Chapter 117: Today is the day !

" I am waiting for Calcel's call.." Alyssa said.

" My daughter....I should blame myself again for this. " Gladys spoke solemnly.

" Don't Mom. It's no one's fault.." Alyssa said when Marvis came back.

" Alyssa,I really like the room. I've never been in such a room before. " Marvis said.

Alyssa got up. " I am glad you liked it. Go have a shower and get changed so that we can have supper. " Alyssa said looking at Marvis.

" Yes Alyssa. " She said and went back.

Alyssa sat back to talk to her mother.


When Calcel left May's home, He drove to Alyssa's and the three were having dinner when they heard the door bell.

" I will go to open.." Marvis got up first.

" No need, Let me go ! " Gladys said also getting up.

" Madam Gladys, I really want to be part of this family. Let me do everything that you or Alyssa would do. " Marvis said and left to the door.

When she opened it was Calcel. She knew him of course.

" Calcel..." She called.

Alyssa and Gladys heard so Alyssa rushed to see him. Marvis saw her and walked away.

" How did it go ? " Alyssa asked.

" May told her mother. " Calcel answered.

He was still standing at the door way as he said this. " ..I am...come have a seat.." She said letting him to enter.

He saw Gladys in the dinning room and bowed. " Greetings " He said as he went to sit down with Alyssa in the living room.

" May's mother said I must divorce her. " Calcel confessed.

" I am sorry that that's going to happen because of me. " Alyssa apologised

" No need to."

" So what are ypu going to do ? "

" My father is coming after tomorrow. So we shall process the divorce papers incase he allows. "

" He is definitely going to know that I am pregnant. " Alyssa gasped.

" Alyssa, We have no choice but to face the truth. " He said.

" So...what will happen after you divorce May ? I don't see the point of this at all. " Alyssa was going crazy just thinking about this.

" I will ask my father to allow me leave the country with you. "

" But you know he can't accept that. The Company needs you. " Alyssa said.

" We shall see once he comes back. Alyssa, Good night. " He said getting up.

Alyssa got up and said. " Good night too. "

" I love you. " He said in a very low tone sich that the rest could not hear.

" I love you too. " Replied Alyssa in the same tone.


Calcel arrived at the Mansion at the same time when May was also coming from her home.

They both got out of their cars and looked at each other.

" My mother was right. Let's get divorced if it's what you want. And..if it will help you raise your chikd with Alyssa. " May said and walked away before him.

Calcel followed her later. May reached their room and just entered the bed. She slept woth her back facing his side.

Calcel first had a shower and after he came and entered the bed.


The following day, May got a call from Cynthia.

" Good morning my daughter. " She said when May recieved the call .

" Good morning Mom. " She said.

" I have good knews for you.." She said.

" Sure tell me ! "

" I got men who will do tge job very well. " Cynthia said.

" Really ? " May asked.

" Yes. Now you have to do something. Call Calcel and twell him that you would like to talk to him and Alyssa. I am sure Alyssa will accept that. " Cynthia said.

" But will Calcel do ? "

" Of course. Anything concerning Alyssa, He will be there no matter how busy he will be.." Cynthia said.

" Okay Mom. " May ended the call and smiled.

Sje sighed and then went to the wardrobe to pick something to put on. She wore a white short dress amd stilettos.

" Today, Is the day.." She said as she applied her lip gloss.


Alyssa woke up by the smell of burnt food and rushed out of the bed. She ran tonthe kitchen and found food burning on the gas.

" Oh my !!! " She screamed and hurried to remove it in rush but the moment she touched the sausepan her hands were burnt and she quickly released it to the sink.

" Mom ? " She called but Marvis came instead.

" Alyssa are you fine? I am sorry I left it there. " Marvis said checking Alyssa's hands.

" It's painful. Why did you have to cook ? " Marvis asked.

" Because I wanted you to wake when breakfast is ready.." Marvis said.

" Where is Mom ? "

" She said she had a bride to work on so she left early. " Marvis said.

" me get the first aid kit for you.." Marvis rushed.

Alyssa sighed when she heard her phone to ring. It was May. She slowly picked up wondering what May wanted to say.

" Goid morning Alyssa. It's May.." She begun.

" I know its you. Good morning.."

" I actually wanted to havea talk with you and Calcel before father returns. " May said.

" ...Why do you want to ? " Alyssa asked.

" Don't be rude. I am doing both a favor. I don'tto divorce Calcel in a bad way. " May said.

" Okay, Where are we meeting ? " Alyssa asked.

" Moon Hotel. At exactly noon. " May spoke.

" Okay, I will be there. " Alyssasaid after this.

" Hope to see you. " May ended the call and rung Calcel.

He was just from a meeting good enough. He firstentered his office and then recieved the call.

" Calcel, I have invited Alyssa for luch. Would you like to join us ? " May asked.

" Lunch ? "

" Yes. I want the three of us to discuss about the baby before your father returns and finds out. " May said.

" What are you trying to mean ? " She asked.

" We are going to divorce anyway. So it's better we get a best way of informing him. I don't want to become an ex wife who was against my husband's baby. " Said May.

" Alright. At what time and Where ? " He asked.

" Moon Hotel, At 1pm. " She told Calcel the same place buta different time. What was she on ?