Chapter 126: Maybe it's the only way.

When Calcel woke up his head was aching badly. He managed to get feeling dizzy and sat on the bed. He looked around and realised that he was in a strange room then memorues of the previous day came back. After remembering everything very well he got off the bed and wore the slippers that were in the room.

On leaving the room, He found Gladys busy setting dishes onto the dinning tabele.

" You are awake? I prepared porridge for your hangover. Come and have some. " Said Gladys while she walked to the kitchen to bring more dishes.

Calcel went and sat as she came back and pulled the seat opposite him.

" How are you feeling now ? I know yesterday was not an easy one for you. " Gladys said.

" I am just dizzy. Did I disturb you yesterday ? " He asked.

" No not really. You were drunk but surprisingly you slept off as soon as I took you to the room. " Said Gladys.

" Huh..." " Thanks Ma'am. " He said

" Take your porridge befire it cools down. " She said sending the bowl to him.

Calcel smiled with a thin line on his lips and begun eating.

Gladys also begun and she said.

" I told your father thar you are here. Hope it doesn't annoy you. "

" It's fine. I don't know if I am ready to go back to him. " Said Calcel.

" Calcel...I know now that it feels owkward that he is not your father. I myself haven't haven't believed because he really loves you. " Said Gladys.

" I know he loves me. But why did he have to keep it a secret from me for all those years ? " He asked.

" He didn't want you to get hurt. And it's not like he intended to tell you. "

" Madam Gladys , I don't what do . I am really confused. Should I go to Mom or him ? " He asked solemnly his eyes tearing up.

" It's complicated. " That's all Gladys could say.

" But let me tell you. David really loves you and I am so sure he wants you to go back to him. " Gladys added.

" Do you think so ? "

" Of course. I have been always a bad mother to Alyssa. I wasn't able to take care of her as a true mother would be. Because of that, I ruined her dreams. Alyssa's dream was acting and music, But see how i ruined them because of my brother and gambling. Now see, She has just left me like that. I regret everything I did because I have earned nothing. " Gladys said these crying slowing.

Calcel looked and listened to her.

" My poor daughter, She gave the whole world to me but this is how I have paid her. I deserve nothing. "

" Ma'am , I understand your pain but why are you telling me all this ? " Calcel asked

Gladys dried her tears with her hands and said.

" Just like Alyssa, Your father has given you everything if though you are not his biological son. Look, At least help him fullfill his dreams. If it's leading the company, Being with him or May. Please do them for his sake. " Gladys said.

" He has raised you as his own. At least , Pay him back that little. " Gladys said to him emphasizing the point.

Calcel released a tear on hearing this words and then swallowed hard.

" Must I do it even if it's not what I want, Just to make him happy and help him fulfill his dreams ? "

" Then what do you want ? " Gladys asked.

Of course Calcel didn't have an answer to that. All he ever wanted was Alyssa but she was now gone.

" Maybe nothing now. " He said and looked down to eat his porridge again.

" I am leaving this apartment and I am closing the shop. " Gladys declared pulling his attention again.

" Why ? "

" There is no more use of staying here . Alone. And the shop, I nolonger need money too. I am going to be staying at the Church and look after the orphans. There God will forgive me all my wrongs and look after My husband, My daughter and my grandchild. " Said Gladys.

She had really indeed lost all her children.

" Calcel, I hope you will not regret like me. " She concluded and ate her food again.

Later Calcel had awalk just near the apartments and thought through everything Gladys had said to her.

' Calcel , I hope you will not regret like me. Do the right thing. ' He kept on remembering this.

As he walked the memories of how David took good care of him.

' My son is very handsome and hardworking just like his father . ' David would say these words whenever he was introducing Calcel to his friends and business partners.

He then remembered how David quarreled at Alyssa for not attending his birthday. And when he quarreled at her for getting lost with him at the Island.

This all proved Calcel that David really cared for him.

After walking foe over two hours he came back to the apartment and found Gladys still doing the packing.

" Where were you, I have looked foe everywhere. " Said Gladys when saw him.

" I was just moving around. This place is nicer than I ever thought. "

" Ya, Most of the apartments here are full of green. That's why Alyssa chose it for me. " Gladys said and remembered she was sending daggers in his heart.

He looked at her sadly so she walked to him.

" Calcel...let's accept what happened. Alyssa can now only be in our memories. " She said.

" You are right ma'am. " He said after five or seven seconds.

" I am going to give all her belongings to the orphans. I am sure she will be happy where she is in heaven. "

" Of course. She will like it. " He answered.

" Well....Can you help me ? " She asked requesting him to help her pack them.

" Of course. " He said and helped her until they finishes packing everything.

After they sat down to habe some coffee.

" Ma'am, I have decided. I am going back to father." He declared.