Next Morning

A loud knock on the door waked Kett up, the next morning. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the wall clock. It was 8.00 am. She got out of bed and opened the door for Emma to come in with a cup of warm tea. Kett washed her mouth and sat on the comfortable sofa in the room while sipping the hot tea. "Ouch!" She suddenly pushed the tea away. "haha you still can't drink anything hot, you little baby." Emma said, laughing. "Very funny." Kett said, rolling her eyes. Her tradition was never drink anything unless it's cold enough. "Whatever, finish your tea and dress up to go to the doctor" Emma said throwing some clothes at her.

Kett finished her tea and had an early morning wash. It was peaceful, unlike the day before. She sighed looking at the clothes which were waiting for her to get into. She hated appointments with the doctor. She dressed up and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was stunning in a crop top and a pair of denim trouscers. She seemed girlish. Being a bit of a tomboy, she always preferred boyish clothes. She preferred to walk along a deserted street in a charming evening, chilling in a comfortable hoodie more than anything else. She tied her hair in a bund letting a few swirls of hair to fall down the bund. She hurried down the stairs to meet Emma. "Wow girl. you look gorgeous." Emma greeted her with her warming smile as usual. They had a delicious meal of baken, sausages, rotti and strawberries. After that both of them got out of the house and started their journey to the hospital in a hired taxi. The warm sun rays were pouring out on to the vehicle. Kett got reminded of the incident that happened last time she travelled in a vehicle, as she was peering at the surroundings from the shtter. She turned her head away being careful not to make such a thing happen again. They stepped down from the taxi as it stopped infornt of a tall yellow coloured building which was remarkably the hospital.

They went into the hospital and sat on a bench which was infront of the room which was labelled as Dr. Linda Jefferson. Emma had already set up an appointment. "Kett Mcmillan" A nurse arrived and called her name. She got up and walked into the room.