Stressful Situation

"Spirit master cultivation, before twenty years of age is an extremely important period; one can say that achievements up to twenty years of age decides a person's future success. Thirtieth rank is the heavenly threshold. If one managed to cross this threshold before twenty years of age, then ones future prospects are limitless. But if they're unable to cross over in twenty years, then, consequently they will be forever unable to leap beyond. Youth is it's own type of advantage, youth can be directly linked to a person's potential. Therefore, Tang San right now cannot delay one minute. As your teacher I can help with your first and second spirit rings, but when you require the third spirit ring, teacher will probably be unable to do enough. At that time you have to rely on yourselves. Spirit cultivation has no shortcuts, you can only rely on meditation to make spirit power increase. Don't get cocky Tang San, although you have the innate full spirit power advantage you even more so cannot slack off, otherwise, you do not deserve to become my disciple."

Zhi Xing slowed down behind them contemplating his words seriously for a moment. 'Perhaps I've been pushing myself too hard? Our dorm mates have been there for years, surely one of them awakened with spirit power slightly higher than my own... yet none of them have acquired a spirit ring. Not even Wang Sheng and he's in his last year'


At that time, variant spirit Luo San Pao's call abruptly interrupted Grandmaster's explanation and brought Xing's attention towards reality.

Spirits were one with their host, so Grandmaster at once was aware, his body shooting up, looking in that direction.

At this moment, the color of the sky was already completely black, faintly within the surrounding forest, ten or more moss green points of light were approaching in their direction.

"It's hell wolves."

Grandmasters voice was somewhat muffled. But without a bit of alarm,

"Both of you, don't move from here."

Luo San Pao's mouth unceasingly made luoluo calls, seemingly attempting to intimidate those existences that gradually drew closer, Grandmaster certainly did not see them, yet in the eyes of Tang San by his side flashed a layer of purple, the things in the darkness becoming clear to him.

All in all there were six wolf type spirit beasts, the height of their bodies all approximately one metre six or so. Their whole bodies appeared iron grey, and that moss green radiance was actually their eyes. At this moment all of them were slowly closing in on Luo San Pao.

Luo San Pao's smell seemed to make them somewhat restless, and while approaching, they kept a half circle formation.

Grandmaster snorted frostily,

"One pack of tenth ranked little wolves dare come harass me. San Pao."

Luo San Pao made a low howl, an inhaling noise just like the scream of a hurricane, and his originally fat belly, expanded with amazing speed, looking like it was a big gradually enlarging ball.

Grandmaster raised his hand and waved it, and from his body a yellow ring of light flew out, encircling Luo San Pao's body, as he solemnly shouted,

"Break wind like striking thunder, rumble the heavens and split the earth Luo San Pao!"

Zhi Xing had stars in her eyes when witnessing such action. 'One day soon Shí and I will be able to accomplish something like this' She thought enthusiastically.

Luo San Pao's pair of clear blue eyes suddenly shone, the yellow ring of light centered on its body suddenly became a screen of light. It's rounded body abruptly shot up, astonishingly climbing upward to a height of five metres off the ground, the figure overhead turned around, and a deafening sound like the rumble of thunder erupted in a moment.

Grandmaster's hands had at some unknown moment already produced three gauze masks, first handing them individually to Tang San and Zhi Xing, before he subsequently put the other on his face.

Zhi Xing subconsciously brought up the gauze mask, her eyes unblinkingly fixed on Luo San Pao's actions. Following that one thunderous sound, she only saw a yellow light cover release from its body, as powerful as a thunderbolt, the six ten year hell wolves were all completely covered within.

'Did it just fucking fart at them?!'

The six hell wolves' bodies, under Luo San Pao's attack were flung up like broken burlap sacks, immediately plunging down more than ten metres away, with two hell wolves' waists smashing against tree trunks, howling pitifully, but unable to rise.

The several other wolves on the ground rolled about briefly. Tang San relied on Purple Demon Eye to clearly see, from those hell wolves' mouths fresh blood was flowing, he could see how powerful the shockwave had been. Following a short period of wuu wuu sounds, other than the two hell wolves on the ground unable to retreat, the several others had quickly run away.

Grandmaster at this time did not neglect to instruct them.

"Wolves and dogs bodies are very alike in structure, possessing thick heads, dense bones yet flimsy waists, the waist is their bodies' weakest vital point."

While speaking, Grandmaster stepped forward with a large stride, at some point he had drawn a short knife, cutting the necks of the two unmoving hell wolves, spreading more realgar on the bodies, covering the smell of blood.

"Look, spirit rings are about to appear."

