Chapter 76: One last chance.

So as told , Alyssa stood by the road side and waited for Calcel to come back. She would check on her wrist watch time by time and it took her over 30 minutes still waiting.

When Calcel came back , He found her moving left and right slowly while she waited. He first stood before the car and watched her. She hadn't seen him. She looked calm and beautiful.

' Alyssa , Why does it have to be you amongst all the women in this world ? ' He asked innery still he's eyes on her.

Alyssa looked to check if he was back when she saw him looking at her. She just looked around to make sure he wasn't glaring at her. Realising she was the one , She calmed down and walked to him gently.

" Did you reach well ? " She asked politely.

Calcel kept silent and grabbed her hand. " What are ..." She tried to argue buh he didn't allow her. " You will see when we are there . " He said making her to sit down inside the car

Alyssa shut her mouth and let him do what he wanted. He entered from the other side and started the car.

The journey was so silent till they arrived at the destination. It was the same hotel they first met before.

Alyssa turned around to look at him.

" Why did you bring me here ? " She questioned.

" Let's get inside , I will answer all your questions. " Calcel answered and led her inside.

They sat down in the hotel restaurant and coffee was served to them. Alyssa took a sip as she waited for him to say something.

" I remember this is the place we met first.." He said looking at her. " You are mistaken sir , We first from the Company. " Alyssa reminded

" Huh...I almost forgot. Anyway, It's where we had our first interaction. " He said remembering how he saved her from the two drunkards.

" You are right. I appreciate that. " She said. She took another sip and looked at him again . " Be straight , Why did you bring me here ? " She questioned.

Calcel sighed. " Once I marry May I won't have time to talk to you again . " He said. " I just wanted to talk to you one last time. " He said.

Alyssa heard him and wanted to laugh. She just smirked. " Really ? I thought you hated me. " She scoffed.

" I do. " He said amusing her again. " From the beginning I hated you , till I fell in love with you. And now i hate you again ." He said giving her a serious look.

" Huh.." She sighed again. " Have you even ever treated me like someone you love ? " She asked.

" I tried to. Just because it was too late. " He answered.

She smiled. " Don't worry , I'm so happy with your father. And I will be more happy when you are married. " She said but her heart had something different.

" I Know. " Calcel spoke sadly. " You already told me that you don't feel anything for me. " He said looking down and then looked at her face again.

" Can you give me one last chance ? " He asked.

Alyssa was surprised to hear this. " One last chance ? " She asked to make sure she had heard right.

" Mm. " Calcel nodded. " To love you ? " He added.

Alyssa chuckled. " Calcel , I don't have time to waste here. Please take me back home. " She said standing up to leave.

" I know you love me ! " Calcel said In high voice that she could hear clearly.

She turned to look back at him.