The cavern

We spent the afternoon exploring the cave. Having grabbed all the torches that Tony made we begun by placing then in the holes in the wall that just held them. In the main area(the only area we've been in) there was spots for 8 torches along the side walls. The back split off in a Y shape and they had me choose the direction.

Right was the obvious choice so we went down the right and it started to slope down gently with a leftward curve. After placing Two torches we came upon a room. Upon opening the door that slide into the wall the room was revealed to be overall circular. A full circle in the center that required a large step to get out of. That said step was a good pathway reminiscent of a sidewalk. Walking into the room with onto said walkway the placements for the torches in the room were unique. At chest level rectangular spaces had been carved out. The back of the wall had the usual hole to place the torch in. once the torch was in place and ignited the stone seemed to give a glimmer that overall made the room had a lovely warm glow. It was sufficiently bright with 4 spots for torches, two by the door on the left and right and then in the back almost as if in the 4 cardinal directions; a shame I have no idea which way the directions would really be. Other than the torch spots the wall had also carved out sitting spaces; two smaller ones on either side and a large on in the back big enough to be a full size sofa or a bed.

The next room we found was another 6 torches down. There was a door on either side of the hallway. The door on the right lead to a vast amount of space. The center had a chandelier and there seemed to be light sparsely along the back walls. Under the chandelier there was tables set out. Shelfs filled the non table occupied space. With what light came in one could see that the back lead upward and the sides had second floors. There was no place to put any torches and the shelfs did seem to have books on them so we didn't fully explore the place.

Opposite the grand library was less of a door and more of a hallway. Going down said hallway there were several rooms. Each room had a stone table, a some sort of storage space, and a place big enough to sleep. There were differing layouts and designs but the overall idea that they were bedrooms was a running theme.

Leaving the 20ish rooms we continued on wards for another 6 torches. The hallway widened and led to 3 door ways. The one on the left was a stairway downwards. It became quite cold and dry. At the bottom was a storage area. Once it was clear that it was only for keeping things as cold as possible we left back up the stairs. The center door opened up to a room all on it's left side, the air was damp and the floor was slanted to the left with groves that lead to small holes in the leftmost wall. The right room was another storage space with various stone structures for different ways of holding thigs, from shelfs to hooks and poles in between.

Returning to the main area we find we still have daylight so we head to the left of the Y. The pathway gently curves to the right. We don't walk long before we come across a small doorway to right. It is a thin walk way that only allows for single file walking. It ends in a ladder down that leads to the chandelier it has enough space to safely stand in the center and pour an oil down the tubes inside it so that the ends can be lit with fire. We leave there to head onwards but it quickly stops being a path and starts being a staircase. Heading up the Staircase it has stopped gently curving and just goes up but before we reach the top we have run out of torches and the sun is setting(I've no idea how they know this). It also seems a good time for more food so we go back.

On the way Tony and Logan are both discussing what kind of oil to use in the Library to get the least smoke and if they should use a wick and what that should be made of and how hard it would be to procure the different types they speak of.

I only slightly pay attention. Before I realize it Tony has begun cooking and Logan has come to lay his head on my lap once again.