At Grandmaster's warning, Tang San started taking note. While Zhi Xing was still processing the absurd attack she just witnessed. Snapping out of it she focused all of her attention on the event unfolding before her eyes. Following the death of the two ten year hell wolves, from the bodies gradually rose a ring of faint white light, the rings rippling like mist in the emptiness overhead, as if they could drift away at any time.

"This is a spirit ring, these were killed by me, so if my spirit power had just achieved the advancement requirements, I could absorb one of these spirit rings to attain a breakthrough. The specific method, is to use my spirit power to draw the spirit ring to my body, and immediately after that begin meditation, absorbing the energy of the spirit ring."

Faint purple light rose from Grandmaster's hand, beckoning towards one of the spirit rings that emerged from the hell wolves, that spirit ring quickly floated over, circling about Grandmaster's body. But it did not permeate.

"My current spirit power is not sufficiently advanced, therefore, the spirit ring can't be absorbed by me. Within two hours, it will disperse on its own. Little San, hand me two white radishes."


Tang San fumbled at his waist, drawing out two white radishes from Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges and handing them to Grandmaster. While Zhi Xing meticulously observed the white spirit rings from every angle while sparing a few glances at Grandmaster.

'No wonder he didn't tell me, in a world that only values combat strength, having a beast spirit that doesn't enhance your attributes is terrible but one that also only attacks by farting has by far got to be the greatest shame someone could experience in this life' Internally the last shred of distrust she had for Grandmaster disappeared, instead she saw him for what he really was. A man with no status or power, helpless against the scrutiny of even the most naive spirit master. Devoting everything he has to a single passion and eventually losing himself but still choosing to pass on his knowledge to the next generation.

Grandmaster unaware of her thoughts of pity and gratitude, offhandedly tossed the radishes towards Luo San Pao, who, following a burst of excited luoluo sounds, gulped down the two radishes with lightning speed.

"Like Shí, as you know, variant spirits' characteristics cannot be understood using ordinary spirit theory. San Pao can rely on eating food to reduce my spirit power consumption but the efficiency isn't so good and it cannot eat much. With a limit of only three attacks, every time one attack is used the energy must immediately be replenished."

Looking over to the small bug at it's masters side, Grandmaster could only feel a pang of curiosity. The creature in question was drooling slightly as it gazed at the bodies of the hell wolves as well as their spirit rings unsure of which to eat first. 'It can even have a dilemma of choice? How fascinating!'

"Does San Pao only eat white radishs?" Zhi Xing asked curiously.

Grandmaster gave her a pained look, saying:

"You saw earlier, San Pao attacks by farting, if I hadn't brought the gauze masks, perhaps right now we wouldn't be speaking but instead choking, unable to endure the stench. Spirit beasts similarly cannot withstand it, therefore those hell wolves fled quickly. White radish, with regard to hastening flatulence there are few foods that can compare. With two to replenish, in approximately half the time it would usually take, San Pao can recover the energy spent in a single attack."

This also worked? Tang San wanted to laugh a bit, but seeing in Grandmaster's eyes a trace of bitterness, he did not dare let laughter escape. He could imagine how possessing this kind of spirit that attacked by farting, among spirit masters, was a very embarrassing matter. With Grandmaster's proud temperament, how could his heart feel comfortable?

'As expected, he even knows how to make the best use of even the most useless spirits' qualities. Becoming his student is probably the best choice I've made so far in this life.' Smiling happily Zhi Xing skipped over to San Pao to pet him while Shí skittered away to feast on the bodies of the hell wolves, having decided on a  physical meal first.

"Luoluo, luoluo, luoluo… .."

Before she could touch It's soft purple fur, in a moment hurried calls abruptly rose, the bitterness in Grandmaster's eyes was immediately replaced by a cold light, and he pulled at Tang San's hand and beckoned Xing to return to his side.

All around suddenly grew quiet, and a slight rustling sound clearly reached their ears. The air suddenly held a faint scent that was not at all strong, but contained a touch of sweetness and tea fragrance.

Tang San's nose wiggled, subconsciously blurting out,

"There's poison."

Grandmaster's right hand waved, this time, the two rings of light on his body completely moved over to encase Luo San Pao, vigilantly looking in the direction of the rustling sound,

"Tonight is unexpectedly lively."

The rustling sound came to an end. Tang San pushed his Mysterious Heaven skill, working his Purple Demon Eye to the limit, looking in that direction. Indistinctly, he saw a dark green triangular snake head held up in a shrub, a pair of ruby like little eyes looking straight in their direction. Perhaps fearing the effect of the realgar powder, it did not continue to approach.

"Grandmaster, there."

