The Warm Welcome

Acton invited them inside. It was a lovely little cottage with a warm cozy aesthetic. In the middle there was a small table filled with all kinds of pies and cookies. A small pot of tea was brewing on the stove.

"Come on! Help yourselves. You must be hungry." He said. "Did you make all of these?" Kett asked, stuffing her mouth with an enormous portion of the pie. "I wish. My Ma made all of this before she went to work this morning."

"So, how has life been?" He asked, turning to Sage. "well, you wouldn't believe even if I would have told you." "Oh please! If this is about trees talking to you and stuff, I rather not hear about that nonsense." "I'm not surprised. You never believed that side of me anyways." "Yeah. Because there's no such side. You are just being a lunatic."

"No, he isn't." Kett interrupted. "Great! You found yourself another lunatic." "If you would dare call me that once again, I swear that I would punch you straight in the face." "Try me. You psychopath."

"Stop fighting, you two. Kett, he doesn't believe us and he wouldn't believe us no matter what you would say. So, there's no point in arguing with him." Sage stepped in hoping to break the fight. "Fine. I'll stop. But not because I agree with you." Acton shot her a frustrated look.

"Anyways, my friend Vanessa would be stepping by. She should be here in a couple of minutes." Acton said, breaking the tension. Sure enough, they soon heard a knock on the front door. Acton opened the door and pretty girl with a thick sheet of black hair appeared. She looked as if she was in the same age as Kett. Her face was enlightened by her beautiful smile and her gorgeous black eyes. "Hey! I'm Vanessa Tartal." She said, in the weirdest accent Kett has ever heard.