Chapter 26: Calcel's Birthday party ( 2 ).

Outside the party Hall....

Alyssa quickly recieved the call.

" Mr Chi ? " She called.

" Hey , Why aren't you here yet ? " The CEO asked in a disappointed tone.

" Am sorry not to inform you that something agent happened. " Alyssa said in panic.

" How dare you say sorry at this moment when everyone is eagerly waiting for you ? " Chi asked.

" Am so sorry sir. What do I do now ? " Alyssa bit her lower lip in confusion.

" Whatever the case is , I don't need an explanation now. Hurry up and make it to the launch otherwise I will be forced to do something bad. " Chi said and ended the call before Alyssa could add other excuses.

' What do I do now ? Aly asked herself innery thinking of the situation. She hurried back to the hall to find everyone busy interacting .

,' What's the use of me being here anyway ? Am sure a few will only recognize me. " She thought and when she realized that neither David's nor Calcel's eyes were on her , She left the hall again and left the mansion.


At the launch party .....

Alyssa got out of the cub and hurried inside where she was welcomed with the reporters taking interviews from her. After giving the short interaction she went to Mr Chi and apologized for being late.

" I thought that you wouldn't make it ! " Herman said as soon as he saw her.

" I have just escaped from the party , I won't take long here. " Alyssa said

" That's good , I will drop you home.." Herman promised.

" Thanks.."


At the Wong's Mansion party Hall...

The party was coming to an end . David looked around but he wasn't finding Alyssa. He asked one of the maids who were helping to serve the guests.

" Have you seen my wife ? " He asked.

" Not really sir , I last saw her some hour go . " The maid answered.

" Oh ..." David just gave a smile.

Where could have she gone ? He asked himself and later decided to get the thought out of his mind.

" Mr Wong ? " A lady called him making him to turn to look at her.

" Your..." He asked stretching his arm for a handshake.

" Have you forgotten me this quick ? " The lady giggled.

" Am really sorry , But you Know it has been a while ever since we met. " David muttered.

" Take it easy. Am Cynthia... May's mother. " The lady said.

" Oh...I now remember you. Thanks for attending my son's party. " David said smiling.

" And thanks for inviting us too. " Cynthia said.

They were still talking when May also joined herself.

" Hello Mr Wong .." She greeted.

" Hi , You are here too ? "

" Yes sir. I decided to bring my mother along. " May said with a smile.

" That's so good. Am really happy to see you here . Am....please enjoy.. " David said with a smile before leaving them.

" Your boss is really still handsome no matter how old he is ! " Cynthia exclaimed looking at May with a grin.

" That's true Mom..." May said nonchalantly.

" By the way , Let's go meet the birthday boy. Am so exited to see him. .." Cynthia cocking a brow at May.

They both walked to the spot where Calcel was and his friends. His back was facing them so he just felt some pat his shoulder. He turned to see who it were to find it was May .

" Mr Calcel ..." May called with a smile.

" May ? " Calcel called looking surprised.

" Am...This is my mother.." May said looking at Cynthia with a smile.

" Am...Nice to meet you Ma'am.." Calcel said shaking a hand with Cynthia

" It's my pleasure to meet you too dear. " Cynthia answered back.

" I and Mom brought you this..." May said giving him the gift bag she was holding in her hands.

" Thanks a lot..." Calcel said.

" Happy birthday.." May and Cynthia in corouse.

" Thank you so much..." Calcel said again before giving the gift bag to the maid.


The launch party was done so as Herman had promised , He was ready to drop Alyssa home as quick as possible. They were driving back home when something came into Alyssa's mind and she asked Herman to stop the car.

" What's wrong ? " Herman asked after stopping the car.

" I forgot to buy a birthday gift for Calcel. I guess I should get one here. " Alyssa said and got out of the car.

" Wait ! " Herman requested and followed her.

Inside the Mall...

" What are you going bro buy now ? " Herm asked as they walked to the clothes shop.

" I really don't know. You will help me chose right ? " Alyssa asked .

" Of course. " Herm said.


Almost all the guests had left when Herman's car arrived at the Mansion. It was almost 10pm. The maids were setting everything back.

After bidding good bye to Herman , Alyssa got into the Mansion but surpringly the hall was empty . Fully empty.

She headed to the living room to find David on the couch sipping down a glass of wine.

" Mr Wong sorry for...."

" Shut up ! " David raised his voice startling her and stopping her from talking.

David got up from the couch and walked towards her anger evidence in his eyes.

" Sir , Am..."

Before Alyssa could add anything a very hot slap landed across her cheeks. She raised her arm that touch the slap punch in disbelief. Did this man just slap her for missing the party or...Alyssa could not understand it at the moment.

" How dare you miss my son's party for a stupid luanch ? " David yelled.

Alyssa just looked at him tears flowing over her eye. When she heard his question she looked down and gulped before looking back at him.

" Am so sorry sir..The CEO wanted me to attend badly. " She mumbled.

" And so ? ...You left without informing me or anyone. Do you know the Shame you have put into my family ? " David muttered with a nasty look.

" Am sorry sir.." That's all Alyssa could say with her tears.

David looked at her disappointedly and left.

Alyssa sat down on the couch and started crying her tears out. Did she really deserve this slap just because she attended a launch party ? Wasn't it even her fault that she delayed on the way back home. She had delayed because she was buying Calcel a gift .But this man didn't even give her a chance to explain anything.