Tang San raised a finger in the direction of the snake head's location. Right now was already too late for Grandmaster to think about why Tang San could see a place his eyes still could not reach. With lightning speed he drew out a flare from the wrist spirit tool and tossed it in that direction.

The flare already ignited in the wind, rolling and illuminating the area, at this time grandmaster also saw the snake's head. He inhaled a mouthful of cold air. Xing also became fully aware of the snake waiting in ambush and wisely moved closer to Tang San and Grandmaster slowly.

"It's a datura snake, why would this kind of ferocious fellow appear on the outskirts of Spirit Hunting Forest. Hopefully it's a ten year."

Siisi, siisi, as if infuriated by the flare, the snake head slowly rose, issuing siisi sounds towards Luo San Pao. But the realgar powder deterrent still existed, and it did not advance.

Grandmaster said in a low voice:

"Datura Snake's venom is extremely potent, it has not only a paralysing effect, but also causes powerful damage to the body's nerves. It's one of the most terrible among poison attribute spirit beasts. Its body is extremely tough, difficult to hurt with common blades, its mouth and eyes are the only weak points. But datura snakes are very good at consistently protecting these two places, its speed is also incomparably fast. Most frightening is its aggressive character. Encountering humans it will practically always launch an attack. Realgar powder may not be able to restrain it for long, it's waiting for an opportunity."

Zhi Xing did not feel any fear due to Grandmaster's calm introduction, while Tang San in his former life at Ba-Shu Tang sect, Ba-Shu raised a large variety of snakes, of course this type of Datura snake didn't exist, but Tang San was not short in experience when it came to dealing with the species. From the tip of this snake's head it was obvious it was hyper venomous, and by the neck's robust surface it appeared its weakness certainly was not the seventh cun. There was no way of knowing how this kind of snake with spirit power would attack.

Grandmaster pulled the two behind him,

"Right now I will instruct you both in a simple principle. If you have the rings and have the bones then fight tooth and nail; if you don't have the rings nor many bones take to your heels and escape. Here, rings refer to spirit rings, bones refer to spirit bones. Regarding spirit bones I'll explain them later. Just know, when your spirit rings and spirit bones clearly out-match your opponents', then, you should rely on your spirit abilities and spirit power to launch a full out attack, thoroughly destroying the opponent. But when your spirit rings and spirit bones are fewer than the adversary, then, you must not hesitate, immediately escape. Self-respect is never equal to life in importance. If this datura snake is a ten year spirit beast, then we can still risk our lives in a fight. If it's a hundred year, we'll immediately run away."

"Break wind like striking thunder, rumble the heavens and split the earth Luo San Pao!"

Having finished explaining things, Grandmaster immediately gave orders for Luo San Pao, to launch an attack.

Yellow rings of light again glittered, Luo San Pao's body shot upwards undertaking its insane inhalation, although he ate the white radishes, since that one attack on the hell wolves the body had not yet recovered what was depleted, so right now there was still only enough strength for two attacks.

During the thunderclap-like roar, Luo San Pao's super thunder shock wave surged out. Even though the datura snake's speed was excellent, Luo San Pao's attack was ranged, if it wanted to escape it was difficult.

They only saw a snake body of immense size fly off from the ground, flung far into the distance.

"Quickly run."

Grandmaster only gave that flying datura snake a glance without thinking too much. The datura snake's cultivation age was related to the size of its body. Before evolution to thousand year spirit beast, for each year of cultivation, the body's length would increase by one centimetre. And this reptile based off it's flying body was definitely beyond three metres, even already approaching four metres, meaning it's cultivation had already exceeded four hundred years. Grandmaster didn't believe for a second that relying on his twenty ninth rank spirit master strength to confront this kind of spirit beast was achievable, let alone, when his own spirit certainly couldn't be regarded as formidable.

Attempting to absorb Shí, Zhi Xing was shocked to find that she was resistant to return. The spirit beast reminiscent of a sleeping bag filled with bowling balls was munching away on the deceased wolves bodies willfully ignorant of the dire situation it's master found herself in. Rather luckily however, the datura snake didn't seem to pay the insect any mind.

Guagua, mournful sounds were heard. Zhi Xing was pulled to one side by Grandmaster to escape, turning her head to peek behind them, she noticed that despite being hit directly by Luo San Pao's shockwave attack it surprisingly didn't injure the datura snake in the slightest, as it's body was about to hit the ground, it immediately bent in a flash, darting back towards them. Every time its whip-like body came into contact with the ground, it could immediately shoot up like a spring, its speed incomparably fast, continuously approaching their direction.

