Chapter 109: Marvis..

May sat on the bed but when Calcel returned he just entered the bed and lied down. He didn't even say a word to her.

May swallowed hard wondering the world she put herself into. She remembered all the few moments she found Calcel and Alyssa in. But what hurts her he has nrver tried to even touch her.

' He really loves Alyssa even when she is gine. What do I do about this ? ' She wondered also lying down in the bed.


The following morning, When Calcel got up early to go for work, May also dressed up.

He was surprised by her early dressing like this. He gave her questioning eyes that she immediately read.

" I am just escorting you to the company. " May replied.

" I don't need zmyou to be there. " He was as he put on his tie

" Father said I can do everything I want as your wife. " She said.

Calcel shook his head picking his bag and walked away. May followed him downstairs when they came into David's view.

" Look at my beautiful children. Good morning.." He said to them opening his arms to hug May.

" Good morning father. " She said with smile.

They saw his body guard having his suitcase.

" What is going on ? " Both asked.

" I forgot to tell you. I am escorting the President to Africa. It may take aweek so , I hope to see you later. " He declared.

" A week ? " Calcel asked.

" Yes son. Please behave when I am gone. Don't forget that May is your wife. And May, respect your husband okay ? " He asked.

" Yes father. " They answered in chorus.

" Fine both of you come and give me a hug. " He said and hugged both Canary and May.

After that he left them and they watched him off.

May held Calcel's hand tightly and looked at him with a grin. " Husband..let's go ! " She said. Calcel decided to let her do what she wanted.


Alyssa woke up that morning. She had slept in her new room that was also in the hospital . These were very many rooms for those pregnant women who wished to stay in the hospital until birth but most of them came two or one months to their dates of delivery. It was only Alyssa there who with a young pregnant.

She was done preparing her breakfast when the door knocked. She walked to open when she saw a girl who looked in her age and size.

" Good morning.." The girl said with a smile

" Good are..? " Alyssa asked.

" I am Marvis. " She said giving her hand for a handshake. Since she called Alyssa she knew Marvis knew her name so she didn't have to introduce herself.

" Marvis...nice name. How do I help ? " Alyssa asked.

" I am sleep next door. " Marvis said.

" I am...I heard you moved in so i wondered if we could be Friends. "

" mmmm...come in ! "

They both entered the room and sat down.

" They told me only pregnant women stay here, How comes you ? " Alyssa asked seeing the girl's flat tummy.

" Oh..Doctor Thomas brought me in last week. I am just three weeks pregnant. " Marvis answered.

" Oh, Mine is four weeks. How comes you came to the hospital this early ? " Alyssa questioned.

Marvis looked sad and said. " It's along story. Doctor brought me in after i came here. When i found out I was pregnant...." Marvis started narrating .

" I told my boyfriend but he said he wasn't ready to be a father and he left me. I tokd my parents but they were so disappointed in me so they chased me away from home and said I should abort because they weren't ready to raise the baby. So....I came here and asked Doctor Thomas to help me carry out abortion. "

Marvis continued as Alyssa listened.

" Surprisingly, Doctor Thomas refused. He said I wss commmiting murder. I explained to him all my problems and he said that if I was ready to keep the child he would help. " Now Marvis smiled.

" Now I am. " She concluded.

" Poor girl...." Muttered . " Sorry that you passed through all that. "

" So are you...Why did you come yet you are only four weeks pregnant? " Marvis posed the question.

" Mine is a longer story. " Mumbled Alyssa.

" I have shared with you mine. Talk to me ..." Marvis said.

" heard of Alyssa Stuart the actress ? " She started.

" Really, I think I did but I am not that s fun of movies. she you ? " Marvis asked.

"'s me but since you know nothing I will tell you. "

" Please do ! "

" I got married to David Wong the owner of Wong Cosmetics company. " she begun.

" Wong God ! At least I know that company. " Marvis became exited.

" Ya ...The President of the company . " Alyssa continued.

" Wait...Do you mean that he is that young to marry you ? " Marvis asked.

" No...he is an old handsome man. Just twice my age. " Alyssa said

" Oh my God! You married that old man ? "

" Listen it was just a contract marriage. "

" So he made pregnant and you ran away? "

" No...The baby is his son's. " Alyssa declared.

" You mean you slept with your husband's son. "

" I fell in love with him and we ....and we did it accidentally so I got pregnant and tried to run away but he found out before I could go to the states so he brought me here. "

" So is your husband aware ? " Marvis asked.

" He is not aware about the child but he knew that me and Calcel had feelings for each other. " Alyssa muttered.

Marvis chuckled. " Your story is amazing. How could you sleep with your step son ? " She wondered and asked

" He was vey handsome that I couldn't resist him. " Alyssa said in a murmur.

As they were still like that the door knocked and Alyssa got up to go to open. On opening it was Calcel.

Marvis turned to see who entered and saw the handsome man. Very tall, Beautiful eyes. Sharp nose pink lips and sharp jaw with his muscular body. He was just in a white long sleeved shirt tucked in black fitting pants and loafers. Looking dangerously handsome as always.

Marvis told it her herself that it was none otherthan him.

Alyssa hugged Calcel and after he gave her a soft kiss.

" Good morning. " He said.

" Good morning. " Alyssa responded and they both entered. Calcel found the stranger inside the house.

" must be Calcel. " Marvis lushed out when he looked at her.

" Do you know me ? " He asked her.

" According to what Alyssa just told me , No man is actually more handsome than you. She couldn't resist falling in love. " Marvid almost said everything.

" Huh...What did you tell her ? " He asked Alyssa.

" Nothing... Marvis..let me talk to him. " Alyssa begged.