A New Beginning

Days passed. Kett McMillan and Sage Brooklyn were both having an interesting time, getting to know each other more. But they were soon running out of food and having enough of being stuck in a small room not knowing what's going on in the outside world. 

It was time. Time for them to make a decision. They sat down at the table and talked it over a nice supper. They both decided that it was time for them to leave the asylum. They planned to go towards the west coast where they could stay at a small cabin that was owned by one of Sage's close friends, Acton Day. 

They were both relieved that they finally sorted this out. They were to leave the next day but all of their belongings were at the asylum. So they took the risk of sneaking into the asylum and emptying their lockers. They both met in the garden because it was the only path that they could think of to get out of the asylum.

  They went to the metal net and tried to climb on. Alas, the net was electrified. The sudden shock made them both fall to the ground with a thud. 

"What shall we do now?" Sage said, disappointed.

"Why don't we dig a pit at the bottom?" Kett asked.

"Oh! Don't be silly. It would take ages."

"Wait! There were some rugs in the room you attacked me, remember?" Kett said with the excitement that suddenly aroused. 

"Yeah, so?"

"So, we could make some kind of a rope with it and use it to climb this thing." 

"Girl, I ain't trusting your knots, no way."

"Shut up! I'm an expert." She said while running to grab some rugs. 

They tore the rugs and made quite the rope. Kett made a loop at one end the threw it at the top of the net. Once it got stuck they both climbed on and landed safely on the other side.

"Well well, I underestimated you, I should say." Sage said with a gentle pat on her back.

"You can never go wrong with me." She replied proudly.

They walked like a mile towards what they thought was the west coast and got on a bus as they both had some cash each. 

So, the sun fell and the moon arise as they both rode to find out how their story pursues.