Luo San Pao's running speed was clearly on display in this situation, following closely behind the three of them, it's pair of big eyes already held an extremely panicked look.

"Disperse wind like mist, mesmerize into deep sleep Luo San Pao!"

Grandmaster again let out a big shout, and Luo San Pao circled overhead once more. With a puu sound, a mass of yellow gas spouted from its fat buttocks, spreading out in midair.

Of Grandmaster's two spirit rings, the two different kinds of effect they could add to Luo San Pao's abilities were Thunder Shock and Mesmerize. Right now they had already been fully employed.

The datura snake very quickly leapt over the yellow mist, but it was not at all mesmerized. Being outstandingly talented in poison, its poison resistance by far outshone similar spirit beasts, right now it had only been slightly slowed.

Luo San Pao's ability to attack three times were all expended, its body had distinctly shrunk by a lot, and right now feeding it radishes to replenish the lost energy again would come too late.

The two spirit rings again returned to Grandmaster's body. All over his body spirit power light was visible, speed elevated to the limit, one hand pulling Tang San the other Zhi Xing, leaping ahead at full speed like a shooting star. Hoping to be able to get clear of the pursuing datura snake.

Grandmaster was very clear on the datura snake's characteristics: this kind of savage and cruel spirit beast had one weakness, which was patience. If unable to chase down its target in a short time, it could very easily give up.

But, the datura snake they encountered today was particularly persistent. Whether infuriated because of Luo San Pao's farts or the realgar powder, with unflagging persistence it chased after the three of them, its speed matchless. Soon approaching closer and closer.

"San Pao, block it for a moment."

At Grandmaster's command, Luo San Pao's chubby body stood facing the onrushing datura snake. Attempting to use it's comparatively small frame to obstruct the creature's advance.

But this datura snake was not only incomparably fast, its reaction speed was also extremely sharp - in an instant its body coiled open and struck Luo San Pao, biting it fiercely.


Luo San Pao gave a blood-curdling shriek, his body falling to the ground. Grandmaster gave a wave with both hands, and Luo San Pao's body immediately melted into purple light, again merging into him.

In Grandmaster's heart currently were waves of tumultuous grief, memories of the past continuously reverberating in his mind. He wanted to ask Heaven, why should he have such bad luck in this life? Why? Why this outcome? Even so far as to involve Tang San and Zhi Xing, these innocent children.

As Grandmaster was already close to despair, even to the extent that he felt the chill of the datura snake's venom fangs, suddenly, he discovered the weight of the hand pulling Tang San had changed. Turning his head to look, he saw Tang San's left hand feeling at Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges on his waist, immediately throwing something behind without turning his head.

One sturdy white radish swiftly flew out, and with a puu sound, unexpectedly managed to strike the datura snake's body, causing the spirit beast originally well within reach to launch an attack to abruptly slow down, again pulling open the distance between them somewhat.

Distinguishing location by sound was nothing more than a superficial Tang sect ability, Tang San naturally knew it, but the next action, caused Grandmaster and Zhi Xing hearts to be filled with shock. Only seeing Tang San's left hand continuously flicking between his waist and a  throwing motion behind, continuously shooting out one white radish after another. Although the strength was insufficient to hurt the datura snake, when the datura snake was about to overtake them the sum could obstruct its body.

'Such accurate technique'

Zhi Xing realized, every time Tang San threw out a white radish, his left hand's thumb always curved inside, while his palm consistently faced down, the four free additional fingers together stretched out; the motion was concise and effective. And on Tang San's face although he was a little alarmed, there was seemingly no fear.

Although twenty jin of white radishes was not a small amount, Tang San's throwing rate was exceptionally fast, and in a little while the stock in Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges was already exhausted. Having counted the radishes he threw she knew he was out of ammunition, reaching into her satchel as quickly as she could her hand fumbled looking for her needles.

Yet currently they had already reached the crucial moment of life or death, Tang San very clear of their circumstances understood, whether in strength, speed, or poisonousness they were on the losing end of this confrontation with such an excellent spirit beast and the consequences were closing in. Right now wasn't the time to hide his true strength.

He let go of Grandmaster's hand, his small body flipping overhead in a wink, rising his left hand, a black tip poised noiselessly emitting power. The metal glint in his sleeve and the movements of his body were reflected in Xing's eyes. The sleeve dart he had worked hard to forge was finally used.

Tang San's eyes by then had both become completely purple, relying on Purple Demon Eye's effect, he was able to clearly see the datura snake's minute motions.

The datura snake's reaction was even faster than anyone had imagined, that one sleeve dart shot in the direction of the datura snake's left eye, but by leaping and twisting once in midair with lightning speed, the snake's head dropped, unexpectedly avoiding danger. But the sleeve dart's speed truly was stupdendously fast, and still hit its body.

