Chapter 61: You and May should get engaged

Calcel smirked. " I didn't know that she's that bold. " He commented.

" She has been working for me for the past two years . She's nearly my daughter. " David yelled.

" Dad , I understand. But I don't like her , That's why I couldn't give her false hopes. " Calcel argued.

" Do you think that we only get what we like ? " David muttered.

" Of course not Father. But I can't be in a relationship with someone I don't like ! " Calcel argued again.

" If you don't like May then who do you like ? " David asked sounding serious.

Calcel raised his head to look at his father. This question sounded easy but it was hard for him to answer.

" ...I...I..." He stuttered when David cut him midway.

" You what ? You have no one you like then I chose for you May. Get prepared tomorrow by Noon we have to meet her and her mother and you will have to apologise for everything ! " David said angrily and left Calcel in his parlor to his bed.

" Shit ! " Calcel cursed and ran his hands through his hair. He got up from the seat and said.

" Good night Father. " He said and left the room.

From there , Calcel went to his bed.


The next morning , As usual he left for work. May had still not reported yet. All along Calcel had been thinking of whether he would attend for the appointment with May and her mother or not. But he didn't like May and he didn't know why his father was trying to force him to see her. He was in the office when Driver William knocked.

" Enter. " He said.

" Good morning sir. The boss has asked me to pick you. " Driver William said.

" Is he really going to make me say sorry to May ? " Calcel couldn't believe what his father was doing.

" Yes Sir. I've already driven him to the place , Ms May and her mother were already there. " Driver William reported.

Calcel gulped down and said. " I will be coming then. " He said.

At the Hotel.

Calcel arrived at the place. The truth , May was there , With her mother Mrs Johnson Cynthia and David himself.

" Good afternoon everyone ? " He greeted with a bow and sat besides his father. The seat was opposite May's.

Cynthia smiled at Calcel but May's face was still gloomy.

" So here is my son. We are really sorry for the misunderstandings that occured between the two but I hope that everything will be solved now. " David talked nonchantly.

" Thank you Mr Wong. " Cynthia said then turned her gaze to Calcel.

" Calcel , I am sure you know everything about my daughter and how she has loved you for the past ten years to an extent that she had a surgery because of you. " Cynthia said.

" She told me everything. " Calcel spoke showing no concern.

" Mr Wong , I am sure you also know about that . " Cynthia said looking at David now.

" Of course , I knew everything before your daughter started working with me. " David agreed.

" That's right. " Cynthia grinned and looked at Calcel again.

" Calcel , We are not here to force you to like May or anything like that. We just want to show how much she loves you and how important you are to her." Cynthia talked as the three listened. Calcel and May were eyes gawking each other at the moment.

" I know that. " Calcel answered still showing no concern.

" I talked to your father about it and when he proved to us that you are dating no one and that you don't like anyone . So we decided that you and May should get engaged very soon. " Cynthia declared.

Calcel couldn't believe his ears so he looked at his father in shock.

" this true ? " Calcel asked to confirm.

" Yes son. I and May's mother decided that you two should get engaged . " David affirmed.

" But father , How could you do that without informing me ? " Calcel was still in daze.

" Didn't you fail to get yourself a woman ? " David asked the question that shut Calcel's mouth.

He then added. " Calcel , Didn't I ask you if you were seeing anyone ? And didn't you tell me that you liked no none ? " David asked his son. And it was indeed true , When David asked Calcel if he liked anyone he told him that he was ready for that yet.

" Father , It didn't mean that I was interested in getting engaged with anyone. I will only do that when I find the right person." Calcel argued.

"If not May , Then Who do you think is the right person ? " David asked a question that left Calcel out of words . All he could do was to look at May whose tears were rolling over her eyes.

" The right person is here in front of you. " David attered out. " She has everything.. Beauty , Discipline and she comes from a good family. " David added.

" I also accept all that father. But I can't get engaged with her this soon. " Calcel still argued.

May who was listening to all those couldn't hold her tears anymore so she got up and left immediately. They all noticed this.

" Dear ? " Cynthia called seeing her daughter depart.

" Mrs Johnson ? " David called Cynthia in panic.

" Mr Wong , Settle things down with your son while I talk to my daughter. You've really disgraced us ! " Cynthia Johnson complemented which wasn't a good compliment at all. After that she left them.

David looked at Calcel with his most dangerous look . " See you home , We have a lot to talk ! " He declared and left.

Poor Calcel remained stuck. How could his father make such a decision without telling him and why did have to be May amongst all people.

' But anyway it's my fault. If I had told him that I like someone that day , He wouldn't have allowed this fucking engagement to go on. ' Calcel thought and got up to follow his father who had left. He was sure that his father thought of May being the best companion after him ( Calcel ) failed to get himself a woman.