Chapter 36: Yarning hearts ( 3 )

May was still glaring at them but Calcel paid no attention to her and just dashed out of the room. He hurried Alyssa to the hospital in his car. He made her lie down on the back seat and hurried to the driver's seat when he started the car and drove be off.

At the hospital..

Alyssa was taken to the operation room as Calcel waited outside patiently. He didn't know why he was so worried about her not he was really worried. After 30 minutes since Alyssa had been taken for operation , The operation room was opened and the doctor and the nurse who were working upon her came out.

" How is she ? " He asked the doctor immediately.

" The coffee didn't burn her that much so she will be okay. " The doctor said.

Calcel gave a sigh of relief after hearing the good news . He couldn't wait but to go inside and see her himself.

Alyssa was lying on the bed with her arms folded around her chest. When she saw Calcel approach her she tried to get up and sit down but he immediately stopped her.

" Have some rest please ! " He said.

Alyssa nodded and stayed still. Calcel sat on the chair besides the bed.

" How are you feeling now ? " He asked.

" I am fine. " Alyssa mumbled stealing glances from him. She knew he must be angry with her bringing him into this condition and she was ready to be scolded .

" I am m sorry ! " She gasped and gathering the strength to look straight into his face.

" Sorry for what ? " Calcel asked confused. He was the one who hit the desk making the coffee pour on her right ? Why was she saying sorry now ? He wondered.

" I brought you here yet you are supposed the be at work. " Alyssa murmured.

" Oh...That's not your fault. " Calcel knew what she meant.

" What made you so angry ? " Alyssa dared to ask. She knew she wasn't supposed to ask this but somehow she was concerned about him .

" Ah....Its... one of the investors cancelled my contract . " Calcel said doubtfully.

" Was it that so important for you that it made you so angry ? " Alyssa asked curiously.

" Ya. But I will get another one. " Calcel said. Surprisingly the two found themselves chatting freely .

Alyssa put a smile on her face. " I trust you , I Know nothing can fail you ! " She said more encouraging him.

' Trusting me ? Is that necessary ? ' Calcel asked himself innery wondering. Why did Alyssa still care about him yet he made it clear that there was nothing like friendship between them .

" ...I am...that's true. " He gasped. " Get yourself prepared , I will take you home ! " He added not wanting to prolong their jazz.


At Wong Costmetics...

When Calcel and Alyssa left , May immediately called up the cleaners to get the office cleaned. After that she went back in her's and sat on her chair. She leaned over it and tried to remember what she saw.

' Was it necessary for Calcel to carry Alyssa in his arms ? Why did he look so concerned yet Alyssa is just his step mother ? ' May had a lot to ask herself.

" May , This is too much . You have to start your plan before things get worse. Remember what brought you here , You came here to get Calcel's love and nothing more. " The little May inside her reminded her .She was still like this when she heard a knock and allowed the person to enter.

" Mr Wong ? " She called surprised to see David.

" May....How are you ? " David greeted with a smile.

" I am fine sir , Have a seat please ! "

David sat down. " I came to see Calcel but he's no where to be seen. " David muttered.

" He actually took Ms Alyssa to the hospital. " May said.

" Really , What happened to my wife ? " David asked a bit worried.

" I am not sure of that. Maybe Calcel will explain to you when he returns. " May said.

" Mmm.."

" I will get for you something.." May said and was about to go when David stopped her.

" Don't bother . " David said and got up from the seat. " I will go wait for him from my office. " He added and left with his body guard.

At the hospital...

Calcel was waiting from his car when Alyssa came back. He was glad that she her legs were not hurt all though there was a faded bruise..He opened the car door die her to enter and then also entered from the other side.

He sat on the driver's seat and looked at Alyssa before starting the car. " Fasten your belt ! " He said .

" Ah.." Alyssa seemed not to have heard what he said.

Calcel moved closer to her making Alyssa to lean back on the seat with a frown. Why was he acting like this ? She thought and then realised that he was just fastening her belt. After fixing that he turned to look at her but still close to her that their faces were just an inch apart . Calcel observed everything on her face , The big white eyes , The sharp nose and ...her pink heart shaped lips. Alyssa didn't look back this time , She also took the chance to admire his face again. They looked at each other for over 10 seconds when Alyssa decided to look back.

" A ....A...are you .....done ? " She stuttered.

Calcel came back to senses. He couldn't believe that he had been staring at her for a moment. Didn't he just move closer to fasten her belt ? He was done with it but why didn't he move back immediately .

" I am...m sorry ! " He said realising that he was actually making her uncomfortable and moved back.

He started the car and drove off but throughout the journey he didn't stop stealing glances from her. Alyssa made sure that she didn't dare to look at him.

At the Wong's Mansion..

Calcel parked the car in the Mansion's parking. It was still early from the normal quiting time so almost all the house workers were surprised.