With a clear dang sound, griding on the serpent's hard reptilian scales a succession of sparks sputtered up. Acute pain making it once again emit a unique guagua cry.

Tang San in his heart secretly cried out in disappointment, since sleeve darts relied on using a mechanical mechanism to fire, speed and strength both weren't an issue. But this was not sufficiently flexible. It could only bluntly attack the opponent with a set force. This was also a common issue of mechanism type hidden weapons. However, the datura snake's defence made him rethink some things, one must know that although his sleeve dart only had three darts, they were all forged of iron mother, the force generated by the shooting mechanism was also extremely powerful. Yet still he didn't manage to truly injure the eye of this spirit beast.

The datura snake was thoroughly enraged, and the scales on its body began to shine, the deep green scales were covered in a layer of faint yellow light, its speed suddenly increased, in only a split second it had already pounced in front of Tang San.

When Tang San unexpectedly let go, Grandmaster and Zhi Xing had already moved more than ten metres due to inertia. These events all playing out in a split second, currently the idea of turning around to rescue Tang San was had too late.

But in this crucial moment, Tang San's heart instead became extremely calm. Mysterious Heaven skill working throughout his body, this genuine internal technique caused him to enter a state where his heart was still like water. Calmly watching the datura snake's widely stretched open snake mouth approach to consume him, without being the slightest bit flustered. His right hand turning over, the short sword Grandmaster had given him already appearing in the palm of his hand.

The datura snake regardless of speed still had incredible power, but neither could match the perception of the current Tang San. Watching the snake head rushing forward, Tang San used Ghost Perplexing Shadow Track, his body in a flash moved sideways three inches away. Tang San knew that to him there would be only one chance, if he could not succeed, then, the datura snake would absolutely kill him.

Deciding quickly in the crucial moment, Tang San moved both hands above completely filled by the Mysterious Heaven techniques effect, in his palm blue light glimmered, the left hand pulling in slightly, the other sending out a strike with Grandmaster's blade, his body under the effect of Ghost Shadow Perplexing track once again changed positions.

The datura snake only felt an attractive force from the side of its head, and the snake's head turned uncontrolledly. Right now, because it was pouncing at Tang San, the snake's mouth was stretched wide open, just about to close upon this frail prey.

A vast blue radiance seemingly appeared as if out of nowhere, quietly waiting there, in the split second as the datura snake's head turned over, in the instant before its mouth closed, puu——

The nearly four metre long snake body stiffened in practically a split second, that one chi two cun sword, was already completely driven into the snake's mouth. After a moment, the datura snake's body violently stirred, and at once on the ground sand flew about and stones hurtled through the air, where its hard body swept across, regardless of shrubs or small trees, all were tested as if enduring a tornado, branches and leaves broke and splinters blasted through the air.

Stabbing with his full strength behind that strike, Tang San utilizing Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track had already retreated at full speed, just far enough to avoid the datura snake's lashing tail. Regarding the snake's characteristics Tang San in no way would believe the datura snake could die immediately.

"Holy shit you actually killed that thing."

"Little San"

The two calling out soon after, roused Tang San. He knew, from everything he had just performed, there was no way to hide from Grandmaster nor Zhi Xing. His soul was not from this world, and all these capabilities, clearly could not be known by a child. What did this mean?

Kill the two to silence them? Tang San believed that relying on the attack power and specific characteristics of the sleeve dart, his chance of success was at least seventy percent, as Luo San Pao currently had no attack strength and Shí was nowhere in sight. But how could he go through with that? Grandmaster was his Teacher, although they had only known each other for several days, already he had gained Tang San's heartfelt respect. While Zhi Xing was his first friend in this life, there was nothing he could do but lie.

Landing on his feet and intentionally staggering, Tang San immediately rolled on the ground. Xing's eye lids twitched slightly at the performance.

Grandmaster stretched out his arms and grabbed him, he was after all a twenty ninth ranked spirit grandmaster, and although his spirit was somewhat poor, he still had spirit power. He supported Tang San with one hand,

"Little San, what was..?"

"Teacher, I was scared to death. When that snake began to fiercely chase us."

Grandmaster looked at the datura snake in the process of its death throes, rebuking him he said:

"Just now why did you suddenly let go, do you not know how dangerous that was?"

Actually, Grandmaster did not see as much as Tang San imagined. After all it was the middle of the night, Grandmaster also did not have his Purple Demon Eye ability. In the imperceptible darkness, Grandmaster only faintly saw Tang San's body fall behind them, and that blue short sword's glimmering radiance. As for the ringing of the sleeve dart hitting the serpent's body, Grandmaster took no notice at all.

