
During the 9 hour long walk to the city Grandpa Jack was forced to expounded on the fundamentals or what little he knew of regarding the various spirit master academies by the inquisitive young boy trailing behind him. Zhi Xing had already gone over most of this with him but Tang San didn't have the same luxury, his father didn't deem it neccessary to educate him about the vast world beyond the village, though Grandpa Jack had taken him to the city to experience it before.

"Starting with the Primary Academies the graduation requirements are more focused on the student's performance with their studies, preforming Spirit Master etiquette, Spirit Beast knowledge regarding species and cultivation identification, Spirit Master ranks as well as survival tips for thriving in the many places dominated by Spirit Beasts. Finally their most important requirement was that each student reach Rank 10 Spirit Power. From there they would have the aid of one of the academy's teachers in hunting down a Spirit Beast to obtain their first Spirit Ring and advance to a fully fledged Spirit Scholar."

After saying that his expression became that of wrinkled grimace of anger. Before continuing his winding exposition.

"Beyond the Primary Academies are the Intermediate Academies. This is where the dichotomy between the wealthy and poor truly reveals itself in the form of tuitions almost tripling" His shoulders hung listless when describing this truth of the world as it were to the two children. "The graduation requirements for an Intermediate Academy are much more specific and stringent. At this point studies become an afterthought in the race to cultivate since a Spirit Rank of 20 as well as possession of a Second Spirit Ring are required to graduate." Seeing that neither of them had a reaction he continued with a helpless look in his eyes.

"Most people who awaken with Spirit Power can almost certainly achieve Rank 10 through diligence and patience but achieving Rank 20 is something that some Spirit Masters go their entire lives without experiencing. It is also difficult to obtain a Spirit Ring with only a single person's strength, ergo those lucky descendants of filthy rich merchants or young masters and miss' of developed Noble families receive far more assistance than what our poor village can affor-."

"It doesn't matter, as long as Tang San, Shí and I work together than acquiring our own Rings won't be difficult."

Xing cut him off before he started feeling even worse for her. She didn't like the pitiful look in his eyes when discussing Spirit Master's recently, it was fanatical when she had been adopted forever ago but ever since her awakening he had started feeling rather useless as a guardian to her. She had reassured him multiple times that without him she likely would've ended up homeless and starving but he felt as though it was something anyone would do in his position when presented the circumstances. She could only hold back her criticism and simply consol him out of these foul moods but she knew it weighed on him.

It was one thing for children to find out they can't achieve their super powered dreams on their sixth birthday but for the parents, reconciling their kids and trying to act like there was any fairness and justice in the world was a crap shoot to even attempt. It simply took an angry Spirit Master beyond Rank 20 flying off the handle to result in the deaths of a dozen unfortunate mortals caught in the crossfire.

Growing up with that knowledge floating around their minds is detrimental in and of itself. The parents not being able to do anything about it only made the situation worse, especially for those coming from modest backgrounds such as themselves. Because when their children or grandchildren did possess traces of Spirit Power there was honestly nothing they could provide.

Pausing at her interruption Grandpa Jack regained his usual toothy grin after hearing her words and continued talking.

"As for those unique Advanced Spirit Master Academies there are currently only two on the entire continent that I am aware of. They require their students to ascend to the 30th Rank and obtain a Third Spirit Ring, beyond that even I am unaware of their other requirements, whatever they are it's provoked quite the rumor that only a third of all Advanced Academy students graduate."

That caught them both off guard. 'Only a third succeed?' They both thought with very different interpretations.

That statistic whether true or false, surprising as it was, didn't phase Tang San in the slightest. With Tang Sect's Techniques he didn't even think it possible for his progress to be impeded and instead welcomed the challenging prospect of this world's unique system of strength.

Zhi Xing however was rather perturbed, her cultivation progress had been astronomical at least in her own opinion. But as the person who built her own Spirit Energy Pathways she was overly anxious that most of the progress could be attributed to how inherently weak and vaporous her Spirit Power originally was. At her current Rank 7 it was far more fluid like in quality and strong enough to generate tangible results when used in conjunction with her body. But how much further could she push it? Innate talent played a much bigger role than simply what Spirit Power Rank one began cultivation at. Reaching Rank 20 from her own current comprehension of cultivation seemed possible but Rank 30 and beyond would depend solely on her dedication and the abilities she develops.

Depending solely on her intuition and past life's memories she had managed to create a pseudo-Cultivation Technique but it was more likely to rupture organs than help anyone besides her if she passed it on. Regarding the training she ripped off of the few chapters and episodes of Naruto she could recall they allowed her to make tangible progress when training and utilizing her spirit energy while the exercises themselves honed her mind. And the Chakra stuff? She was simply following the exercises she could remember from college along with the tiny explanations she got from rewatching Avatar the Last Airbender multiple times on Netflix. Without her previous memories she was as much a frog in a well as one could get.

