Chapter 54: Why did you do that ?

Later that evening , Calcel was ready to leave. He has just approached his car when he saw May waiting for a taxi. He walked gently to her. When May saw him come she smiled.

" Sir , Aren't you leaving yet ? " She asked.

" I am , What are you doing here ? " He asked.

" I am waiting for a taxi. You know I didn't come with my car today. " She replied.

" Ohh , I get it..." He said. " I think I will go , See you tomorrow. " He said and turned to leave.

The moment Calcel's back faced May , She gritted her teeth in anger. " How dare he leave me like this ! " She cursed and was about to turn when Calcel turned back to look at her.

" Get in my car , I will drop you home. " He said and turned to walk again.

" Yes ! " She said in trumphiant and followed behind him.

Inside the car ..

Calcel started the car and soon they were on the road . May kept on stealing glances from Calcel whose focus on driving.

" How is Mr David ? " She asked to clear the silence.

" He's doing well . " Calcel simply answered.

" It has been a long time ever since he left the company ,I really miss working with him. " May added wanting to hear Calcel's complement.

" Really , You can pay him a visit on weekends. " Calcel suggested.

" I will surely come. " May said with a smile.

They were soon in front of May's home.

" So this is where you stay . " Calcel muttered.

" Of course , I stay with my mother and a nanny. " She said.

" That's wow. " Calcel commented.

" Would you like to come and say hi to them ? " May asked.

" No , It's alright . I will drive back home. "

" Fine , Thanks for dropping me home. " She said smiling.

" It's nothing big. I will watch you get inside. " Calcel said.

" Okay , Good night. " May said.

" Good night too. " Calcel replied.

May got out of the car and left. She was at least glad that he had given a ride.


Calcel had arrived home. He had his shower and got his laptop to do some work as he waited for supper. He was in the middle of work when he remembered that he hadn't seen Alyssa since the night they kissed. He knew, He has since wronged her and he was supposed to say sorry to her. He remembered that when he said sorry , Alyssa just ran away to her shower room and since then he hadn't seen her again. The thought made him go down stairs to the living room where no one was. He then walked to the chicken , Where two maids were preparing food.

" Hi.." He says to them.

" Greetings Mr Calcel. " They both greeted.

" Is Father here yet ? " He asked them.

" He hasn't sir. " One of them replied.

" Ah..What of Ms Alyssa ? " He asked.

" Sir...Ms Alyssa is still locked inside her room. " The other maid said.

" Did father have to go to that extent ? " Calcel asked softly. " Who has the key ? " He asked again.

" Ah...Sir , I have it but I doubt if you are allowed to see her. ' The first maid gasped.

" Give it to me ! " Calcel commanded looking more cold.

The maid immediately got the key from her apron pocket and handed it to Calcel. She had been given the key because she was the one in charge of Alyssa's meals .

Calcel got the key and headed to Alyssa's room. He was fine all the way there but the moment he reached the door , His heart started pumping fast. He breathed in and out before he finally put the key in the lock. Before he opened he had to make her aware.

" It's me Calcel , May I come inside ? " He asked still holding the door handle.

Alyssa who was inside the room sleeping on her bed heard the voice and immediately got up . " Calcel , What does he want here ? " She asked herself as she quickly got off the bed and wore her slippers.

" Come in ! " She said and stood besides her bed.

Calcel opened the door gently and entered the room .

" What brings you here ? " She asked . He had stood a short distance away from the door keeping some distance between them.

" I was told that you were still locked so I came to check on you. " He said.

" I ...alright. I am used anyway , It has been two days now. " Alyssa replied.

" And...Whatever happened yesterday ....I want to say sorry. " He said referring to the kiss.

Alyssa understood it. " You already said so yesterday. " She reminded him.

" I did but your reaction wasn't good. I am sure you must be angry with me." Calcel muttered.

" Why did you do that ? " Alyssa asked looking straight into his eyes. She didn't want to confuse herself because she knew clearly that Calcel could never like her.

She had been thinking about that the whole and she was glad that he had come to check on her. This was her chance to ask him otherwise the kiss would keep dirty thoughts in her mind.

Then question made Calcel shut. He really didn't know what to answer her . There was no way he was going to escape this , She was looking straightly at her .

" ..I...I....I..." He stammered not knowing what to talk about. " I... really...don't know. But....I..."

" It's okay ." Alyssa stopped him. " It's past anyway. If you have nothing more to say then you can leave my room ." She said and turned her gaze from him to sit on her bed.

' Is she chasing me now ? ' Calcel's inner voice asked him.

" Fine , I will take my leave. " He said and left.

" I really don't know ! " Alyssa mimicked Calcel's words with a chuckle. " What he on if he really didn't know ? " She yelled and lied on her bed.

That evening , David returned late. Calcel was already asleep when he went to check on him . He went to his room and found him deep in slumber. He smiled and sat down on the bedside table as he watched his son.

After checking on Calcel , He went to his room and had a shower before sleeping off.

The next day , David drove to EE Entertainment with his driver after having his breakfast. He had planned to meet and talk to Herman about Alyssa. This thing was really driving him mad. He wasn't ready to release Alyssa unless he found out that she was really innocent.

At EE Entertainment.

Herman was busy looking through the schedule of his new partner when one of the workers came and called him.

" Good morning Mr Herman. " The worker greeted.

" Good morning " Herman greeted back.

" You are needed at the reception. You have an important visitor. " The worker said.

" An important visitor ? "

" Yes sir. " The worker said and before Herman could add anything she left.

He went slowly down stairs and before going to the reception , He first confirmed who this person was. He looked around all people who were at the reception when he surprisingly saw David.

' Isn't that Mr Wong , What does he want here ? ' He asked himself before walking to the receptionist.

" Good morning ma'am. " He greeted her.

" Good morning sir. Your visitor is there. " The receptionist replied directing her exactly where David was.

So he really came to see him. He walked in perplex to the table where David was.