"I also do not know how to explain things, worried for our lives my hand became sweaty and it suddenly slipped. Teacher, just now in the confusion I wielded the short sword you gave me, somehow it dealt a piercing blow to that snake." Hearing his excuse Zhi Xing scoffed Internally.

'You obviously killed it intentionally, how many secrets is he trying to cover up by bullshitting us?'

Meeting her scrutinizing gaze Tang San felt slightly sheepish about his alibi. 'Did she notice me? But, if she did, why isn't she saying anything?'

Pulling up Tang San's hand, in his palm there was indeed cold sweat, Grandmaster also guessed that Tang San hit the datura snake with a piercing blow, and most likely a piercing blow to a vital spot. Otherwise, how could this kind of vicious and violence seeking creature who's first instinct is to suddenly pursue and attack, give up so suddenly?

"Don't assume it's over, wait and see. Snake category spirit beasts' vitality is extremely tenacious, they do not die so easily."

Tang San gulped for breath, this was not him intentionally breathing in air in fact he had already expended most of his strength and the adrenaline was wearing off.

As a result of this alarming danger, Tang San already secretly resolved in his heart, after heading back, he must think of a way to increase his armaments. Until he could complete Mysterious Heaven Technique, various kinds of mechanism type hidden devices were clearly the best choice while also being a field that complemented Tang San's most outstanding talent.

The three individuals, master and apprentices stood together and very cautiously observed. The datura snake's frenzied struggle gradually subsided, body unceasingly twisting, smashing every single plant on the ground, revealing the soil beneath.

The short sword Grandmaster gave Tang San, although one chi two cun was not long, but it was already sufficient to skewer the datura snake's brain. This was a fatal wound.

Watching the datura snake's struggle grow weaker and weaker, Grandmaster gradually let out his breath, and following this, the expression on his face gradually began to change, the panicked look gradually became wild with joy.

"Excellent, this truly is excellent. Little San, you're getting your spirit ring."

"Teacher, what are you saying? You can't be talking about this snake, right?"

Tang San shocked looked at Grandmaster.

Zhi Xing simply raised an eyebrow 'Using the abilities and attributes from an entirely different organism actually counts? There are less restriction on this spirit development system than I realized'

Grandmaster nodded seriously,

"Precisely. Datura snake's cultivation until it reaches a thousand years, every year it lives, its body will grow one centimetre, this datura snake's body already nears four metres, which means it has nearly four hundred years cultivation. This means it is approaching the limit for absorbtion of the first spirit ring when passing the boundary between spirit scholar to spirit master. With your innate full spirit power absorbing its spirit ring will be no problem."

"But, Teacher. My spirit is a plant, this datura snake is an animal type spirit beast. Can I use its spirit ring? Will it not cause a conflict?" Tang San said uncertainly.

By now Grandmaster had already relaxed, in his eyes was an extremely confident radiance,

"One of the ten core spirit concepts of my research, is the spirit mimicry principle. Plant spirits do not necessarily have to absorb a plant spirit beast's spirit ring, and beast spirits are not necessarily unable to absorb plant spirit rings. Under a variety of pre-conditions, both can mutually absorb spirit rings of different species. Because blue silver grass is excessively small and weak, whatever spirit ring property is added will not cause rejection, and only be passively assimilated. Therefore, absorbing this datura snake's spirit ring is no problem. At the same time, do you still remember what type of spirit ring we're looking for?"

Tang San's eyes brightened,

"Adding a toughness effect, best case scenario was also possessing poison. Certainly, the datura snake possess these two attributes."

Grandmaster gave his disciple a keen look, saying:

"Whether common spirit masters or not, they follow Spirit Hall's example and those fellows; regarding my ten great core concepts they were all laughing through their noses and nobody believed in what I had to offer. Previously no spirit master consented to absorbing different kinds of spirit rings to strengthen themselves. Little San, are you willing to give it a try? Even though for the theory up to here I have absolute certainty, this has never been tried before as far as I know. Actual practice is the sole criterion for judging truth, the ten great core spirit concepts I put forward can only be theory and not truth, precisely because no one is willing to put it to practice."

In Grandmaster's eyes, Tang San saw fanaticism. Because of spirit variation, Grandmaster all his life was unable to become a formidable spirit master, but he was still this persistent, throwing his life's energy into spirit research.

Regarding this kind of person, the respect growing from Tang San's heart, respect for Grandmaster's person, also meant respecting the results of his research.

