Having stayed with the girl it was clear that she was truly alone. Though it did not seem as though she knew how to truly live by herself. I find myself wondering about her, truly wishing I could ask her some questions.
How she came to be alone?
Why she doesn't seem to know anything about our customs?
Concerning our customs, I was always told that a male is never to communicate with the females till they push their thoughts out openly to you, or in this case me. She still has not done so despite having me sleep beside her which is supposed to be a great sign of trust. Right?
Since she would not communicate with me I ended up making my own decisions instead of consulting her; she seemed pleasantly surprised. I think: she smiled but accepted all the decisions I made. So I continued to make decisions.
I decided that for her to receive proper care I need to gather supplies from the village nearby. She had no trade or resources so I would need to be there for several days. Finding a good food source she could cook for herself and it would save fairly well through an extended trip. Once she awoke and found it I went to walk out looking back at her in the slight hope she would reach out but knowing that it was still necessary to her well being that I didn't linger long.
I first made haste to the village I knew of.
I had two goals gather good supplies and gain another fellow to join work for this lady. I had someone in mind having been to this village before. If nothing else I knew he would have contacts in the village to help gather supplies and know best what supplies to get and resources to trade for them. He was my go to guy to get things moving along.
After a rushed trip I made it by the end of the day.
I sought out Jack, the man of many trades. He was an older guy of the horse variety. He wasn't especially old nor young and he was no thoroughbred so he wasn't favored by the matriarch. He had a tough go making it by himself since he was young working most odd jobs he could find to keep himself feed. Being a friendly and energetic one he made friends with those he worked with but most of the jobs here, don't need help for too long so he bounced around before another opening would come up.
He is tough but he was no hunter so when I went to trade he was happy to help me get things moving so he could snag a job helping the butcher's and tanners and then anyone else who had an opening due to the in coming products. It would be an important role in the village if it weren't for several others who do the same or similar.
He and I got along well and I know he always wanted something more stable for himself. That was I thought h3e would be a good choice. Despite knowing all this it was hard to bring up what I needed to say when I finally did find him.
~Heeey if it ain't the black cat whatcha doin' here all by your lonesome.~
~I left~
~No sh*t for real. What happened? What made you unable to stay?~
~I leave or face what I though worse~
~D*mn. . . . so then why are you looking for me?~
~ I came upon a situation. . .Could we talk somewhere more privately?~
He gestures and leads the way to his place.
~ Right so, do tell~
~I was on my way her to see if any hunters were needed when in the forest a day west I found a person who to my surprise was a female by her lonesome. Hard to believe even having seen it. She has no idea how to live in the wild and no supplies to trade with but I know she requires good care and trustworthy aides~
He gives me a look I know is asking if I am truly serious and I nod.
~Alright a few questions. Do you intend to earn what is required to buy the supplies before going back? Do you wish for me to help you choose the supplies and quantity necessary? Do you wish for me to come join you? If I agree am I to by for my trades?~
I nod at each of is questions.