Chapter 129: It's all I prayed for.

The group became exited and almost forgot to take the photos.

" Hi, Do you job ! " It was the manager who reminded.

It was only one photo that was taken when Calcel pulled away from the kiss. He also swallowed hard realising what he had done.

May's eyes were still on him when he looked away and linked his lips as he looked at them again.

" and my wife shall leave. " He said and walked away leaving her behind.

May quickly followed after him.

" Oh my God ! What a handsone husband she has ! " The girl who had already crushed on Calcel commented.

" Hi, Stop admiring a married man. Are you insane ? " The Manager knocked her head.

" Hii, It pains.." She complained touching her head.

May finally catched up with Calcel and they walked together.

" I didn't expect you to kiss me. " May spoke to break theor silence.

" Why ? " He asked without looking at her. His hands were in his pockets.

" You know Calcel..I know you are trying to be a good husband but you don't love me. " She said making him stop and she also stopped to face him.

" Why do you think that I don't love you ? " He asked giving her his cold look which was normal from him.

" I didn't want to bring this. But you know the person you loved was Alyssa.." She spoke lowering her voice. She didn't want to bring up this topic because she knew very well what she did to the person she knew was Alyssa.

" May...there is no more Alyssa. And you are my wife. Let's not talk about it again. " He said turning to walk when she grabbed him by the hand.

He turned to gaze at her again.

" I didn't want to talk about it either. But I just wanted to ask. Do you think that you will love me one day ? " She asked staring up with pitiful eyes.

" I am working on that. And I hope it works. " He said to her.

May smiled when she got a convincing answer. She held his hand and said.

" I will wait for you. No matter what it takes. And...I will always be a good wife. " She said.

Calcel smiled with a thin line and they walked together back to his car.


There relationship improved from this day for the following two weeks. Calcel would talk to her nicely and he allowed May to hug him or kiss him whenever she wanted. All she prayed for was becoming true.

It has been now three months and a half since Alyssa's ( Marvis ) death. Every had now fully forgotten her.

Alyssa ( Now Marvis ) was still in coma. Her face had fully recovered so the bandages were removed. She had almost abandoned by everyone. While she was dead asleep like this , She had a dream.

Alyssa was standing before the mirror in a wedding gown. She so looked so beautiful with her oringinal face. As she was like this, Calcel came from behind and hugged her wrapping his hands around her waist. He smelt so good as usual and she smiled when she felt his breath on her neck.

" Alyssa, It's finally our wedding day. " He said and pecked her on the cheek.

" Calcel, You I have waited for this for a very long time. We are finally one. " She said looking at their reflections in the mirror.

" Alyssa, I love you . " Said Calcel.

" I love you too Calcel. " She replied and now turned to look at him.

As soon as she faced him he moved away.

"'t Alyssa. Who are you ? " He asked.

" Calcel...what are ypu talking about. It's me Alyssa. " She said.

" Nooo..." He said and forced her to look back into the mirror.

Alyssa looked at her refleftion and indeed her face had changed. She released tears and looked back at Calcel.

" I don't know what happened to my face. But believe me. It's me Alyssa.." She said.

" Lier ! " Calcel spoke to her with disappointment and walked away leaving Alyssa behind.

"'s me...please don't's me..." She cried running after him until she saw him enter his car and drove away.

Alyssa shade tears and down helplessly. She watched her love walk away like that .

Now in reality Alyssa was on the sick bed when her hand moved.

" Calcel...don't leave me ! " She shouted at once and opened her eyes. She was finally awake from comma.

She opened her eyes that landed on the ceiling above her. She found everything unfamiliar and turned her head to the left and then to the right but everything looked strange.

' Who am I , Why am I here ? ' She asked herself innery and tried to get up from the bed but all in vein.

She lied back on the bed and decided to wait for her fate. Fortunately as she had just lied back, Robert opened the door and came inside.

He stood before her and on watching her closely her eyes were open.

" My daughter, It's me . Are you awake ? " Robert.

She looked up at him.

" Who are you ? " She asked.

" It's me your father. Don't you remember me ? " Robert asked.

" ...You are father ? " She asked.

" Yes. It's me dear. " Robert was not believing that his daughter was finally awake after the two months of being in comma.

" What is my name ? " She asked putting a frown on his face.

" Don't you remember anything ? " Asked Robert.

" I don't remember a single thing. " She said looking at him solemnly.

" You are Marvis. Marvis Thompson. And I am your father. Robert Thompson. " Robert said to her.

" Dear , Wait for me here. I will go and call the doctors to check on you. " Robert said and left Alyssa there.

" Marvis Thompson? " She said feeling that something was not right.

The doctor came amd checked her.

" She is very fine now but she just got amnesia. But with time, She will fully recover and gain back her memory. " The doctor said to Robert.

" it okay if I take her home ? " Asked the doctor.

" If you wish. But she will need more attention. " Declared the doctor.