"Teacher, please let me help you put this into practice. I believe your research will not be wrong."

The datura snake's body already gradually grew motionless, a vital part of the head had been penetrated by a sharp sword; even if its vitality was indomitable, it would still be difficult to escape death.

A bit of faint yellow light started to coalesce on the datura snake's body, different from before when they saw the ten year hell wolves' spirit rings, the spirit ring which emerged from the datura snake was extremely distinct, the radiance also glittered more compared to the hell wolves' spirit rings. Even without coming into contact with it, they could clearly feel enormous energy contained within it.

Seeing the spirit ring emerge and feeling the energy it emmited, the connection between Spirit Master and Martial Spirit stirred within Zhi Xing's mind, a compulsion to assimilate its energy, a desire to devour.

'Shí? You want this? Well too bad, it's for Tang San. Plus you ditched me to gorge yourself! I could've died!' She chided the insect mentally. The accused, understanding only a few words, comprehended all too well her queen's displeasure. The spirit already making it's way towards it's second hell wolf's spirit ring snack, sent over a gift to appease the little empress.

As Grandmaster's voice instructed Tang San it brought her attention back to the historical moment. Though dull she felt an increasing wave of energy rushing through her connection from Shí and began to unconsciously use her own inner technique.

Hearing Tang San's words, Grandmaster's eyes filled with gratitude,

"Little San, begin."

Tang San nodded, lifting his right hand, resisting the feeling of weakness from expended strength, with his remaining spirit power slowly condensing in his palm, following the faint blue light mist, blue silver grass grew from his palm, emitting a faint smell of life and swaying softly along with the undulations of spirit power.

Under the attraction of that faint blue radiance, the hundred year datura snake spirit ring slowly flew towards Tang San.

Grandmaster's eyes stared fixedly at the floating spirit ring, and in a low voice declared:

"Cross your legs and sit up straight, focus your mind on the spirit. Zhi Xing pay attention, you will later have to do the same thing."

Tang San complied with his words and sat down cross legged, concentrating on his right hand's spirit. Right then, following the approach of the hundred year datura snake spirit ring, he felt a kind of unprecedentedly powerful pressure, even his very skeleton under this kind of pressure emitted small noises.

Very quickly, the ring of yellow light reached the top of Tang San's head, and without giving him any chance to react, that yellow halo abruptly contracted, becoming bracelet sized, incomparably condensing into a solid gold ring that immediately dropped to encircle the blue silver grass spirit on the palm of his right hand.

Tang San felt as if his right hand was invaded by magma, a roasting hot energy frenziedly rushing in, in a flash the violent hot current had penetrated inside his body, and instantly his organs felt like they were on fire. His body couldn't help a but begin violently shaking.

"Regardless of how the spirit ring's energy lashes at your body, keep in mind you must absolutely maintain consciousness, only then in the future can you better utilize the spirit ring's energy."

These were the last words Tang San heard Grandmaster speak, after a second, closing both eyes, his consciousness became immersed within that boiling hot ocean.

"Zhi Xing." Grandmaster wheezed weakly almost stumbling to the ground.

Noticing his distress she hurriedly moved to support him. "Master what's wrong!?" Feeling his body burning up along with constant sweating she didn't understand what was happening.

Setting him on the ground she noticed a slight tremble in his right arm, quickly pulling up his sleeve she gasped. "Master you're poisoned!"

His arm appeared to be bitten and was slightly swollen, his veins were apparent through his skin and were slowly turning black.

Grabbing her arm tightly and looking into her eyes, Grandmaster spoke quickly.

"Listen to me, you cant focus on me right now, we are vulnerable, Tang San especially. Here take it and spread it in a circle around us." Removing the remaining relgar powder from his coat pocket he passed it to her with his only functioning hand. "But-

"Do it now auh!" He bellowed before grunting to contain his voice.

Quickly getting up she moved in a circle to spread the repellent before returning to his side. The entire time blaring through her mental connection to Shí that she needed her help.

Observing the Datura Snake's venom spreading through Grandmaster's veins up his arm she removed some spare cloth from her bag and created a tourniquet. Unfortunately this was the extent of her medical knowledge regarding poison, she had studied Shí's paralystic saliva and written a few notes but this kind of destructive nerve targeting toxin was beyond her.

Staying by his side as his breathing became more a more shallow, she cried. She felt useless, without Shí or Grandpa Jack to guide her she didnt know what to do. She knew better than to interrupt Tang San's spirit ring integration but as the seconds ticked by she thought it would be her only option. With the two of them it might be possible to lure spirit beasts away as interchangeable distractions and get Grandmaster out of the forest.

