into black outfits with a cap and glasses so that no one would recognize her . She got into her car and drove off to Wong Cosmetics Limited hoping to settle her mother's debt issue.

At Wong Cosmetics.....

David and Calcel got out of the confrence room after having introduced him to every important person in the company and announcing him as the next CEO.

" How do you find everything ? " David asked Calcel looking at him with a smile.

" Yes. I just hope that I will enjoy working with them. " Calcel said.They were still talking when David's secretary came.

" Mr David , You have a visitor. " The secretary said.

" Oh...please take my son to his office. I will go meet the visitor. " David said to the secretary and left the two.