Chapter 24

'James Williams, come back now! You can't leave me!' I shouted into the void, thinking that the guy would really come back.

He really deceived me.

Why, when we first start to trust people, they leave us? They leave our life or simply turn away from us. It is very painful and unfortunate. It hurts to feel like you've been used. I think everyone has thought about dying at least once. Thinking that that's when all the problems and all the pain will disappear. We want to die, but we really want to be saved.

'James, please!' I fell to my knees, plucking the grass with my hands in wild agony.

Something moved behind me, and I turned towards the forest. The bushes parted slightly and a large wolf's head appeared from there.

'Werewolf? Damn, you can't have him bite me.'