Chapter 170: I am her boyfriend !

" So...Derrick, What brings you here ? " She asked him.

" Now you are talking ! " Derrick gave her a corner smile and moved towards her again.

He put both his hands on her shoulders which made Alyssa to look at him in anger.

" I came back for you. My love.." He huskily yapped.

Alyssa used her hands to remove his from hers and said.

" We broke up long time ago . "

" Shii !!! " Derrick shooshed and put his index finger on her lips.

" You just disappeared from me. And now I am back for you. " He said leaning towards her for a kiss as he removed his finger from her lips but Alyssa pushed him away again.

" You left me when I needed you the most. And now you want to act like you care ? " Alyssa roared her voice at him.

Derrick became angry and attacked her again. He put his hands on her shoulders forcefully and pushed her against the wall very hard in fury.

" Get your filthy hands off me ! She shouted.

He smirked instead. " Marvis, You have always been mine. And even though you have become a celebrity now, You are still mine ! " He roared making her angry.

" Let me go ! " She shouted.

" I won't...I will.."


They both heard a louder roar from behind them and turned to face that direction.

Calcel was standing right there with his one hand in his pocket and the other holding a gift bag. He gave them a cold serious look. He looked very tall and muscular to Derrick who was seeing him for the first time.

He begun walking towards them gently and Alyssa looked at him like those hero's in movies and novels. To her she was walking in slow motion.

Derrick released Alyssa and then eyes gawked Calcel. Alyssa was speechless.

" Who the hell are you ? " He asked and grabbed Calcel's collars.

Calcel smirked at this. Did this man know the person she was playing with ?

He show no interest in this man grabbing his collars but put his hands on Alyssa's shoulder and then pulled her close to him. After this he moved his hands to waist and held her tight. His other hand was still holding the gift bag.

Derrick and Alyssa were both surprised by this action. Calcel didn't show any fear even when his collars were grabbed like this. She swallowed hard when he arms gently wrapped her waist.

" I am her boyfriend ! " Calcel declared.

This made Alyssa open mouthed in shock. Was it Calcel declaring this ?

" What ? Do you want to die ? " Derrick threaten.

Calcel still like that suddenly kicked Derrick under there with his knee which made Derrick to groan in pain are realesed Calcel's collars.

Alyssa was ataken back by this too. How did Calcel manage to kick Derrick with his one arm holding her waist and the other one the bag.

" Don't come here to disturb my girlfriend again. Unless you want to die ! " Calcel declared hoarsely and then looked at Alyssa.

" Let's get inside ! " He said to her still holding her waist.

Alyssa immediately put in her pass code and they entered the room together. He was still holding her waist when she locked the door and when their eyes locked he finally released her.

" Thank you " Alyssa managed to say after being zombied by his touch.

" Who is he ? " He asked with concern.

" He is my ex boyfriend. " She was frank.

Calcel was startled by this. " Your ex ? "

" He told me so. But I can't remember him. You know.."

"So, What brought him here ? " He questioned.

" He wanted to reconcile with me. " She answered and sat on the sofa. She looked confused at the moment.

" Reconcile ? " Calcel spoke and then remembered Jenny's words.

' Don't hesitate to tell someone that you like them because you might remember when it's too late ' Jenny's voice echoed in his mind and then he asked Alyssa.

" So, Do you plan to get back with him ? " He found himself asking out of the blue.

Alyssa got up to answer him. " How can I get back with a man who dumped me when i was carrying his child ? " She asked.

Calcel held her shoulders. " Calm down ! Since I told him that I am your boyfriend he will not bother you again. "

" If he keeps following me up he will obviously find out that you are not my boyfriend." Alyssa said which was true.

" Then I will become your boyfriend for real. " He said cheerfully which stunned her.

" You can't. You don't like me ! " Alyssa argued raising her tone.

" Must I tell you first to kwt you know that I like you ? " He roared at her.

She couldn't believe her ears. Was he confessing to her indirectly.

" mean you like me ? " She asked anxiously.

Calcel first put the bag down and then begun walking closer to her. She begun flinching backwards in fear of getting close to him. Her heart was thumping hard already.

" Do you want to hear it that much ? " He asked huskily still walking to her until she was stopped by the wall and he put both his arms on the wall trapping her from inside.

He looked down at her and she could only stare at him.

"..I..I...didn't say so. " She stammered and looked away but he held her by the chin and brought her face to look at him again.

Without another warning, Calcel's lips were on hers. She closed her eyes and allowed him to kiss her. His kiss was rough and complete as if he had been yarning to kiss her. She was frozen but when his tongue entered her mouth she opened up to him and begun kissing him back as she pressed her hands on his shoulders. Calcel removed his left arm from the wall and moved it to her back where he got a strong grip of her waist and pulled her close to him.

Now their bodies were pressed together.