Chapter 41: I got married to your father not you !

Calcel dragged Alyssa to the stair case to her room when he pushed her hard against the wall. Hepressed his hands on the wall trapping her inside with both his arms at the walls , He gave her his devil look again and asked.

" What's really going on between you and Herman ? " He asked in a raised tone.

Alyssa was already scared of his actions. She had never really seen him behave like this.

" I told you that Herman is just my friend ! " That's all she could mumble .

" Just a friend ! " Calcel chuckled. " Is that how you behave with your all your friends ah..." He again asked.

" What are you talking about ? " Alyssa was confused.

" Ha.....Don't you think that your going to far this time. You think that I didn't see everything you did at the hotel ? " He asked again .

" I didn't do anything wrong with Herman ! " Alyssa argued.

" Do friends hold hands and touch each other's lips ? Do friends feed each other ? I saw the way you looked at him with a wide smile huh....Is that what friends do ? " He asked again bittery.

Alyssa was getting fade up of his silly questions. " Calc , You misunderstood it ! " She argued.

" Misunderstood , Do you mean than I am stupid ? " Calcel muttered.

Alyssa couldn't take this anymore. She used all her force to push Calcel away from her escaping from his trap.

" Calcel , Stop interpreting things in a wrong way. Herman is just a friend , Your father also knows that.."

" So you think that you will keep on cheating on my father because if that stupid excuse , Ah..? " Calcel asked.

" Calcel ????...." Alyssa called him confused of what to say. Tears started flowing over her cheeks.

" Easy , Bring your phone and I prove it by reading the messages that you and Herman have been sending to each other. " Calcel said and seeing no reaction from her he tried to grab the phone away from Alyssa.

" Leave my phone ! " Alyssa argued her holding her phone tightly as Calcel fought to get it from her.

This was too much for her and she couldn't take it anymore. Calcel was still Fighting to grab the phone away when he felt a hot slap across his cheek. He widened his eyes in shock. Alyssa just slapped him hard. How dare she ? Didn't she fear or respect him at all. He looked at her with questioning eyes.

" I got married to your father not you ! " She declared angrily also giving the loudest tone she could give.

" What ? " Calcel couldn't believe his ears.

" If there's anyone supposed to get concerned with who I am cheating with , It's your father not you. You have no right to accuse me of anything. " She muttered and added. " Don't forget that I am your step mother by law , At least give me that small respect ! " Alyssa said and left him hanging.

Calcel chuckled at himself again. How dare Alyssa slap him ? He then asked himself what he just did.

" But she's right , Why did I get concerned with her . I was to be instead happy that since She has a nother man she would never seduce my father. But what did I just put my self into . " Calcel asked himself .


Alyssa hurried to her room and covered herself under the blanket on the bed. She also couldn't believe that she slapped Calcel.

' May God ! If Mr Wong gets to Know this I will be given a punishment or even chased out of the company. What do I do now ? ' She asked herself .


Calcel also went to his room after the hot slap. He went to his washroom to wash his face and looked at the red patch on his left cheek from the mirror. He remembered the way Alyssa slapped him and back then how she behaved so sweet with Herman.

He then remembered May telling him that she loves him.

" Gosh ! What do I do now ? " He asked himself. He was still looking for a reason why he was angry when he saw Herman and Alyssa when he heard a knock.

" Whose that ? " He asked.

" Sir , You left your book from he garden. " The maid said .

" Leave it there ! " He said.


Late that evening , David joined to have dinner but to his surprise Alyssa and Calcel didn't join..He asked the maids why they hadn't attended when they told him that both were not in the mood to eat something.

" Fine ! " He wasn't bothered at all.

" Make sure my son eats something. " David informed Jenny before he went to his room to sleep . He had been used of living alone anyway the days Calcel had gone to his mother so this wasn't new to him.

As Jenny had been asked. She got Calcel's food ready and took it his room.

' Knock ! Knock ! ' Calcel heard the knock when he was on his room.

" Whose that ? " As usual he asked.

" Butler Jenny , Your father asked me to bring the food in your room.." Jenny said.

" I don't feel like eating . " Calcel said . He was lying on his bed.

To his surprise Jenny opened the door and got inside the room with a tray full of food. Calcel sat on the bed with disbelief in his eyes.

" Didn't I tell you that I don't want to eat ? " He asked bittery.

Jenny put the food on the bed side table and put glare onto Calcel.

" Why don't you want to eat ? " She asked.

" I don't have any appetite for food. " He said.

Jenny smiled and observed his face. " Does it hurt ? " It's the question that came from her mouth. She had noticed the red patch on his cheek.

" What are talking about ? " Calcel said looking a side to hide the patch.

" You don't need to hide anything from me Calc. " Jenny said looking at him.

" Nanny Jenny , I really don't know what you are saying.." He said again to confuse Jenny.

" The truth is that I heard everything that you and Alyssa talked. " Jenny declared making Calcel look at her again.

" You...what...? " He was in a total mess.

" Yes..The way you scolded her and everything you said to her. " Jenny added.

Calcel closed his eyes. How couldn't he remember that that they were many people in the house to witness this. He scolded himself for being stupid.

" But I was right to scold her .." Calcel was saying to defend himself when Jenny cut him off.