'I need to calm down!' Smacking both hands against her cheeks Zhi Xing chose to focus on the issue infront of her instead of her inadequacies or what ifs. Scrambling to the bag at her waist she retrieved the small emerald crystal Grandmaster had given her earlier. Removing it from the casing she put this small piece of hope on the arm already turning a frighteningly pale white.


After being tucked under the tourniquet, the veins in Grandmasters arm began to bulge and his body began to sweat more profusely before he fell unconscious. Going wide in the eyes Zhi Xing quickly removed it with a piece of cloth rather than touching the blood soaked gem. "Fuck it just made it worse, this thing can't cure poison, all it did was make him bleed more" The bite mark transfered from San Pao was swollen and black blood furiously oozed out onto the ground mixing with the dirt and grass.

Staring at her teachers body as he shivered and continued bleeding. Zhi Xing was at a loss, she had no way to drain the poison, the healing crystal couldn't do anything, Shì still refused to be summoned and Tang San probably wouldn't be able to help even if he wasn't absorbing a spirit ring, or at least she believed he couldn't.

'No there has to be something I can do' she closed her eyes to calm down and concentrate.

Entering a state of concentration usually reserved for prolonged cultivation sessions for a few seconds to clear her head. Her spirit power began to churn, earlier during their escape from the datura snake's ambush she had, like her two companions used quite a lot of energy so as to not be a burden.

Yet whether it was the Hell Wolves earlier or whatever Shí was currently snacking on, it was all the same converted into energy used to replenish her reserves.

'Wait WHAT! Why am I already Rank 9?!' Completely caught off guard, she zeroed in on the compression of her spirit power. Finally noticing after all this time that she was cultivating somewhat passively, and that the energy she was receiving from Shí was condensing her spirit power on its own. Her half assed cultivation while trying to remain calm in such a stressful situation sobered her baffled thoughts rather quickly.

'This must be the spirit power Shí absorbed from the Hell Wolves' spirit rings.' It was the only conclusion she could ascertain at this time.

"Gahh argh"


Resting a hand on Grandmaster's chest to try and ease him in some way she delved through her memories looking for something. Anything. That could stop her from losing someone close to her again.

'Most of the hand seals from Naruto are useless, I don't have proper Chakra that can be transformed on a whim, while even if my energy control was a hundred times more superb than it is now and I could finally locate my physical energy and manipulate it, merging my Spiritual energy and Physical energy is still something that takes time. I also don't have any special medicines I can just pull out of my ass. Not to mention I'm pretty sure even 'if' Shí was here she'd just end up... poisoning him.'

At this notion Zhi Xing recalled a few things, firstly her martial spirit's poison attribute which if she was jumping to conclusions could potentially act as a stand in for the elemental affinities touched on in Naruto. Then there was Wang Sheng's description of Spirit Abilities along with Grandmasters earlier actions. He didn't mention nor delve into the details but it was quite apparent that in order for San Pao to utilize the abilities obtained from his spirit rings, certain incantations were required.

"If this world's rules on attributes are slightly similar to Naruto and other universes with magical affinities then maybe it's possible.... I just need the right technique.' Having come up with a plan Zhi Xing focused every bit of mental energy she had trained up to now on remembering anything from what she had read in her first life that she might be able to imitate. It soon reached a point that her head felt like someone had slammed a baseball bat into it and a stream of blood leaked from her nose.

'My memories of manga are still too fuzzy' When she hit a mental roadblock she opted to recall things about the anime or live action adaptations. A sense of nausea began to set in while her ears were slightly ringing from the aggressive stunt.


Suddenly the scene of a pink haired girl trying to heal an old man whom was slowly turning to stone flashed through her mind. The quick movements of the girls hands sent a cascade of determination and hope through Zhi Xing's body. Very quickly her churning spirit power began changing form randomly under her subtle manipulations. While with her hands, Xing quickly began forming Rat, Ram and then Dog hand seals. Getting a feel for the movements without the slightest change in her spirit powers properties.

Having already found what she needed, Zhi Xing continued to rush this on the fly solution. She didn't believe for a second that she could recreate such a technique on the spot. She was more so hoping that with the aid of the previous spirit power control training, her connection to Shí and the proper medium she could accomplish "something'. Whether that something was an actual solution to Grandmaster's plight or a haphazard measure to delay the inevitable, it didnt matter.

What mattered was trying her best, for all she knew maybe Tang San would gain a spirit ability that could solve the issue, both the spirit ring and poison originated from the datura snake. It was optimistic thinking, especially for someone like her but it didn't eliminate the possibility, for now she could only try her best and put her faith in Grandmaster's theory.