A Girl Or A Spirit?

The graveyard was filled with bright red flames. Being mesmerized by the sudden approach of the wonderful surroundings, Kett didn't even wonder where it all came from. After she got used to it, she saw the source of it, which was none other than Emma. Kett stared at her, open mouthed. Bright flames were approaching from her as if she was on fire. Her eyes weren't blinking. They were blood red coloured. After a few seconds Kett could see something other than the flames coming out of her friend's body. Something red coloured was coming straight out of her chest. It came out and unwinded itself.

It unwinded it's hands and legs and it's face could be seen. It was a girl. But not an ordinary girl made with flesh. It was more like an outline of a girl. She was all red and glowing. She was a beautiful girl of medium height. Her long curly hair reached her knees. She was dressed up in a cool costume. Her face was pretty with her tiny sparkling eyes. Two pointed teeth were protruding between her thin lips. Emma bent her arms infront of her and folded her fingers. She looked as if she was putting a lot of effort on concentrating. As she did so the outline of the girl moved. She went right into the deeply dug pit. Minutes after, the coffin was raised. The outline of the girl was carrying it. She firmly placed the coffin on the floor. "I wanted to do this in a different way, without getting myself revealed this much. But now I'll do this the proper way. You might not like the consequences of this, Alessia. But I do not have a choice. You need to be saved." Emma's energetic voice penetrated through all the sparks. As she started to focus again, the outline moved. It walked straight into Kett's coffin. The coffin automatically opened and Kett's chest absorbed the outline. Kett's whole body started to glow. Her eyes ignited. The whole coffin was on fire. But her body wasn't burn as if it was fire-proof. Kett's soul looked at Emma. She was pale. Blood was pouring out of her eyes. She looked as if she couldn't do it anymore. "What should I do? Will she die?" Kett was worried for her best friend. But there was no time to keep worrying. She felt herself being pulled towards her body. She couldn't stop it or do anything. She was forced to go in. She waited not daring to do a single thing.