Chapter 179: I never stopped loving you my daughter.

Alyssa ignored her and continued calling.

" Father..." she called again but the silence meant that Robert was not around.

Matt attacked her again and said.

" Leave this place and never come back here. " She had just declared when she heard a voice say.

" Who said she can leave ! "

They both turned around to see Robert..

" Father ?.." Alyssa called again and happily went to him.

" My daughter, I am sorry for chasing you away.." Robert said with guilt.

" Its okay. I knew you were influenced to do so. " Alyssa said and hugged Robert who hugged her back.

Matt couldn't believe this. Did the two just unite just before her eyes ? She couldn't hold it so she went to them and pulled Alyssa away from Robert.

" What the hell are you doing ? " Robert questioned bitterly.

" What now ? You want to reconcile with your daughter just because she has gotten fame and money ? " Matt lushed out.

" Who said that ? " Robert asked.

" Yes. Aren't you the one who chased away..Now you want to say that you love her ? " Matt asked.

" Stop it Matt ! You are the one who told me to chase her have you forgotten ? And when i tried to look for her the next say you stopped me and lied that she would never come back to me. But shame on you. She has returned to me. " Robert quarreled.

Matt smirked and said. " Wow, I now see what money has done to people. Your so called daughter is now famous and she has money, But has she ever sent you a penny for appreciation as her father ? " Matt asked when Alyssa stepped forward and stood between them.

" Stop that Matt ! You both deserve nothing from me. " She declared making Matt laugh loudly that now the whole house was filled by her wickedness.

" Robert , And after you say you have a daughter ? who can't even give you a penny ? " She asked.

Robert stepped forward again and said.

" That is none of your business if she gives me money all not. But nothing can change that she is my daughter. And nothing can change her love for me or mine for her. We are not like you thinks that everything is about money .." Robert barked back at her.

" Why not money then ? " Matt asked.

" If you had money, Derrick's parents wouldn't have stopped him from marrying her. And if it wasn't for you to accept the bribe they gave you, Derrick and Marvis would be married now. And you think that i am the only one who loves money ? " Matt asked.

Now Alyssa begun hearing what she exactly wanted to know.

" I accepted the money because you convinced me to. And another thing, I didn't want my daughter to marry into a family where her in.laws hated her. So...I accepted the bribe..and you took all the money.." Robert quarreled.

" You know what Robert, I am tired of this. I am tired of your complaining. I have endured you and your poverty and your filthy daughter for long. But now I am sick of it. And you know what ? I am leaving ! " Matt said and rushed to her room to pick her bags .

Alyssa was already crying from seeing their quarrel.

" Father, Are you going to let her go ? " She asked Robert.

" Let her go. She knows that we divorce she will take 50% of my property where by i barely have nothing. And i just found out last week that she is seeing another man. " Robert said.

" What ? So you will let her divorce you and take your property ? " Alyssa asked.

" You don't have to worry dear. Because I sold most my things after i found out that she was cheating. And besides that, You have been sending me enough money. Thanks to you. " Robert spoke.

" knew I was the one sending you money ? " Alyssa had not expected Robert to know this.

He cupped her face and said

" Who else would do that for me except you my daughter ? ",He asked.

Alyssa smiled in her tears..

" I am so sorry for everything i did to you under Matt's influence. I was bad father but even though that happened i never stopped loving you. " Robert said.

Alyssa smiles again in her tears and said.

" I love you too Dad.." She answered and hugged him.

They were like this when Matt came out of the room with her luggage and when saw them anger rose inside her.

' Robert, You think that i ever loved you ? I never loved you. All I always wanted was to torture your daughter. Because her mother snatched away my boyfriend during high school and after stealing him away he dumped him and married your poor father. But now, I am leaving. You idiots really love and forgive each other everytime i try to separate you. '

Matt said these words while looking at them and after she walked away.

After a while, Alyssa and Robert sat down to talk.

" Father , I am sorry I was angry with you and I never visited again. I didn't know that you would look for me " She said .

" I am sorry Marvis. It's my fault . " Robert said holding her hands.

" It's not yours father..." Alyssa spoke with a smile.

" You must have come along way. Let me prepare something for you. " Robert said and excused himself.

" Thank you Father..." Alyssa said after Robert came with fried eggs.

" How did you fry this in just a minute ? " She asked surprised with a smile.

" First have a bite and tell me. " He said.

" It's nice..I have never tasted something sweet like this." Alyssa said after taking one bite.

" Does it feel like your first time to taste it ? " Robert asked

" Mmm.." Alyssa nodded which put a puzzle on his face.

" What's that look Father ? " She asked.

" Hmm...I am just surprised.This was your favorite food that your Mom used to make for us before she died. Oops, I guess you can't remember since you lost your memory. " Robert answered.

Alyssa put the plate down and then asked.

" Father , Can I ask you something ? "