"Although our Holy Spirit Village is only permitted one work-study slot, due to Lord Su Yuntao's benevolence you'll both be able to attend. Regarding the benefits of such a placement, you both won't have to worry about paying the exorbitant tuition nor scouring for lodging." He said with a smile while taking out the nearly empty bag in which all the coin he managed to accumulate over the years rested.

"As the title suggests you'll both have to do some odd jobs around the campus such as cleaning class rooms or tending to their gardens in order to retain these benefits but they will pay you for the work you complete with money or food, though your both still growing so perhaps the scraps they hand over won't be enough" Shifting his gaze over to Zhi Xing, Old Jack simply shook his head.

"After becoming a fully fledged Spirit Master, those who register with the Spirit Hall can aquire a monthly stipend correlating to their current Rank. You both should work hard towards that goal unless other alternatives can be found, eating isn't free even for children." He said looking at them both gravely.

This granddaughter of his had been out and about hunting whatever poor morsel stumbled upon her training ground, he didnt worry much about her ability to survive with Shí by her side as incapacitated as the little foodie was.

Tang San possessed Innate Full Spirit Power, in his mind the young boy was already a Spirit Master. He simply hadn't had the opportunity to develop properly.

Sensing his worried gaze Tang San quickly mentioned: "Dad said that after I settle in at the academy I should go into the city and look for work at a smithy"

Incredulous at his words Grandpa Jack evaluated him up and down before shaking his head in fury.

"What Smithy! That lazy drunkard of a father can't even recognize the age and development of his own son. Forget forging metal your not even strong enough to lift up a hammer!" Angered beyond reason Grandpa Jack stormed forward walking even faster than the two youngsters

murmuring obscenities and cursing Tang Hao's name.

Tang San could only shrug his shoulders at Zhi Xing's bewildered gaze before increasing his speed to keep pace with the steaming elder.

'And I thought having dead parents sucked, what a deadbeat' She thought ruefully to herself before noticing that both her old man and the short boy were quickly widening a gap between them.

After a few breaks to eat and recuperate soon enough the trio arrived at the thick towering walls of Nouding City. Like any other traveler they were evaluated by the guards manning the entrance before being let through.

Although Nouding City wasn't historically renowned compared to say a place like New York or Quanzhou from Zhi's past life, the settlement's location was situated relatively close to one of Heaven Dou Empire's Borders. Bolstering the city's wealth and protection relative to other places throughout the country.

Once behind the city's defenses, what laid before the young children's eyes was a sprawling industry of small and big shops and large private plots of land for Spirit Master's and Businessess catering to those born with the luck and talent neccessary to enjoy them.

"Alright kids, after we locate the academy and I escort you, I'll be leaving immediately and returning to the village." He said hastily before preparing to ask a random passerby for directions.

Tang San almost immediately became flustered. This was his first time out of the village away from his father and the only adult taking care of him was about to leave.

"Your leaving so soon?" He asked dumbfounded.

"Staying in hotels and ordering a fresh meal everyday isn't something us village folk can afford" He replied smiling before turning his gaze to his Granddaughter

"I'm leaving Little San in your hands Xing'er, I trust that you both can weather any situation that comes your way. Your far more intelligent and resourceful than the other kids your age, leaving you to an academy where you can thrive is the best thing I can do for the both of you." He nodded, likely reassuring himself.

Bouncing around different pedestrians he managed to locate Nouding City's Spirit Master Academy, before the trio once again set off for their destination.

After a few more minutes of walking they could already see a large gate in the distance, with an arch composed entirely of stone while the twin iron gates blocking their entrance were black, to Tang San's eye the metal work looked meticulous.

Plastered on the middle of the arch were four giant Chinese characters: "Nouding Academy".

Peering beyond the gate they could make out a winding road, with sprawling trees and foliage on both sides. And a few buildings in the distance.

Swaddling up to the front gate with Zhi Xing and Tang San in tow Grandpa Jack was preparing to bow to the guardsman before being viciously berated by the stocky middle aged man.

"What the hell?! Why are a bunch country bumpkins like you attempting to get in?" His gruff voice was laced with disdain.

Startled by his tone Grandpa Jack did a double take of the man's appearance before changing his methods.

In the village Grandpa Jack's clothing could at best be called flattering, to the outside world however they looked like rags retrieved from a dumpster.

"Young man we come from Holy Spirit Village, these two children are our working-students for this year so we must enter for registration." He said with an apologetic smile.

Frowning, the gate keeper asked somewhat queerly: "Even a backwater village can still produce Spirit Power? Whatever, the Academy hasn't had any working students in a great many years, faking it before me is naturally impossible."

Shaking at this slight Old Jack held his frustration down and simply retrieved the certificates written by Su Yuntao from the children before presenting them for the man's scrutinization.

Taking the offered documentation, the guard scanned only the certificate belonging to Tang San before coming to his own conclusions.

"Blue Silver Grass? Possessing Innate Full Spirit Power?? What ridiculous horse shit is this? I've been working for the academy for over 4 years now and have yet to hear of a single child possessing Innate Spirit Power and you expect me to believe it came from a measly Blue Silver Grass?! These certificates are surely forgeries."

Waving the papers around like a hooligan he threw them down at Grandpa Jack's feet.


Already holding down his frustration the old man could only swallow it down and be the better person.

"You are intentionally making things difficult for us, we'll go and locate a Spirit Hall representative to verify your accusations. Xing'er, Little San, we're leaving." Grabbing Tang San's arm they began making their way back towards the city's inner wall. Blinking her eyes dumbly at the situation Zhi Xing could only hurry after them.

Spirit Hall Cirtificates could not be falsified something the guard understood years ago, his real issue was that most families coming year round and leaving their spoiled children would usually leave him a tip to look out for them and report only serious issues of which none existed, most of the children knew where to draw the line.

Yet where would Grandpa Jack or any of the others from the village learn such forms of bribery?

The guards facial expression at that moment, had any of them been paying attention, would've been comically hilarious his face was bright red with anger. He was already thinking about the concequences if a real Spirit Hall representative came for inquiry, but believed it possible to deal with such a matter if the need arose. However a proper Spirit Hall attendee taking the time to come help a bunch of beggers like those three? Ridiculous.

Naturally the negative thoughts in his mind couldn't bare to be kept to themselves and were hurled at the trio's backs before they could make it very far.

"Pffft Holy Spirit Village, looks more like Holy Trash Village if you three are anything to go off of"

'Oi he did not just say that'

Xing's face quickly took on serious expression as she turned to placate the old man beside her, but was stunned to see him already rushing back towards the guard.

Not just her but even the man himself who was being charged was baffled by the old man's change of attitude. His insult had touched upon Grandpa Jack's reverse scale, the man could take an insult to his face but not one to his home, the Great Holy Spirit Village. The fact he was an outsider made his comment all the more despicable to Grandpa Jack's ears.

Sizing up the man a few heads taller than himself Grandpa Jack was pleased when he took a few steps backwards from shock at his sudden approach, he could really move his bones when he needed to.

Suddenly realizing the actual difference in physicality and age the guard mocked him again before making a gesture to push Grandpa Jack away. "What? Do you have a problem being from Holy Trash Village? Look at your clothes old man. Look at those kids with barely any skin on their bones. Tell me honestly, you were simply here to receive some food for the children, well get out! This is an elite academy not a charity!"

His legs and hips had already started aching and he couldn't move as fast as he'd like. Still angry as hell he closed his eyes, accepting that he would be pushed into the dirt for defending his home.

Yet in his ear he heard the sudden approach of another person from behind, the sound of  squellching grass and dirt being stomped on quickly was so distinct.

"Get your hands off my Granddad fucktard!"

Opening his eyes he was surprised to find his Granddaughter drop kicking an equally surprised guard to his open chest.


Falling to the ground the man started coughing out what sounded like a lung from the impact. Turning to the girl who had already gotten up the elder's eyes widened noticing the large beetle she was hugging tightly. Looking back at the man wheezing on the ground he realized that upsetting her was a fate he never wanted to be apart of.

Tang San who had appeared silently by his side at some point was also leaning in surprised at her boldness, if he had been a second sooner he himself likely would've been involved in the impact.

Furious over the pain his chest and now troubled breathing the guard looked up with malice ready to pounce on all three of them with the intent to do more than mere harm.

"I've seen enough, stay put."

Before he could make a move a hoarse voice traveled past his ear, dulling his anger quicker than you'd imagine.

Standing up and turning around with haste he bowed his head and said respectfully: "Grandmaster you've returned."

Looking off to the side the children noticed a rather thin man of average height had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, his eyes half closed as if he hadn't found any excitement in decades. He had short black hair that hadn't seen proper care in years, an average face that could be lost in a crowd yet he held a strange scholarly presence about him with his hands held behind his back and wearing robes befitting an instructor.

The man merely threw a glance at the bowing guard before settling his gaze on Grandpa Jack.

"Sir would it be possible for me to view these Spirit Hall Cirtificates?"

Exasperated but aware enough to see the hierarchy between the guard and stranger, Old Jack found more reverence and comfort in his title as Grandmaster and couldnt muster up a reason to decline a small viewing.

Analyzing the two certificates the man's eyes briefly landed on Zhi Xing and the overgrown beetle she was setting down on the ground before shifting his gaze over to Tang San and looking him up and down. Although his eyes weren't being invasive Tang San's instincts screamed that the man had peered into his deepest secrets.

"These Cirtificates are real and have not been tampered with Sir, on behalf of Nouding Academy I deeply apologize for this incident and wish to register the two children myself to ensure there are no further issues." He said while making a small bow.